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House arrest: day 1

The conversation with Sammy went very well. He totally gets it and even though he is grossed out by it, he seems happy for me. But, then dad came up stairs. He noticed something was wrong... He thought we were hiding something from him. I am...

He tried to make us tell him what our three hour talk was about. I kept telling him it was just nothing... But he didn't buy it. He grounded me and Sam until we spill...

I wouldn't blame Sammy if he told, I mean, it will be hard for him without access to his video games or the computer. I know I am already getting antsy without my movie collection and Mario Kart and my phone.

Oh no... There is that sick feeling in my stomach again...

I can't talk to Cas for awhile...

I would give up my whole movie collection (maybe even Les Mis) if it meant that I would always be able to see him. I care about him so freakin much!! It cant be healthy... I really hope I don't die.

I have a feeling me and sammy are going to be playing a lot of card games from now on. I also hope I don't die.

I will hide this journal very well so that dad will never find it. He just can't see whats in here. I would actually die.

Let the house arrest begin, my dear father, but I am never going to tell you about Cas. When you do find out, and you hurt me and lock me in and make me miserable again, I just hope you find this book and know that I will always like Cas this way. You can't take that away from me.

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