Chapter Two

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After they left the restaurant, Kendall went back to the hotel with Emily to get his car, which he left outside of the hotel.

"Thank you, for an amazing day Kendall, it was so much fun." Emily thanked him.

"My pleasure. I'll see you soon." He told her.

They hugged goodbye and emily went up to her hotel room, and Kendal drove away.

Kendall's POV!

Damn, I've had a great day with her, she's funny, beautiful and genuine. I think I'm beginning to like her.

As I pulled into my driveway I saw the boys were there, crap, what's happened.

"Dude! we were meant to be having a guys day, and you ditched. Why?"

"Oh sorry guys, I went to buy coffee this morning and literally ran into the most amazing girl, I brought her another coffee and she told me she's over from Australia visiting LA, where she had family here, and only got here yesterday, so I showed her around, took her to lunch, movies and some other cool places that she got photos of. I went back to her hotel room and watched nightmare on elm street with her, which she hates horror movies, but watched it for me. We then talked for a few hours about ourselves, and I got to know her a lot better. And she got to know me better too. She's a fan of us as well. Then we went to get takeout from an Italian shop, but they wouldn't let us so we sat down and ate there. I'm sorry I missed guys day, another time for sure boys."

"Well considering you met a girl, we'll let it slide. So when can we meet her?" Carlos asked.

"Well why don't we go to a water park tomorrow with her considering there's a massive heat wave at the moment, and she's not used to this weather."

"Okay deal." all the boys said.

"So I'll text her saying I'll pick her up at nine and go drive to pick her up."

"And we will come too." Carlos smiled.

"Fine but she's in the front."

To: 'Emily Wheatley'

"Hey Em, I was wondering did you want to come to the water park with me and the guys tomorrow? this heat wave is going to get worse."

From: 'Emily Wheatley'

"Hey, yeah I would love too, I'm not used to this weather, haha, what time should I get there?"

To: 'Emily Wheatley'

"I'll pick you up at nine in my car with the boys, so I'll see you then."

From: 'Emily Wheatley'

"Okay sounds great, see you then Kendall."

"She's in, and were all picking her up at her hotel tomorrow morning at 9:am, so guys chill out night tonight?" I told them.

"Definitely!" all the other boys said in unison.

Us boys had a great night hanging out with each other, and talking about everything. They asked me questions about Emily. I told them everything that they asked.

It was about 3am when I got woken up by my phone ringing. It was Em.

"Hello?" I said sleepily into the phone.

"Kendall?" she asked.

"Em, what's wrong?"

"My hotel has been shutdown and I have nowhere to go."

"What? Why has it been shutdown?"

"Rodents in the kitchen and making there way to the rooms, and a water pipe burst."

"Oh no. Okay I'll come get you. see you soon."

I left home in my pjs and parked outside Em's hotel, to find her sitting on her suitcase, in her pjs.

I hoped out and put her suitcases in the boot of my car and we I opened the door for her and got in and drove off.

"You can stay on my spare room until you leave." I told her.

"Thank you, Kendall. to say Thank you, tomorrow night I will make you and the boys after our day at the water park my very nice chocolate cheesecake and Carmel slice for dessert and for dinner my amazing fettuccini matritiana." She smiled.

"Yumm! Sounds nice, I look forward to it." I said and smiled.

We talked nearly all the way to back my house, but she fell asleep. I parked in the garage and took her suitcase in and put it in my spare room, then went back to get Em, out of the car, I carried in her in, but when I went to put her in the spare room, James had woken up and gone in there, so I put her in my room, and I went to the couch.

A few minuets later I heard someone with light footsteps come out and go into the kitchen, I sat up, and watched.

"Where are the cups?" She whispered to herself. But I heard, and next thing I new the boys had come out and scared the living daylights out of her, which caused her to scream and grab a frying pan and hit them with it.

"Don't you scare me!" she yelled at them.

"Em, are you okay?" I asked her. And went up to her and hugged her.

"I'll be fine, but the boys are going to have nasty bruises." She laughed.

"Hahaha, oh well. what were you looking for anyway?" I asked her.

"Glasses for a water." She said and smiled.

"There's bottles in the fridge."

"Oh, right. haha" she laughed

We all sat down and the boys asked her why she's here and not at her hotel and she told them why.

We all sat around and watched a horror movie to Emily's disgust, but I did tell her she could use my chest as a pillow, and she did. The movie we watched was Friday 13th, after that it was Emily's pick and she choose Letters to Juliet. It was a good movie. During the movie we saw The boys fall asleep on the floor on mattresses. Em and I managed to stay up until the movie finished, then we decided not to go to bed as it was already 8am. Em had a shower and got dressed and came out and said..

"That was so good to have a nice warm shower. haven't had one in days."

I laughed and went to get ready for the water park. When I got out the boys had woken up and got ready in there board shorts and singlets. Once we had everything ready, we all put the towels and Em's bag in the boot and the boys hopped in the back of my car and Em and I in the front, and we headed off to the water park.

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