Chapter 4!

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Kendall's POV!

I woke up the next morning and smiled. I still had Em in my arms. I looked down at her and kissed her forehead. I took a photo and posted it to Twitter and Instgram.

"@HeffronDrive: My beautiful girl still sleep. She is so beautiful! She is so adorable when she is asleep! <3 XX"

I put my phone down and looked at Em again. She started to stir and she opened her eyes and looked up at me and smiled.

"Morning." I said to her smiling, I kissed her forehead.

"Morning." She smiled.

We laid there for a while before deciding to get up for breakfast. We got up and I go out corn flakes and my favourite cereal.  We both got our breakfast and made our selves coffee. We ate in silence, good silence. 

"We're going to get you a dress soon, for next week, so it's here in time, it's been postponed. So we are free to do anything today. And we're going to a nice restaurant for dinner and a movie." I said to Em smiling.

"Okay, sounds good." She said. We sat down on the couch and started watching TV. I put my arm around her and she put her head on my shoulder. We watched TV for a good two hours, in that same position.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was 3pm.

"We have to go to the shops and get groceries done, because we're running low." I said to her and kissed her on the forehead.

"Okay, well, I'm going to have a quick shower, and get ready." She said smiling, and gave me a kiss on my cheek. She got up and went into my room and shut my door, I heard the shower start. I wish her and I could just kiss on lips already, I'm going to do that tonight on our date to a nice Italian restaurant and to see a movie a comedy. Maybe that new movie Delivery Man, that looks really good. About 40 minuets later Em comes out in a pair of mini shorts a singlet and wearing her new American Flag Bikini she brought herself a few days ago. She had her make-up done simple and her hair our and her LAKERS hat on.

"Wow, you make casual look amazing." I said to her and gave her hug from behind. "You smell nice, what perfume are you wearing?"

"Thankyou. Katy Perry Killer Queen." She said and looked up at me. I was a lot taller than her, she's only 5'4 and I'm 6'3.

"I like it. I'm going to get ready."

"Okay, let me just get shoes." She said smiling. She came out with her Green Lantern converse.

"You have Green Lantern converse?" I asked her.

"Yeah, and Superman, and Batman and Joker." She said smiling.

"Wow." I said. "I'm going to get ready." I said to her smiling.

I went and had a shower and got ready in knee length shorts my converse and a singlet a hat and my sunnies. It's funny because Em and I have the same sunnies.

Emily's POV!  

Kendall and I are both ready and leave for the shops to get some shopping done. Just before we get the chance to pull out of his driveway he got a text message from his best mate Dustin saying that he wants to meet up for coffee with him and me.

We drove to the coffee ship we were meeting him at. We got there and parked the car and saw him sitting at a table with a coffee. Kendall and I walked up to him and I sat down while Kendall went to order e coffees after telling him what I wanted.

"You must be Emily?" Dustin asked me

"Yeah, nice to meet you Dustin." I said smiling.

"Did Kendall tell you my name?"

"Not really, but I'm a fan of Heffron Drive and Big Time Rush." I smiled.

"Wow, does Kendall know?" He said smiling.

"Not yet."  I smiled.

"What don't I know yet?" Kendall asked as he say down.

"That she is a fan of Heffron Drive and Big Time Rush." Dustin told him.

"Oh, I know that." He smirked.

"How?"  I asked.

"You left your playlist open and I saw the Playlist 'BTR' and 'HD' and I knew what they were." He smiled cheekily.

"Oh, okay." I smiled.

Our coffee came then. I smiled to the waitress.

We stayed and had another coffee each and talked about lots of stuff. When we left the coffee shop it was about 4:30pm and Kendall and I left and it was about a 3 minute drive to the shops, we got out of the car and started shopping.

"Okay we need:

- chicken breasts x6

- Beef strips x2

- pasta x3

- beef stroganoff sauce

- Rich Beef and red wine casserole powder mix

- 1 kg bag of onions

- 1kg bag of carrots

- 10 mushrooms

- Tomato paste

- Potatoes

- Rice

- jar of garlic

- jar of chilli

- Packet of beef mince x4

- Chocolate


-Taco pack"

I read out from my phone, I wrote it all on my phone thinking of we needed.

"Okay let's get shopping." Kendall said as he grabbed a trolley.

We got everything we needed and paid for it and loaded it into Kendall's boot. We got into the car and drove back to Kendall's. Once we got home it was already nearly 7pm. We got all the shopping out of his car and put it away. 

"What should we have for dinner?" Kendall asked me. "We missed our reservations." He said with a sad look on his face.

"I don't know, Oh really, We can go there another time." I said smiling and hugging him. "I was thinking of Red Wine and rich beef casserole, but it takes a little long to make. But I am going to make it." I said smiling. "Wanna help?"

"I would love to help you cook. What do you need me to do?"

"Umm, cut up the onion and carrot? And I'll do the beef strips and mushrooms?" I said smiling.


We started to prepare the food and I did the sauce mix and once everything was in the casserole dish I poured the sauce mix into it and placed it in the microwave and it started cooking. While waiting for it to cook Kendall and I watched TV. when it had about 20 minutes to go Kendall and I started doing the potatoes and rice. When everything was ready I dished up and placed the plates on the table. After dinner we both washed up.

"I'm going to have a shower." I said to Kendall after we washed up.

"Okay, see you soon." He said to me.

I had a quick shower and got into my pjs. I got all of my makeup off and put my hair into a ponytail. I put my sweats on and my Lakers Jersey with a cardigan over it. I put my slippers on and walked out to the lounge to find Kendall laying down on it. When he saw me he gestured for me to lay down too. He already had a pair of sweats on and no shirt. We watched tv for a bit then decided to go to bed.


"Yeah Em?"

"Can you sleep with me again tonight?, I'm not feeling well." I asked.

"Yeah sure, I was going to anyways."

We walked to his bedroom and I hopped into bed and Kendall snuggled up behind me. I soon fell asleep, with a smile on my face.

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