Chapter 9!

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I woke up and it was the day before the wedding. I woke and smiled. I snuggled closer to Kendall.

"Morning." He mumbled in that sexy morning voice of his and he kissed my head.

"Morning baby." I said and kissed his chest.

"Can you believe tomorrow we get married?" I told him.

"No, I can't believe it, tomorrow after noon we will be husband and wife Mr and Mrsc Schmidt." He said smiling and kissing my head.

"Yes, I will be Mrs Schmidt." I said smiling as I sat up and straddled him. I leaned down and kissed him slowly and passionatly, he lifted my shirt up and took it off and threw it on the floor. He turned us over and pulled my pj pants down and I pulled his off and shorts he was wearing. We got very intimite and it was nice, to have before the wedding tomorrow night.

We spent the day together watching movies in bed and cuddling, I actually didn't want to leave him but I had no choice, I had to leave for the hens night. And he had his bucks night. Lex came and got me and went to hers. The boys were just getting to mine and Kendall's as we were leaving the drive way. When we got to Lex's the girls were there, Sarah, Bec, Mac, Halston. We just had a movie night, watching chick flicks for most of night and drinking good champange. We had take out for dinner and lollies and chocolate. Not the best thing to have the day before my wedding, but oh well. It got to about 11pm and I got really tired so I decied to go to bed, I said my goodnights and went to my room. I sent a quick text to Kendall saying goodnight and that I love him and to see him tomorrow walking down the aisl in white.

I woke up the next day all excited and ready for my wedding day. I did a quick skype session with my mum and niece and nephew. It was good to see them. I miss them, I wish they would be here today with me. I start rethinking everything, moving over here, getting married and just my life over here in LA. I love Kendall, I want to be with him, I want to marry him, I want have children with him later on in life. But I want to do my bachelor in Photography. I start thinking and emailing colleges over here and asking them if I will be able to do my Bachelor of Photography over here, and I have my Certificate IV and Diploma. I email three that are in driving distance, since I will be getting my LA licence soon.

I start getting ready for my wedding. I have a shower and shave my legs and under my arms and wash my hair ready for this afternoon, I get into my plain clothes. And go out and join the others. We watch movies until the make-up artist and hair-dresser arrive to do our hair and make up, I quickly have another shower and get into my robe and the other girls do so aswell. I get my make-up done last and my hair done last too. I get my dress on and my shoes on and my veil and my flowers that were just delievered.

"Wow Em, you look amazing!" Sarah said to me.


The photographer has been here for over an hour and has taken lots of photos of us while we were getting ready and now he is getting us to pose and take photos. It got to about 3:30 and it takes hald and hour to drive to wear we are getting married the car pulls up and we all walk to the car and stand there for more photo's and we get into the car and they take more photo's. We drive to the cermony location and we get there and see all the people, and the boys and Kendall. He looks so handsome in his tux. I start shaking and getting nervous. All the girls get out expect for Bec and Sarah.

"Em, what's wrong?" Bec asked me.

"I don't know. I love Kendall but I don't think I can go through with this."

"Yes you can. You love him don't you?" Sarah asked.


"And you want to spend the rest of your life with him?" Bec asked.

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