Chapter 13!

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I was constantly throwing up, for about 10 minutes. I heard Kendall come up behind me and rub my back, I was in his t-shirt. and pants. I stopped thorwing up and rinsed my mouth out.

"You feeling better?" he asked.

"A little bit. Still feel like crap." I said as I walked back to his room, I got changed into my clothes again and we went out to the lounge and watched a little bit of tv.

"I have to get going, I want to see Tyler, and get ready for the girls night at the bar." I said to him. "Did you want to come and meet him?" I said to him.

"Yeah I would love to meet the little tyke." He said smiling.

We walked over to where Meredith, Jason and Tyler were and we knocked. Jason opened the door and we went inside.

"MUMMY!!!" Tyler said running up to me.

"Hey little man." I said and picked him up.

"Buddy, where did you go?" I heard a man say. "Oh Hi Em." Cody said.

"Hi Cody, I thought you left?"

"I did, but I came back, because I love my son and more importantly I love you." He said.

"Cody, I love Tyler too and I love you, I always will, you're the father of our son. But Yes we are legally married, but is it what we both want. Is it what you want? Because it's not what I want."

"It's what I want, can we at least try to make things work between us? For Tyler?"

"Cody I don't know."

"Try and make things work with him Em, and if it doesn't I will be waiting at the airport for you for when you get off the plane." Kendall butted in and said.

"Kendall, I want to make things work with him and for our son, but what about us?"

"I'll be waiting for you, because I love you." He said to me and kissed him ever so passionatly.

"Bye Kendall, I love you."

"Bye babe, I love you too." He said and rubbed my stomach, and left.

"What now?" I asked Cody.

"Put this back on." He said handing me the rings.

I slid them back onto my finger and and went to see Meredith.

"Hey" I said to her and walked over to her.

"Hey Em. You have two guys after you, what one are you going chose?"

"Well I'm married to Cody and have a baby to him, but I'm pregnant to Kendall."

"I know, but your not legally married to Cody."

"I'm not?"

"No, the guy isn't really a marraige preist. So you are still engaged. But he doesn't want to believe your not married."

"Okay, what should I do?"

"Take Tyler and be with Kendall."

"... Okay, do you want to say Goodbye?"

"I'm staying until we all leave so I can help you look after Tyler, if Cody doesn't want to."

"Okay. Thank you."

Cody walks in and sits down next to me.

"So what are we doing now that we are married?"

"Well we're not married. So Merideth is going to look after Tyler tonight so I can go catch up with my LA friends."

"You're pregnant, you cant drink."

"Who says I'm going to drinking."

I go and shower and get dressed to meet the girls at the bar, I had put Kendall's ring back on and gave Cody the other ones back.

"I hear laughter is that a good sign?" I say and they all turn around and see me there and the boys are there and Kendall.

I go and tell kendall everything.

"I'm not legally married to Cody, we are engaged and going to marry as soon as we get to LA and we are going to live a happy and married life with our new little one and Tyler." I say to him.

He is so happy to hear that.

We all had a beautiful dinner and they all drank and I have iced tea. Kendall and I told them about the baby and that we are going to be moving back in with him and get married when we go back to LA

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