Chapter 7!

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Emily's POV!

Emily's POV!

I woke up the next morning and realised that it's my birthday today! I'm 20! I felt Kendall pull me in closer to him.

"Good Morning birthday girl!" Kendall said and smiled and hugged me tighter.

"Good Morning!" I said and hugged him and kissed his chest.

"How did you sleep baby?" Kendall asked me.

"Very well, you?"

"Amazing. I've got another present for you."

"Really? What is it?"

"I don't want to go back to America without you by my side. I want you to move over there with me, and get a job over there as a Photographer, because you're a darn good one. So what I'm asking is Will you move in with me?"

"Yes I will Kendall, I would love to move in with you!"

"That's awesome, now I have another present to give you."

He went and searched through his suitcase, until he found what he was looking for. He came back to the bed we had just slept in and sat down and looked me into the eyes.

"Em, we've been dating for the past 2 months and I love you and I know that I don't want to be without you in my life and I want you to be able to live over in America with me and not be able to leave and come back all the time to get your green card again. You're the love of my life, my best friend, my soul mate, what I'm saying is.." He got down on one knee and held my left hand in his hands. "Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?"

I sat there speechless looking at the beautiful diamond ring sitting in the velvet box sparkling in the light, I had tears coming down my cheeks. I was smiling.

"Yes Kendall! Of course I will marry you!" I said and he put slid the ring onto my finger.

"I love you so much Em." He said and kissed me passionately.

"I love you so much too." I said when we stopped to catch our breath, I kissed him.

"We should get ready and go to your mum's, your grandma wants to see you." He said to me.

"Okay." I said and looked through my suitcase for something to wear. I decided on a pair on mini shorts and a singlet with a pair of ballet flats. After I found what to wear I went and had a warm shower, as it was spring here and hot as anything. I got out and put my clothes on. I blow dried my hair and brushed it. I put on some make-up just foundation, lipstick, eye-shadow, eye-liner, mascara. I walked out and Kendall walked in. When we walked out he was wearing a singlet top, and board shorts, and thongs. I had my swimmers on under my clothes. When we were both ready we left our hotel room and went to the car. Because I had my Australian licence I drove to mums I had to windows up and the air-con on full blast. And luckily Kendall got an Auto car, because I prefer to drive auto than to drive stick. As I drove I couldn't help but notice my ring the whole time and I was smiling. Kendall was singing softly the whole way to my mums. He was singing Cover Girl. I looked over to him and smiled.

"I love your singing." I said to him.

"I know, that's why I'm singing now." He said smiling.

"I wonder what my mum is going to think of our engagement. I know what my sister and her idiotic partner are going to think." I said to him.

"And what's that?"

"That we're engaged because I'm pregnant, is what there going to think, because we having been going out for long." I said to him. I turned into the street my mum lived on.

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