Chapter Three

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Emily's POV!

Last night was the worst night of my life. Getting kicked out of my hotel. Lucky I called Kendall and he said I could stay with him until I leave to go back to Australia.

Today Kendall, the boys and I are going to the water park, it should be fun. We all got ready and left, the boys got into the back and Kendall and I in the front.

We talked all the way there.

The day was fun we went on all the rides. The rides were different to the ones in Australia, they were better.

The day was amazing. On the way home we drove past a fish and chips shop and got some to share and stopped at a beach and had them on the beach with some soft drink. After we finished we all walked along the beach and talked and laughed. I watched as the boys kicked water at each other, then started kicked it at me, which made me kick it at them. The beach was so much fun. After we left the beach we went back to Kendall's and we all watched a movie. Once the movie finished, the boys left and that just left Kendall and myself. We watched another movie and talked. After that I was hungry, so I suggested that we go and get a ice cream.

After we got back from getting the ice cream, we talked all night long. About random things.

I woke up in morning with my head on Kendall's shoulder, and his on my head, and his arm around me. I could hear him softly snoring, and opened my eyes and looked at the tv and the tv was on TV1 my favourite station, because I get to watch my crime shows on that.

"By the way tomorrow the boys and I are performing at a festival, your coming aren't you? I would like you too." Kendall said to me.

"I'll be there." I said smiling. I looked at my phone and it was 2:30am. "Sh*t it's 2:30." I said to him.

"I'm going o bed, I will see you in the morning. You can have your bed back tonight and I will go into the spare room." I told him.

"No it's okay. You have my bed, I'll have the spare room, it's all good. Goodnight." Kendall said to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight." I said to him and smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

I went to sleep with a smile on my face tonight.

I woke up to the smell of something cooking. I yawned and stretched out my muscles. I got up and out of bed, and walked to where the smell was coming from.

"Morning sleepy head." Kendall grinned as he was just in his pj pants, and no top on, which I didn't mind at all.

"Morning. How did you sleep Kendall?"

"I slept fine, what about you?" he asked me.

"Perfectly." I said with a smile.

I got my laptop out and turned it on and logged onto Skype and as I did that my mum was sending me a video chat call. I accepted.

"Hi Mum, how are you?"

"Hi sweetie, I'm good how are you? and Where are you? That can't be your hotel room!"

I laughed. "No, mum it's not. My hotel pipes burst, and earlier that day, I went to get coffee and literally ran into someone and spilled my coffee all over myself. Then the gentleman..." Kendall Scoffed. "Bought me another coffee to make up for the one that was spilled all over me. And I rang him at 3am and told him what had happened and he said I could stay with him until I come back to Australia. Because we had already had swapped numbers." I explained to my mum.

"Well, I want to meet this guy Em. You know you shouldn't go home with a random stranger that you don't know."

"I know, him and I hung out all day. And I feel like I've known him for years, and we're good friends. You really want to meet here he is. Kendall! get over here with a shirt on." I said and laughed at that last bit.

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