Chapter 7

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Pic of Enrique's brother Julio Iglesias Jr.

Dedicated to Laurenzap1D She has been waiting for this chapter

Enrique's POV

"Enrique why the long face, are you not happy about going to the carnival?" Julio questioned me. I scowled looking at him, "I was perfectly happy at home talking to Anna on Skype until you and Annie decided to disturb me just to drag me to the carnival". I tell him "Oh come on, you need to live a little and besides that you haven't spent time with Annie or Sofia and Alejandro". He pointed out to me. I sighed, "I know". "So cheer up bro". He patted my back. "OK fine, but I'm only doing this for Alejandro and Sofia as I haven't seen them in a long time". I say. Julio had dragged me from my room while I was talking to Anna on Skype so that we could go to some local fair in town. My sister Chabeli had come to meet us in the morning with her two kids Alejandro who is 10 yrs old and Sofia who is 3 years old, I absolutely love them. Annie and Julio decided to take the kids to a carnival today as it is a Saturday. Right now we were all in the car on the way to the carnival. "That is like a brother". Ana said in English which she wasn't good at, I laugh teasing her "You should stick to talking in Spanish Annie". "Whatever". She just huffed at me. She was driving the car and I and Julio were sitting in the back seat with Sofia while Alejandro was sitting in the front passenger seat. After about half an hour we reached the carnival. We parked the car and got out of it. I was carrying Sofia while Julio was holding Alejandro's hand. We walked inside the gate of the carnival. Sofia and Alejandro were in awe looking around. "Tio Quiero montar en el tiovivo". Sofia said wiggling in my arms. (Uncle I want to ride on the merry go round) "Nina bien, vamos a ir a montar en el tiovivo". I said laughing. (Ok baby girl, we will go and ride on the merry go round) I turned to the others who were walking behind me telling them that Sofia wants to ride on the merry go round. "Ok voy a ir con usted, Julio ira con Alejandro que quiere montar en la Montana rusa". Annie said walking towards me with a bag of sofia's things. (OK I'll go with you, Julio will go with Alejandro who wants to ride on the roller coaster) "Que!!! No te parece que todavia es pequeno para ir en un viaje en Montana rusa". I exclaimed. (What!! Don't you think he is still small to go on a roller coaster ride) "OMG Enrique El montara en la Montana rusa que esta ahi para los ninos no es una Montana rusa real". Annie scowled at me. (Omg Enrique he will ride on the roller coaster that is there for kids not an actual roller coaster) "Oh, Lo siento". I say with a grin. (Oh, I'm sorry) We decided to meet after an hour at the food stalls to eat, with this me and Annie took Sofia for a ride on the merry go round and Julio left behind taking Alejandro to the roller coaster. After taking Sofia on a number of rides that were for kids and toddlers at the carnival, Sofia started getting tired so Annie called Julio to meet at the Food stalls as it was really an hour. As we reached the food stalls, I hear a laugh which was the most beautiful sound that I had ever heard, looking around for the source my eyes fell on a lady with the long black hair, hazel green eyes and tanned skin and plump lips which made me want to kiss them. She was with a boy about the age of 14-15 years old. The boy must have said something to her, which made her laugh, her eyes squeezed, hand on her mouth. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, she was wearing a floral dress which showed her curves, suddenly her eyes met mine and I was mesmerized by them and holding me captive, I couldn't look away from them. "Hey Enrique donde estas perdido?" Annie suddenly asked me looking concerned. (Hey Enrique where are you lost) "Ohh, no es nada". I say looking away from the girl. (Ohh, it's nothing) Annie just nodded giving me a curious look but not saying anything. I looked again behind me where that girl stood, she was talking to the boy with a smile, Looking at her I felt that I had seen her somewhere but couldn't remember from where, so I just shrugged it off and walked towards the stall which Alejandro had chosen to eat from. As Sofia was asleep in my arms with her head on my shoulder, she couldn't eat and I didn't want to wake her so I let her sleep.

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