Chapter 38

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Esperanza POv

After calming myself, Clarrise decided to treat me to lunch has a celebration.  She took me to my favourite restaurant nearby. "So, when are you going to tell Enrique". she asks me. "I want to surprise him when he comes back from the tour and you are keeping this a secret". I smile placing my hand on my stomach. I can't believe there is a baby growing in there. "Ok, done". Clarrise promises. We sit at the restaurant and order our lunch while chatting, clarrise gives me some tips on pregnancy and some of those scare me but she assures that it is not all bad, it has its ups and downs. Relieved about we leave the cafe after lunch. Clarrise tells me to come to their place and I agree not wanting to go back to the big empty house. We spend the rest of the day relaxing by the pool as Julio decides to join us. "Oh come on guys! I'm right here". I exclaim turning away from Julio and clarrise as they both were cuddling as julio whispers into Clarrise's ear while she giggles. "No, I'm showing my love to my wife, I know you are just jealous because Enrique is not here". Julio teases me. Overcome with a sudden overwhelming feeling of loneliness, "I know, you don't need to rub it in my face". I yell controlling my tears. 'Hey, come on! I was just joking". he says as Clarrise gets up coming over to me and giving me hug which makes me cry even more. "There, there, It's fine, why don't you call Enrique, I'm sure he is as miserable as you". "I don't know, I just miss him". I sob, "It's fine Essi, let 's get you something to eat, what would you like?" Clarrise interrupts giving Julio a pointed look and leads me inside. "It's the hormones, they are making me too emotional". I say sniffing. After eating ice cream, i decide to leave and spend a quiet evening at my house. Taking my leave with a promise to call once I reach home. "Thanks, George". I say as he opens the car door to let me out, I smile at the 2 guards standing at the door. walking up to my room, I absentmindedly put my bag on the side table, my eyes widen as I take in the room. Someone has been here, the bed was torn, the pillows torn to shreds with feathers all around the room. I rush to the closet to see the mirror broken and most of my clothes ransacked and torn. I enter the bedroom again, scared when I suddenly notice a note on the bedside table. Picking it up I freeze reading it, "Leave Enrique or you will next to be found in shreds, I know all your dirty secrets, you wouldn't want them exposed to the world now would you?" Without realising tears stream down my face. This person whoever it is knows my past a shiver runs thru my body, my past has come back to haunt me. with numb fingers, I place the note back in its place and quickly leave the room calling George. "Are you ok?" he asks me taking in my haywire state. "Someone has been in the bedroom". I manage to utter. "Ok, sit here, we will check it". he says pulling me to sit down on the sofa as he and a guard head upstairs. I dial Julio filling him in and he promises to be here soon. I fidget with my fingers as I try to control my tears, "Ma'am drink some water". another guard says handing me a glass of water. Thanking him I take a sip suddenly feeling better. I blink my eyes feeling my vision go hazy. 'What is happening?". I clutch my head feeling a throbbing pain,"You drugged me". I shout but I guess it comes out as a whisper as I look at the guard. "Everything will be fine". he says. I make a poor attempt to push him but it feels like my hands and legs have gone numb. Suddenly feeling dizzy I try to fight it and stay awake, I again attempt to call for help but everything around me goes black as I vaguely feel someone pick me up.


"Shit, bastard put up a good fight". I heard someone groan as I squeeze my eyes trying to get rid of a headache. My breath quickens, taking in my surroundings. I look around me and realise that we are in a moving car, And I'm laying down in the backseat. the 2 guards are sitting in the front the one who gave me water drives while the other sits at the passenger places a pad of warm water on his head. Seeing me move, the one driving says,"Oh you are awake, we can't have that". he says, "You! you kidnapped me". I accuse him as he silently motioning the other guard who turns back, placing a cloth on my mouth. I try to fight it but realise that my hands and legs are bound. My head lulls back as I lose consciousness again. "That's like a good girl". the guard says chuckling as he returns back to nursing his wound.


Third Person POV

Julio hurriedly parks the car cursing as he finds the front door wide open. Rushing inside he scans the place but finds no one. Going upstairs he sees George passed out on the floor of the master bedroom. "Shit". he mutters shaking George awake as he wakes up groaning. "Are you ok? Where is Essi?" he asks. "I don't know, the bedroom was in a mess and essi came down in tears so I and Samuel went up to check but when we entered someone hit my head from behind, I'm guessing it was Samuel". George says groaning as Julio helps him up. They walk downstairs as Julio calls the security company for backup. "I'll get my men to check the footage". George says drinking water, he starts making some calls so does Julio. He yells at the security company for being so careless. They say that the guards who were supposed to come in today wouldn't be coming in so they have informed that same to George who denies it saying that the guards claimed to be a backup for the day to fill in the absence of the regular guys. "Shit, this is worst then i thought". Julio mutters running a hand on a face with a sigh. "We will figure something out, My men are good at tracking someone, we will have the details in an hour". George assures. "I hope so, I'll call Clarisse and Enrique". Julio sighs already dreading the reaction. He calls clarrise first filling her in and she asks him to find essi and not worry about her. Next he calls Enrique who flips out on him saying that he is leaving  Frankfurt now. Julio mutters a pray for essi to be safe.  "Hello, Yes yes., email the details to me". George answers a call, finishing he turns to Julio saying that they have something. Opening the laptop they see a video showing Essi's kidnap and someone in a black hoodie in the master bedroom. Zooming in to see the face. Julio is shocked but in the back of his mind he knew something like this would happen. "i'll be damned". He mutters as George gets to work.

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