Chapter 32

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Esperanza POV

As we exit the airport, "Why is this place so crowded?" I ask Enrique looking around, "these are the paps, I thought I could hold them off for awhile but don't understand how they got the news so fast'. Enrique grumbles clearly upset about this. "Sir, this way please, we have your car waiting at the private exit". A security man tells us as we hurry behind him in hopes to not being followed by the paps. As we reach the car, Enrique hurriedly urges me to get in. Suddenly there are flashes and Enrique curses, "Who are you hiding Enrique?" "Are you married? 'Who is the lucky girl?" "Did you and Anna breakup?When?" "How was the wedding" Questions where being stormed at us. Ignoring them Enrique gets in shutting the door, "George drive'. he shouts as the driver swirls the car and starts driving like the devil is chasing him, after a safe distance he slows down. "How did they find out George?' enrique asks. "I don't know sir, I have added a few bodyguards". George informs. I look out of the car window gasping in awe at the house before me. Ahead of me stood a massive house actually mansion. It was 2 stories spread around acres of land. But it did have that homey feel to it. "You like it?" Enrique asks me. " It is beautiful and huge!" I exclaim. "Yes it is,come on". He gets out first and helping me out of the car just as I hear barking and a dog comes running to Enrique, jumping on him. "Enrique". I shriek in shock has the dog tackles him to the ground excitedly licking his face. "Down boy,I missed you too". enrique hugs the dog. Getting up,"Essi this is jack". He says rubbing the dog behind his ears. "Hi Jack, Are you a handsome boy". I coo kneeling down and rubbing his head as he barks and licks my face. "This is good that he likes you, usually he takes a while to get used to someone new". enrique comments. "Sir, i have taken the bags and the housekeeping is placing them in your room". George informs. "Thank you, George, come on essi let me give you a tour of the house'. Enrique leads me into the house. the inside of the house is lovely it has a huge chandelier as soon as you enter the house. "This is our living room". he says leading me to a room towards my right. "Our living room?" i question him. "Of course,what's mine is your now and vise versa". he smiles warming at me. The room has a grey color huge couch shaped in an 'L' with  a couple of chairs at it's ends,a tea table at the center, rug below the table,opposite the couch is the  plasma TV and glass sliding doors leading towards the beach opposite to the room's entrance. On the couch there are pilows kept in color combination. leading me out of  the room,opposite it is the kitchen,dining table and the pantry. The kitchen is fully equipped with all the latest amenities for cooking. "When I home and on break I do the cooking, or else we have our cook who comes in once a week regularly to stock the pantry with food if not to cook,  she comes to cook lunch and dinner for me when I'm at home also a maid comes in twice a week to clean the house". he informs me. "Oh, that's nice , you have a beautiful home'. I smile at him. "Thank you, now let me show you the rooms upstairs". As we go upstairs,"On the first floor is my office or library and 2 bedrooms". opening the first door i see a desk with a laptop and on both the sides of the table shelves of books and behind the desk there is a large window. It is beautiful. entering the office my eyes scan the books on the shelves, the lower decks are filled with music CDs. "Oh wow, this is a good collection of books and music". i comment looking at him. "Come on, you can come here later on and read or listen to music if you like". Enrique suggests. right beside the office are two guest rooms both designed the same, they have a queen sized bed in the middle with blue drapes and at both, the ends of the ends of the bed are two side tables with lamps and a digital clock.

Towards the end of the hallway on the right had side Enrique opens the door, 'and this is our bedroom". he says. Looking around, the room is colored in a light grey color with matching king size bed in the middle of the room leaning on the wall. The curtains too are in the same color as the bed so are the 2 chairs that are right besides the window. Opening a door to the left,"This is the bathroom and the other door is our closet". enrique says opening the bathroom door,it had a large tub,shower and wash basin opposite it. Moving on, he shows me the closet which is huge, it has a lot of jeans stocked, tees, formal wear, shoes, shades, caps. "There is so much stuff in here, it's like a mini boutique". I exclaim "Yes it does, i'll clear one section for you for your clothes and we will buy more clothes". he says back hugging me as we face the room. "I don't think I need so many clothes". i comment. "Think again babe, you will be accompanying me from now on to events,award shows to name a few".  "I guess i do after all". I groan. "On the second floor there are 2 more guest bedrooms and my music studio and a gym room". "Oh, i would like to see it". i say excited. "Ok,lets go'. chuckling he leads the way to the 2nd floor.  "Here we are, this is the studio". opening the door to his right, "And to the opposite is the gym". "This is intimidating, i have never been to a studio before". As i enter it, looking around i see a closed room with mics,guitar,piano and there is a glass window adjoining it with all the technical music stuff which i have no idea what is what. "When i'm  recording a song,i'll bring you here'. enrique promises me kissing the back of my hand. "Thanks, i guess it will help me understand how the systems and instruments of this studio work". thanking him i exit the studio and go to the gym. 'Wow!" i say truly amazed with the equipment he has in here. "There is so much stuff in here". I exclaim. "Yes, that's what keeps me fit and increases my stamina, which i need to roam around and for concerts".  he answers. The room is filled with every kind of gym equipment and it has large glass windows from the floor to ceiling which a view of the garden at the back of his house. "We  can go there some other time,for now lets just relax'. I just nod with a smile as he leads me down the stairs and to our room. It feels weird and strange that now i will be sharing a room with someone.

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