Chapter 27

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Esperanza POV

Finally, after a long wait, the day is here, I'm going to be Mrs Enrique Iglesias by the end of the day. It still is hard for me to fathom it, I close my eyes in an attempt to wake up from this dream. After my promise to myself to never fall in love or marry anyone as I drilled the thought into myself that, men cannot be trusted. And I have succeeded for so long in keeping that promise and now I have broken that promise. Staring at myself in the mirror, I can barely recognise myself. The woman in the mirror looks radiant, her face is glowing and the gown fits perfectly like a glove. Taking a deep breath I run my shaky hands on the dress, smoothing the non-existence wrinkles on the dress. In actual I'm tired and my eyes are swollen from lack of sleep, but the makeup artist has done a great job in covering up, especially after bachelorette party which Anna gave in my behalf saying that she has a right as she is going to be my sister soon since I have no friends. I hear the door of my bedroom burst open and I see my mom and Isabel along with Anna coming in, they all are fully dressed, none of them says anything, just stare at me in awe and it's my mother who breaks the spell by rushing to me and bringing me into a hug. "Oh baby, you look absolutely beautiful". Her voice choked,"I wish your father would have been here to see you get married". Breaking the hug, she gives my hands a squeeze all the while her eyes glistening with tears. "Mom! Please don't cry, you'll make me cry too". I clear my throat feeling choked. "Come now, enough with the tears, you looks lovely my dear, my son is really lucky to have you has his wife". Isabel hugs me. "Your going to knock him off his feet that's for sure, he'll never know what came for him". Anna gushes. "Momm! Can I come in now?". Angelo knocks at the door. "Yes you can Angelo". I laugh. He enters looking dapper in his tuxedo. "Ohh! I couldn't recognise you for a sec Essi". He comes closer to me looking closely at my face. Mom hits him on the arm, "Don't do that Angelo, behave yourself" to which he grumbles about being physically harassed, to which I laugh, I'm going to miss this, I look at mom and Angelo with a sad smile on my face. "Ok, so I'll be walking you down the aisle Essi, let's go, everyone is waiting for us down". Angelo says holding up his arm for me to take. I notice that it's just us in the room, everyone must have left for the church. I turn to Angelo and place my hands on his cheeks. "Promise me Angelo you'll take good care of yourself and mom in my absence". I look expectedly in his eyes. "You know I will, don't worry about anything. You tell me the moment Enrique hurts you, I'll kick his ass for you, I love you Essi, you'll always be my role model". He says placing his hands on top on mine giving me a smile. I give him a tight hug and place a kiss on his forehead breaking the kiss. "You grew up so fast, taking like a man". I chuckle, "I love you to Angelo".
With that, I take his arm and we both head downstairs. We get in the car it's just me and Angelo in the car since the other took the other car. Reaching the church we wait in the car for the wedding coordinator to inform me that we are ready. In the mean, while mom comes and wishes me luck and is interrupted by the wedding coordinator informing me that it's time for me to walk down the aisle.
I get out followed by Angelo, we go and stand at the entrance of the church, the doors closed, on the queue of the coordinator the doors are opened.
I squeeze Angelo's arm suddenly nervous.
"You ready". He asks me looking ahead. "Ready as I'll ever be". I whisper. "Let's do this then". He says and as the music starts we start walking down the aisle.
Everyone stands for the bride, I feel the eyes of people staring at me in awe and amazement. I look down feeling perplexed by the stares when Angelo whispers, "look up Essi, you cannot miss this". I look up and my eyes land on Enrique and am knocked out of breath, he looks divine standing there at the altar with his brother Julio standing at his side. He looks at me in complete adoration, that I blink twice to check if it's real or no. I smile at him to which he smiles back. I see mom standing at the front pew proudly looking at me with tears in her eyes. I smile at her and Isabel and Enrique's sisters who stand beside her. Isabel gives my mother's arm a squeeze in silent encouragement. As we reach the altar, Enrique walks down a couple of steps handing his hand out to me to take. Angelo takes my hand from around his arm and places it in Enrique's whispering something to him to which Enrique smiles and nods. Turning to me Angelo kisses me on the forehead and goes to stand beside mom.
We walk up the altar where the priest is waiting for us so that he can start the mass service.
I take a deep breath to calm down, realising that this is actually happening, I'm getting married, Enrique squeezes my hand giving me an encouraging smile.
"Shall we begin?" The priest asks to which Enrique nods.

Enrique POV
I'm officially having a nervous breakdown as I pace in the room at the church waiting for Essi to arrive. "Can you stop with your pacing!! You're making me dizzy!" Julio groans. I just glare at him but say nothing. "This isn't going to help you, you know that right?". Julio asks looking at me with his eyebrow raised. "I know, but I can't help it, I just don't want to be disappointed or anything like that with this marriage". I confess. "You won't, you just need to go with the flow and have faith and trust in yourself and Essi". Julio explains. "I hope that I can do that, that we can do that". I say hopefully.
Last week When I arrived in Spain, I made it a point to talk to Essi about trying to work it out. She was stunned to hear it from me but promised to try her best to make this work.
And here we are today, getting married.
Suddenly the door bursts open and mom and Anna walk in, "Oh you look really handsome Enrique". Mom kisses my cheek. "Thank you". I smile. "You do look good". Anna hugs me, "you wait until you see Essi, she looks gorgeous, for sure you will not be able to keep your eyes off her". She teases me. To which I just shake my head. At that moment, the wedding planner enters informing us that it's time.
Mom and Anna wish me luck and walk out to sit in the church. I take a deep breath and follow Julio out of the room. I stand beside the priest waiting for Essi to walk down the aisle. The priest greets me with a smile.
The wedding march starts and all turn towards the entrance of the church as the doors open and Essi walks in with Angelo walking her down the aisle. I can't stop but stare at her in awe, I knew she was a beauty but this is something that can't be described in words. As they walk towards the altar, she is looking down which doesn't give me a proper view of her face. I see Angelo whisper something to her and that's when she looks up at me.
I release my breath, I didn't know I was holding, she is mesmerising, I don't understand how come I never found her earlier.
I give her an encouraging smile seeing that she is as nervous as I am. She returns my smile.
When she reaches the altar, I walk down a couple of steps that are there and stretch out my hand for her to take.
Angelo takes her hand and places it in mine and whispers to me," if you ever hurt her, I'll hurt you in return, don't think for a moment that I won't just because I'm younger then you I will let it slide but I won't". I just nod with a smile at him as he places a kiss on Essi's cheek and walks towards his mom's side, I turn to Essi with a smile.
We walk hand in hand towards the priest who is waiting for us patiently.
I squeeze Essi's hand giving her a smile as the priest begins.
I can't believe this is finally happening.

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