Chapter 15

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Esperanza POV

It has been a week since mom told me about the ridiculous proposition. I just hope that she doesn’t bring it up again. I hate that Ms. Preysler would suggest something like this; she has always treated me like a daughter, I just hope she forgets about this proposition. I can’t marry her son, I just can’t. I reach home after another tiring day at work. I have been busy with the paper checking, projects checking and preparing myself for the next class, all this is stressing at times but I love my job so I have to deal with the stress too. I park my car in the garage and walk towards the front door. Walking inside I see Angelo eating snacks while watching some football match on TV.  “Oh you’re home. When will mom come home?” he asks. “I don’t know bubba but she did tell me that she will be late today”. My mother has been working at a bakery from the time we settled in Spain. One of Dad’s colleague’s wife runs it and that’s how mom got the job. She is exceptionally good at baking and I and Angelo absolutely love her baked goods. Today there was some special order that needs to be completed; I don’t remember for what, I guess a wedding cake so mom had informed me that she will be arriving home late. I just hope It’s not too late as it is already 7pm. Going to my room I freshen up and change my clothes in a tee and shorts, pulling my hair in a bun I walk downstairs to cook dinner. “Angelo what would you like for dinner?” I ask him. “Can you make spaghetti please” He replies looking at me with puppy eyes and a pout. “Ugghh, Fine”. I groan. “Thank you!!” He exclaims happily, turning his attention back to the TV. After taking out the ingredients from the fridge I start making spaghetti. After sometime I check the time to see it’s already past 8pm. I hope mom reaches home safely. Going to the living room I sit besides Angelo watching TV “Is the food ready?” He asks me without taking his eyes off the TV. “Yes it is, we’ll wait for mom to arrive and then we’ll eat together”. I say. He just nods his head.

After waiting for some more time for mom, Angelo gets impatient and hungry so we start having dinner without her. I give mom a call after finishing dinner. She says that she is driving and will be home in sometime. Checking the time it was 10pm, this gets me worried as mom had told me half an hour ago that she will be home in sometime but already half an hour has passed, hoping that she is safe and nothing bad has happened. I call mom again but it goes to voicemail. Angelo too is worried and didn’t sleep despite me telling him to. Suddenly I hear my phone ringing I rush to pick up the call hoping that it is mom, but seeing an unknown number I sigh thinking it must be some sales person, still I answer the call. “¿Hola? ¿Quien es este?" (Hello? Who is this?) I ask. “Es es la residencia Marlie Fernandes?" (Is is Marlie Fernandes residence) I hear a woman ask me. “Si ella es mi madre, es algo malo?"  (Yes she is my mother, is something wrong?)  I ask. “Lo siento informarle de esto, pero Marlee acaba de ser llevado al Hospital de San Pedro, que ha estado en un accidente, y usted tiene que venir aquí tan pronto como sea posible".  (I’m sorry to inform you this but Marlie has just been brought to St. Peter’s Hospital, she has been in an accident, and you have to come here as soon as possible) She answers. Hearing this I feel my blood run cold and goose bumps rise on my skin, “Essi are you ok, you seem pale”. Angelo asks me. I jerk back from my shocked state realizing that I’m still on the call. “Sí, voy a estar allí es en algún momento". (Yes, I’ll be there is sometime) I say cutting the call. “What’s wrong?” Angelo asks me. “We have to go, get ready asap”. I tell him. “Why? You’re scaring me. What’s wrong? Is it mom? Is she ok?” He asks me panicking. “Yes, mom has been in an accident, I don’t know the details but we need to go now”. I say in a shaky voice feeling tears roll down my cheeks. Angelo nods putting on a brave face and rushes to his room to get dressed. I run to my room and get dressed in a Tee and jeans. Taking my purse and keys I walk downstairs and find Angelo waiting by the door. “Ok let’s go”. I say rushing out of the house and run to the garage to get my car. I drive out of the garage as Angelo locks the front door. He gets in the passenger seat of the car, as soon as he enters I start driving. “Essi mom is going to be ok right?” He asks me in a shaky voice, his eyes teary. “I hope so”. I say in a small voice looking at him. Wiping my tears I look back ahead and concentrate on driving, hoping and praying that mom is ok.

As soon as we reach the hospital, Angelo gets out first rushes to the front desk as I park the car in the parking lot of the hospital. “Where is mom?” I ask Angelo as I enter the hospital. “The front desk lady said that she is in the operation theater on the second floor”. He answers in a shaky voice, taking a deep breath I say, “Ok, let’s go there then”. I say taking his hand in mine and walk towards the elevators. “She is going to be fine right Essi?” He asks entering the elevator. “Yes, she will be fine, she has us”. I say pulling him in a hug. We break the hug as the elevator stops on the second floor. “¿Dónde está la sala de operaciones?" (Where is the operation theater?) I ask the lady at the front desk on the floor. “¿Estás relativa Marlie Fernandes?" (Are you Marlie Fernandes’ relative?) She asks me. "Sí que soy su hija y este es su hijo". (Yes I’m her daughter and this is her son) I answer. “Ok, siga recto y gire a la derecha, que se encuentra al final de la sala, no se puede perder". (Ok, go straight ahead and take a right, the OT is at the end of the hall, you can’t miss it) She says giving a sympathetic smile. Thanking her I rush towards the Operation theater, with Angelo trailing behind me. The theater room is closed so we wait outside for someone to exit the theater. Angelo takes a seat on the chair outside the theater while I start pacing outside the door of the theater. I just hope it is nothing major, God why did this happen at this time? I run my hands through my hair thinking about the different possibilities of the accident. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks, mom talked me on phone informing me that she is on her way, why did this have to happen all of a sudden? I sit down besides Angelo, who lays his head on my shoulder. “She will be fine”. He says lacing our fingers together, giving me strength and support that we both need for mom. I just nod and smile at him, giving his hand a squeeze. After waiting for an hour a doctor exits the operation theater. “¿Estás familiares de Marie Fernandez?" (Are you relatives of Marlie Fernandes?) He asks. “sí, soy su hija". (Yes, I’m her daughter) I answer him, "como es ella?" (How is she) I ask. “la operación fue exitoso, hubo mucho daño hecho, tiene un par roto las costillas y una conmoción cerebral desde el impacto de los accidentes y su mano izquierda y pierna también está roto, pero ella es con éxito operado por lo que va a estar bien". (The operation was successful, there was much damage done, she has a couple broken ribs and a concussion from the impact of the accident and her left hand and leg is also broken, but she is successfully operated on so she is going to be alright) He says with a smile. “gracias a Dios, muchísimas gracias médico ..?" (Thank god, thank you so much doctor) I say. “Mario Falcon”. The doctor says shaking my hand. “gracias Dr. Halcón, cuando podemos ver su?" (Thank you Dr. Falcon, when can we see her?) I ask him. “ahora que la enfermera serán desplazamiento marlie en una sala de abajo la sala y luego se puede ver a su " (Right now that nurse will be shifting Marlie into a room down the hall and then you can see her) He says with a smile taking his leave. I breathe a sigh of relief and look at Angelo with a smile. “Mom is fine”. I tell him giving him a hug to which he chuckles. After sometime a nurse informs us that mom has been shifted into a room and we can visit her. We walk down that hall and see the room number, taking a deep breath I ask Angelo, “You ready?” He nods giving me a smile. We prepare ourselves for the worst not knowing how mom must be looking, I take another breath and push open the door of the room.

For readers who are confused, Angelo is 15 years old and Esperanza is 30years old and Angelo is alot younger then her so he is babied by his sister and mother.

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Love you guys. ♥♥

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