Chapter 16

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Love this edit....!!

Esperanza POV

Taking a deep breath I push open the door to the room mom is in, seeing mom I gasp in shock, seeing the damage the accident has done. Her left hand is plastered and so is her left leg, a bandage wrapped around her head, there is a big bandage around her stomach and she is hooked to a few machines. I stand frozen by the door just trying to digest the damage done to mom. "Essi what are you doing still standing by the door?" Angelo asks me. Jerking back I look at him as he is standing besides mom's bed. "Nothing just thinking". I answer, walking inside the room. I take mom's hand in mine as I reach the bed. We stay in silence for a few minutes just taking everything in. Dr. Falcon enters the room, "OK, voy a sólo comprobar su ahora y la esperanza de que ella se despierta pronto". (Ok, I'll just check her now and hope that she wakes up soon) He says. Walking towards mom and starts checking her pulse and then checks the machines that are monitoring mom. "el Dr. Falcon puedes decirme lo mucho daño se hace?" (Dr. Falcon can you tell me how much damage is done?) I ask. "Her left hand and leg are broken, but in no time her hand and leg will function normally. She is breathing normally, it shows that her lungs are working fine and her broken ribs have been put together; I'm worried about her head, she took a nasty blow on her head during the accident which caused internal bleeding, we have successfully stopped the bleeding, I'm just hoping that she wakes up in the next 48hours or else she may go in coma". Dr. Falcon said in Spanish giving is a sad smile and walks out of the room. I gasp in shock bringing my hand to stop myself from sobbing, "Oh God!!!! Why did this happen to us?". I ask no one in particular. Suddenly I feel a body hug me from the side. Seeing that its Angelo I hug him back. "Everything is going to be fine essi, don't worry, we have to stay strong for mom". He says into my shoulder. "Aren't you talking like the elder one here". I say with a laugh and Angelo too joins me. "we will stay strong for her". I say pulling back from the hug and wiping off my tears. We sit in silence just taking it all in. I just hope that the expenses of the hospital, the surgery and the medicines aren't a lot. I groan thinking about it. "What is it??" Angelo asks me. "Just worried whether the expenses will be covered with the savings or no". I answer. "It's Ok, we'll figure something out if a problem arises". He assures me. I chuckle nodding my head, "aren't you being all mature Angelo?" I tease to lessen the tensed atmosphere. He scowls at me but ends up laughing. After some time a nurse enters the room to check up on mom, "su madre vitales son Buenos, ustedes deben ir a casa y descanso por un tiempo". (Your mother's vitals are good, you guys should go home and rest for a while) She suggests with a smile. "But we don't want to leave her alone and go, what if something happens? What if she wakes up?" Angelo says in English which she seems to understand. "It's Ok, I'll be there to look after her and if anything happens we'll give you a call immediately". She assures speaking fluent English. "Ok then, I think we'll just go home and return back in the morning". I say looking at Angelo who nods after contemplating on it.
I park the car in the garage after returning home, as Angelo opens the front door, entering the house, "Angelo you should go to bed, it's past midnight". I tell him. "You too Essi". He says going upstairs to his room. I nod walking into the kitchen to drink a glass of water. After that, I walk to my room and freshen up and change into my PJs. I remind myself to call the Principal in the morning informing that I won't be coming to work for a few days. With a sigh I close my eyes waiting for sleep to consume me.

Enrique POV

I groan waking up from my sleep, someone was knocking at the door, rather like trying to break the door down. "Alright, Alright!! I'm coming you can stop with the knocking". I shout at the person at the door. I grab my head as a sudden pain shoots in my head, a result of some heavy drinking I have been doing. "Oh god". I groaned getting up from the bed and walking downstairs to open the front door. "What do you want? I have told everyone that I don't want to be disturbed". I say opening the door, but shield my eyes from the harsh sunlight. "Oh really!? Well, guess what I'm going to disturb you and whatever that is going on right now". I hear Julio tell me. Leaving the door open I walk inside, taking a seat on the couch in the living room. "Why are you here Julio that too early in the morning?" I ask. "Oh, I don't know why don't you tell me? What the hell is going on Enrique? You haven't contacted anyone for days and for your information it is 2 pm in the afternoon". He asks or should I say practically demands. "I don't want to talk about it". I answer running a hand over my face. "We are going to talk about it, you aren't even answering your phone when mom called, mom is worried". He says in frustration. "I didn't realise that you guys called?" I answer. "You didn't realize about it cause you have been drinking from the past few days". He says. "How did you know about that". I ask curiously. "George called me yesterday, telling me that you have been drinking and you won't listen to him when he told you to stop with it, to top that off you gave all the staff a leave, telling them to return when you call them". He says raising his eyebrows and crossing his arms looking serious. "Remind me to fire George". I groan. "You are not firing anyone, he was just worried about you, hell we all are". He justifies with a pause he asks, "Enrique seriously though, what happened and where is Anna?" He asks in a much softer voice, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I don't want to hear anything about her". I answer with distaste. "So something did happen". Julio comments. "We'll talk about it later on but first you should take a shower, you reek of alcohol". Julio says pulling me up off the couch and leading me up the stairs. "I can walk on my own you know". I comment. "I know that, but by the way you are walking you look like you have two left feet, so I rather lead you to your room than have you break your neck or something". Julio says. Walking into the room he pushes me into the bathroom telling me to take a bath. "I'm going downstairs, to cook some food". With that, he exits the room. I wash my face at the sink, looking up at the mirror, I can hardly recognize myself, my eyes are red and swollen with dark circles around them and my cheeks are sullen. Looking away from the mirror I walk into the shower stall and start with my shower.

After finishing my shower I get dressed in sweatpants and a tee, I walk downstairs, the aroma of pancakes and coffee greets me. "Oh there you are, first take this medicine, it will help with your headache". Julio says as I enter the dining room. Taking the glass of water from him I pop the tablet into my mouth taking a sip of water. Sitting down on the chair by the dining table, I run a hand through my hair, "So care to tell me what happened, that you were so drunk that you couldn't walk properly?". Julio asks placing a plate filled with pancakes and eggs in front of me. With a sigh, I say, "I don't know how to tell you". "It is about Anna isn't it?". He asks to which I just nod my head, stabbing my fork into the pancakes and taking a bite. "Well, Shit!!" He comments, "what did she do?" Julio questions, "Let's just say that whatever mom said was true". I answer taking another bite. He looks at me with confusion but after some thinking he understands. "Omg!! How could she? Jesus! Wow!! I can't believe her". He says looking shocked. "But she was always so nice to everyone even Mom". He comments. "Guess it was all just a façade, she cheated on me and god knows how long has she been doing it". I say "Christ! Enrique, you have to get yourself together ok, show her that this hasn't affected you, don't let this bring you down ok". Julio says placing his hands on my shoulders. I just nod and continue eating my pancakes. "Come by for dinner tonight at my place, will help you get your mind off things". Julio suggests. Giving it a thought I answer, "OK, I'll be there". "Ok, then I'll leave now, be sure to give mom a call she is really worried and where the hell is Jack?" He asks. "He is with George and I'll give mom a call but promise me, Julio, you won't tell her anything about Anna". I answer looking at Julio. "Ok fine I won't but eventually you will have to tell her". He says patting my back and leaving the house. With a sigh, I finish eating the pancakes and eggs. Placing the plate in the sink I walk to my room deciding to give mom a call.

I'm so sorry guys, I couldn't update earlier, my laptop isn't working so I had to type this chapter on my phone which is kind of difficult for me.
Hope you guys like the chapter.
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Love you guys ❤❤

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