Chapter 34

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Essi POV

I sigh feeling relaxed and glad to be in Spain. "You look good essi, I hope you and Enrique are working on your differences". mom eyes me while sipping her tea. I landed here yesterday night and called Enrique he had already arranged for a car to take me home. We decided that I would stay with mom and then when Enrique comes we could stay at Isabel's place. I'm planning to go there for dinner. "I'm fine mom and we are also doing good". i inform her not going into details. "That's good, i just want you to be happy essi'. mom smiles giving my hand a squeeze. "I know mom". We finish our tea in comfortable silence only to be interrupted by Angelo. "Hey mom essi, what is there for dinner?" He asks taking a seat. "We are going to Isabel's place for dinner". I tell him. "Oh man and here i thought that i would be able to spend time with you". Angelo groans. It is a really funny sight seeing Angelo act like a 5 year old boy but he still is a kid even at fourteen. "We will tomorrow we  can go out to spend a day together, i would like to buy some stuff for Clarrise and her baby". I suggest. "That is a great idea!" mom says while Angelo groans about getting bored and having to help us carry the bags. "We can later on go to the games section at the mall or for a movie of your choice Angelo". i ask him. "Ok, I want to watch the new Avengers movie". he exclaims as i and mom laugh at his excitement.

Soon we get ready to go for dinner. After getting ready I call Enrique. he answers at the 2nd ring. "Hey". i say. Hey to you too" he answers,hearing his voice sends tingles running on my body. "I'm going to your mom's house for dinner". i tell him even though he already  knows it. "Hmm.. i bet you look beautiful". i can feel him smiling teasingly through the phone. "I don't know but your judgement is biased Mr Iglesias". i chuckle shyly. "You like it, how much ever you deny". he says. "where are you?" I ask him. "I'm in the car going home". he sighs. "Enrique don't overwork your self, I don't want you to fall sick". i tell him concerned. "Ok i will, i just reached home". He informs as i hear some shuffling going on from his side. "what the fuck!?" he says. "Whats wrong?" i ask him startled. "It's nothing just something i need to take care off, i'll talk to you later babe, bye". he tells cutting the call before i could say anything. I stare at the phone in my hand, he sounded shocked and angry. I'm worried that it isn't anything serious but why didn't he tell me? "Essi! Here you are. i have been calling out to you?" Mom comes inside my room already dressed. "Are you ok, you look stressed". she frowns placing her hand on my forehead checking the temperature.  "I'm fine mom, i was just thinking". i manage to answer her. "Ok". she replies even though she doesn't believe me.

Soon we are entering Isabel's house. Seeing the car pull up she comes out to greet us. "Essi! how are you?" she exclaims as i walk up the front porch. "Isabel I'm good how are you?" I ask her giving her a hug. "I'm fine darling especially now that I can stop worrying about Enrique". she gives me a teasing smile to which i laugh. "I hope he is taking care of you? how are you finding Miami, I know it is a new place and everything but I trust Enrique and Julio to look after you". she asks me. "Everything is fine, I'm still getting used to Miami and Enrique is taking good care of me". I answer her as we all walk inside. Isabel greets my mother and brother. Entering the dining room where the whole family is there. Ana and her boyfriend, Chabelli with her husband and kids. "Heya sister". Ana rushes giving me a hug. 'Hey ana". i chuckle while hugging her. We greet each other as everyone wishes me good luck for my newly married life. We chat for a while as the cook announces that the dinner is ready to be served. We take our seats and start with our dinner. My mind goes back to my last call with Enrique. I have a feeling within me that there is something wrong. "Essi are you alright?" Chabelli asks me."I'm fine, sorry i was just thinking". I smile apologetically at her. "It's fine essi, I was just asking you about Enrique, how is he especially after what happened," she says. "He is fine, has something happened ?".  i ask her curiously. "I'm not supposed to be telling you this but before he came to Spain after his last tour he  had a bad breakup with his girlfriend". she sighs before continuing"He was so broken after that, I don't know exactly what happened only mom and Julio know it, I just know that his ex GF cheated on him, I guess getting married to you was a good decision because after long I have seen him happy". she smiles at me before going back to eating. I'm surprised hearing this, I knew that he had an ex-girlfriend but I wasn't aware that she cheated on him. I realise that in a way me and Enrique are similar, we both had our hearts broken in the past. I eat my food as i make conversation with everyone at the table. I smile as I see mom discussing something with Isabel while chuckling and Angelo laughs as he talks and laughs with Chabelli's kids even though they are 7 and 10 he has gotten along well with them. After dinner, dessert is served as we move to the living room to relax and chat for a while. "Thank you, Isabel, for the lovely dinner! we will take our leave now it is getting late". mom says as we all say our goodbyes. "Essi, you will be staying here won't you once Enrique comes?" Ana asks me "That's the plan Ana". i answer her. 'Good, we can go for shopping and clubbing". she whisper yells. "Ok will look forward to that". I chuckle knowing fully well that if I decide to go clubbing Enrique will be coming too. "Of course essi is going to stay here after all this is her home". Isabel warmly smiles at me giving me a hug. Amelio, their driver drops us home. I wish good night to mom and Angelo as we enter the house. I go to my room and freshen up,changing into my night clothes. I'm utterly exhausted but sleep doesn't come to me since I'm thinking about Enrique and his ex but after a while, sleep hugs me.


I wake up to the birds chirping outside my window. Groaning i close my eyes pulling the blanket over my head to block the noise of chirping. I wonder how can birds be too enthusiastic in the mornings. Finally i get up, it's around 9am, taking a shower,brushing my teeth and changing i go downstairs. "Hi mom good morning". i greet mom entering the Kitchen. "Good morning Essi". she greets back handing me a cup of tea as she goes on to prepare breakfast. "I open my phone and go through my messages, i open facebook and find the everyday drone gossips and some stupid posts but one post makes me gasp as i click open the link with shaky hands. 'The Latin pop king gets cosy with the ex-girlfriend" read the heading. there are old pictures of them or at least i hope they are old. I read through the article 'Yesterday our source confirmed that Enrique and Anna his girlfriend were seen at their private beach in Miami getting cosy. "They were kissing at the beach right before Enrique dropped anna to her car, they seemed happy". our source informed us. Where was Esperanza? Enrique's wife? does she know about this or is she just a publicity stunt? Can she make Enrique fall in love with her when he clearly looks to still be hung up on his ex'. My vision starts getting blurry as tears gather in my eyes. With shaky hands i close the app and place my phone on the table trying to control myself. "Essi?are you ok?" mom rushes to me while asking me what's wrong. "It's nothing mom just missing dad". I make an excuse. "Oh sweetie it is fine, i miss him too". mom says hugging me to her bosom. i eventually calm down and let mom go. "Are you feeling better? if your not we can cancel the plan of going out today, Angelo will understand". mom suggests. "No, it's fine, I'm fine we will leave in an hour, I'll go wake Angelo". I say needing a distraction I wake Angelo up and we both head down for breakfast. I play with my food feeing my throat clogged. I don't know what to believe. Is this true? Was i just a publicity stunt? I take a deep breath trying to get rid of these thoughts as I forcefully eat my breakfast.

I rush to my room after breakfast announcing that I'm getting ready. Closing my bedroom door. I place my hand on my mouth to control the sobs as various questions run through my mind. Suddenly my phone rings I see that it is Enrique I cut the call. Right now I don't feel like talking to him. it is just too much. I will give him a chance to explain but once he comes here I don't want to talk to him before that. I need time to wrap my head around this. This is his life, there are going to be false accusations among other things but I don't think I'm ready to deal with it right now. He calls again but I don't pick up after my phone stops ringing I see a message from him 'Essi? Baby where are you? are you ok? " followed by another one'If you have seen the news please don't believe it, it's not true'. I choke back a sob as I brush my tears and get up and start getting dressed.

The whole time of shopping I try my best to distract myself. I'm glad that I'm wearing my scarf so that no one recognises me, I'm in no mood to deal with paps right now. I try my best to smile and engage myself in the shopping as I buy a couple of things for clarrise, her baby, George and jack too. Soon we are going towards the game's store where I and mom watch Angelo playing games as we cheer and encourage him. Soon I'm laughing with mom and Angelo but in the back of my mind, Enrique is still there. Times passes by too soon as it is already evening when we decide to walk around the beach and then head home.

I close my eyes feeling the breeze on my face at the beach. It reminds me of my time with enrique at the beach when he took me jet skiing for the first time. I remember squealing, clutching onto him as he drives with speed. That was the first time that I realized that I trust him and it scared me because I know what trust has got me nothing but sadness fear and hate. I hope that my trust is not broken by Enrique too. After spending time at the beach we decide to order takeout for dinner on our way home, as we reach home our take out order arrives 5 minutes later,  after dinner we all go to bed deciding to sleep in the next day. I check my phone as I keep it on charging. There are 10 messages and 30 missed calls all from Enrique. The messages say the same thing, to call him, let him explain I ignore them all and type in a message to him asking him for time and not to contact me and that I directly want to talk to him once he is here. Hitting send I put my phone on silent as I drift to sleep in exhaustion.

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