Chapter 2: not so great first day

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"Jack where do you think your going" A voice asked as you got on his back. He turned to see him with a doll in his hand. "Sorry kid, funs over" jack said dropping you. " Thanks for trying" you mumbled. You walked away pushing past Jason as he just stared at you. "Stop it right there" he said as you kept walking. "And who are you just to tell me what to do, last time I recalled you aren't my dad" you snapped back at him. " So just a Question Is It A Bad Time To Tell You the we need you for something"  jack interrupted. " What "Jason asked him irritated. " slender wanted to meet your little friend you know nothing slips past him"  jack explained. Here you were excited you were going to meet the slender man leader of creepy pastas.  " Tell him another time " Jason said grabbing you hand.

"He had a feeling you were going to be stubborn so that's why he sent me some back up" jack said. You don't know where they popped up from but the next thing you knew, Jeff the killer, ticci toby, and eyeless jack were blocking your path." So we suggest you hurry up and let's get going" Jeff said. "Can we stop on the way for waffles "Toby interrupted. "Why can't you just leave me alone, come on" Jason said pulling you down the path. He let go of your hand as he walked. " hey there kid" Jeff Said  as you looked back at them. You let Jason go ahead and you stayed behind to talk to the rest of them.

" you guys really are Jeff the killer, ticci toby, and eyeless jack" you asked them." Yup were the real deal "  Toby said." And we're really going to the mansion" you asked them. "Yes" Jeff sighed out." Damn I might never want to go..." Jeff covered your mouth before you could finish your sentence. He signaled for you to be quiet and everyone stopped. You didn't know what was going on until you saw a knife fly right past you. " It took you long enough we've ever been waiting" a voice said out of no where. "You really do get on my nerves " Jeff said. You continued walking and you were to confused to ask anymore questions. You came into view to see a big mansion.

Jason stopped and gripped your hand tightly and you glared at him. The doors opened and you were stunned by the decorations all over the place.  You looked around as different people came into your line of view. People who you could tell where creepy pasta by your knowledge. " Who's that" one of them asked. You didn't even have time to introduce yourself by the time you were Jason yanked your arm making you stand side by side with him. He lead you down a hall and you came to the end where two doors were.

" Say nothing unless you are asked a question" Jason said before knocking on the door. "Come in" a voice said from the other side. The doors opened, and the room just captivated you and you stared at the chair behind the desk that had different paperwork on it." You look at my room like it's the most astonishing thing you've seen" a voice interrupted your thoughts.  " It's just so nice" you said remembering what Jason said." Well why don't you  take as seat so we can talk, Jason wait outside " he directed you. Your took a  seat in the chair in front of the desk and Jason left.

The chair turned around to revealed  the one and only slender man. the smile on your face was priceless. "Why are you smiling, if it had been any other child they would be terrified "he questioned you." Your just like my favorite creepy pasta, and I'm just so excited that I get to meet you" you said with a bigger smile. "Does your head hurt, don't you hear static" he asked you." I do but it doesn't bother me" you said listening closely." Well then, how exactly did you end up in Jason's realm"  he questioned you. You explained to him what had happened and after that he just stayed silent. " Alright, Jeff is waiting outside for you" he directed you. " It was nice meeting " you said getting up. You left and Jeff lead you somewhere else where the rest of the creepy pasts were they all introduced them selves and they asked you questions about how you came to meet Jason.

You and explained the story to them. " You must have some guts to do that to one of his toys " clockwork said." So now I'm stuck here for eternity" you sighed out. " Don't believe it he just wants someone to pay with " clockwork said patting your shoulder." Alright listen up everyone, Y/N will be staying with us" a voice interrupted. It even shocked you that he had just said that." She's staying here "they all question slender man." Yes she is, does anyone have a problem" he asked sounding angry." No not all, slendy, it'll be like having a little sister" clockwork said ruffling your hair. "  she's not saying here " a voice said from the crowd." Your not the one to decide she's going to stay here, you know that very well Jason I thought I made this clear to you"  slendy said irritated. Jason  just walked out leaving you behind with the rest of the creepy pasta, "Come on Let's get your room set up" clockwork said pulling you up some steps. You were excited as she was. You didn't feel like going to Jason's realm if anything you never wanted to go back there.

-My Kind Of Fun- JASON THE TOY MAKER X TEEN READERWhere stories live. Discover now