Chapter 18: Invitations

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This is a long chapter so enjoy ~ Author
Six months later

You sat in the kitchen staring out the window that viewed the forest blanketed in ash. " Y/N remember you have to take your medication in three hours" you dad said. " the other side of the forest seems lively tonight there were fireworks earlier" you admired. " You know we don't cross into that side I'll get you some fireworks tomorrow would that make you feel better?" he smiled. " I guess so, I read in the book you told me to study that tonight is the one night where we set all of our differences aside and celebrate the day we made this forest ours" you told him sliding the book in front of you to him. " You were supposed to skip that chapter... they didn't send an invitation so we can't go to their side of the forest" he sighed.

" I wish they would, I wish I could just see it from just a little closer" you told him. " You know how they feel about you, you can't do it" he told you. "  let's go train some more I'm sure you'll feel better" he suggested. " Can I just go to edge of the woods to just watch the fireworks? I've done all my studies and I've practiced everything you taught me for the day please?" You pleaded. " On the edge not one step closer" he sighed and you smiled overjoyed. " Thank you! Thank you!" You cheered. You ran to grab your shoes and you ran out the door. " Be back in time for your medication" he yelled as you ran through the forest. You glanced around making sure your dad wasn't watching you. Once you were far enough in you jumped to the trees taking in the familiar smell of ash through the air.

" Come back in time for your medication" you echoed as you jumped from tree to tree. You reached the edge of the woods and sat on the highest branch you could find and watched as the fireworks lit up the sky. You heard laughing from afar as the lights from the mansion dazzled against the tinted glass that perfectly lined with the vines that crawled up its walls. You wished you could see it closer and you glanced again before jumping to a tree just off the edge of the woods. You breathed in ready for your dad to come and scold you for crossing past the edge but after a minute of nothing but laughter and the popping of fireworks you smiled and laughed lightly. " It's much nicer down there then watching from up here" someone said and you jumped back glaring at the figure in front of you. " Don't talk to them they'll reel you in with their lies" your dads words echoed in your head.

Jason's POV

" Everyone is here I can't believe he broke tradition and didn't at least send her an invitation" I told offender as he sat across from me. " Slendys going off the rails and he's killed three kids this week" Splendy said. "  it doesn't matter if He's angry with Zalgo! Tonight is the one night he had to put his weapons down and invite her here" I told him. " we've kept the tradition for years I'm not going to break it for slendys stupid ego" splendy said. " He's not stable right now if he sees Y/N here he'll loose it" I told Splendy. " He won't loose it he'll just ignore her because he knows she isn't to blame and he realizes that he's gone too far to apologize to her and Zalgo and I can reassure you that Zalgo has Y/N there against her will or he's fed her lies to convince her to stay"  offender said.

" Zalgo won't ever let y/n leave " I told him. " who ever said anything about asking Zalgo about it" offender said. " If we try to kidnap Y/N she could loose control who knows what Zalgo has taught her" I told them. " you don't seem to want her here?" Splendy said. " maybe because I'm afraid Zalgo will set the mansion on fire when he finds out we kidnapped her" I told them. " Then what else can we do?" Splendy asked. " let's forge an invitation with a dress she won't refuse that" I told him.  " What if Zalgo won't let-""He will because despite his ego that is very similar to slendys he's all about tradition" I told him. " So we send an invitation and a dress which I'm sure the two of you convinced trender to work on for the past two days" Splendy said.

-My Kind Of Fun- JASON THE TOY MAKER X TEEN READERWhere stories live. Discover now