Chapter 20: Sacrifice

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His eyes stared with awe making your eyes divert every way you could possible think of. " I'm sorry" he said looking away and you tugged the shit down a little trying to cover a little under your thigh.  " I can sleep on the couch down stairs, you can sleep up here. Make yourself at home." He said and you nodded. " T-Thank you..... for letting me stay and for trusting me" you admitted and he smiled softly and you'd never thought you could feel safe from just a smile. " Well now that your here and not running anymore. We have a lot to talk about" he said and you sat on the bed. " what was I like before this before I changed?" You asked him.

" Stubborn, reckless, smart, adoring, fearless, caring, beautiful, and A voice that made you just want to pour your heart out. But just as beautiful you became just as dangerous after we brought you back. Your lack of humanity made you forget everything you'd ever lived by. I take responsibility for what happened if I had just paid attention to your struggle to your signs if I had just tried to be more honest with you you'd still be the girl I love-""Has that changed?.....Do you still love me?" you asked him and he glanced up at you. " Not a day passes that I don't think about you but I've been trying to get to you for months This party was my last hope to see you. If you hadn't ran into me tonight I don't know how things would be right now. There's not a single part of me that doesn't love you. But I haven't seen you in month and at this point I don't think I can return your memories. And none The less I don't know what will happen when I do. When zalgo sealed your memories he sealed away almost all of your power and with the things that you can still do I'm truly terrified what will happen when I bring back all the feelings and all the confusion back to your mind" he explained and you stared at him.

" If anything your saying is true why didn't you just  cross into the woods and see me. Why did you wait all this time? Why did you make so much effort at this party you not only sent one but two invitations knowing that the second one wouldn't fail and when you saw me why didn't you'd say anything" you asked him. " Because you don't know the extent your father is willing to go to keep you away from us. I once tried to go and get you and almost succeeded but when I was just about grab you zalgo got in the way and he quickly put you to sleep so you wouldn't see me. I took a beating so hard just to get a glimpse of you and I wasn't able to stand for two months and after that he sealed off the woods so that I wouldn't be able to get in" he explained and you sat up.

" I use to get these flashes sometimes and whenever I did my dad gave me these pills and I couldn't stand for hours and I had no recollection of what happened I started to think they were nightmares because they had you. But after what you've just told me.... I think they're memories." You told him. " Memories or not I can't risk bringing them back you'd go back to being full of strength you don't understand and you'd lose yourself again and without the proper guidance and since Zalgo's only taught you to tame a small amount of all your power I'd be putting your life at risk and I don't know if your body can take it either or if doing so will erase them completely leaving you absolutely clueless" he said. " Do it I accept the risk and I accept the fact that my life is at stake-""- I cant do it. Even if your asking me to I know how much is at risk and I can't bring myself to do it.-"

" if you've ever felt anything for me.... Please ...Im begging you bring them back I can't live like this knowing that I was happier before this that someone truly cared for me unconditionally" you told him. " I love you Y/N I truly do. But please don't make me do this." He said softly. " If you don't do this I will find a way and take the risk in my own" you told him and he stared at you. " only on one condition" he warned. " What is it I'll do anything." You told him. " you come and live here with me like you used to no more woods no more running no more war" he stated and you nodded. " you have my word but one more thing" you said softly and he glanced at you. "Can you Kiss me like this will be the last time we'll ever see each other just in case it is? " you said and he grabbed you wrist and pulled you closer to him. " My insurance that you will survive this is you depending on that kiss so when your back to you I want you to ask me that again when your in my arms and your well aware of just how much you love me in that beautiful mind of yours" he said just centimeters away from brushing your lips.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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