Chapter One

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Hopes pov

"Hello!" Ashton shouts waving his arms at the camera.

"Welcome, pretty people!" Calum says jumping to the cameras view. I chuckle a little putting a hand over my mouth.

"Hey hey hey!" Michael says sliding across the floor smashing into a lamp.

"Hello," Luke says casually says sitting on the couch. I giggle and he winks. I'm not near a mic so the audience can't hear me. The boys are doing a twit cam, kinda like a live video where their fans can ask questions. When I say camera I mean Calum's old PC computer. Fancy right?

"How is everyone?" Ashton's says clapping his hands together. "Good good good, we have great news!"

The boys proceed with their video and I pull out my phone and check twitter, it's mad with comments and answers.

"I have someone I would like you all to meet, I love you all and I need to share this person with you, this person is basically the 5th member if 5sos, this person helps manage the band, travels with us and lives with us. We have kept this person a secret for our whole career and it's time for you to meet her. Her name is Hope." Luke says and looks at me. I stand up awkwardly and shake my head.

"I can't L," I whisper.

"It's fine Hope, they don't bite!" Calum says.

I smile and walk over. There was no space on the couch. I awkwardly sit in front of Luke at wave at the computer.

"Hey," I say quietly.

"Tell them who you are!" Michael shouts. I glare and turn back to the screen. I take a deep breath and look at Luke, he nods and I speak.

"I'm Hope Garner," I start.
"I've known these dorks from the start, well I have been friends with Calum since 3rd grade," I say and Calum weirdly pats my head. I laugh and continue.

"I'm also," I start and look at Luke to see if I was allowed to tell them, it's been 5 years.

"She's my girlfriend," Luke says, but it wasn't like we both blush we just kinda sat there.

"When you date for 5 years nothing is awkward to them, but I have to say this is pretty awkward," Ashton says. I roll my eyes and stand up, thinking I was supposed to leave. Luke grabs my waist and I fall on the couch. I was half on Calum and half on Luke.

"Oh lord," I say sighing.

"Awh! We love you!" Calum shouts In my ear.

My attention goes towards the comments. The comments were very harsh. I begin to open my mouth. Luke's hand covers my mouth and I growl.

"Those assholes," I mumble against his hand.

"We should wrap this up," Luke says and turns the chat off.

The boys eyes drift to the computer to Luke and then to me.

"I will lick your hand, Luke," I warn smirking, he pulls his hand away and pulls me fully on his lap.

"Sorry I should be nice, it's just I don't understand why they are so rude, I'm not gonna kill myself because a girl in Canada wants to marry Luke," I say. Luke laughs and raises his eyebrow.

"Well that's how some fans are love," he says.

"Yeah fans are fucking crazy," Michael says.

"But we wouldn't be here without them," Cal adds.

"Yeah, a lot of them have been really supportive." Ashton says.

"Yeah," I sigh, I stretch out my legs across Calum and Michael and my heel rest on Ashton's leg. It sounds weird but it was comfortable. All of a sudden I'm lifted, Luke and Michael picked me up in the laying position.

"Calum help!" I yell, he grabs Luke and Ashton grabs Michael. It wasn't smart of them because I ended up on the floor.

"God dammit," I moan in pain, I didn't hit my head but I'm going to have a bruised ass.

"Shit!" Luke says and lays on the floor next to me. "Are you ok, I'm sorry I dropped you."

"I'm sorry, but you can't be forgiven." I giggle and turn away from him.

Calum lays down also and faces me.

"So I guess I get you now?" He says it's been a joke that when Luke had enough Calum would get me.

I nod and hug him.

"What the hell she's mine!" Luke roars and grabs my waist.

"Maybe I want her!" Ashton shouts grabbing my left foot, and Michael grabs my right.

This was normal by the way. It's a daily thing. Me almost being rip limb from limb.

"I've made my choice!" I shout and they all pause.

"I pick...." I say pulling. Away from Luke and Calum and the other two."you," I run down the hallway.

"WHOS YOU?" I hear Luke shout.

"It's me guys she calls me you all the time," Mike snorts. I hide behind in a near closet.

"Psst, Hope, love where are you?" I hear Luke whisper, as he passes the closet I jump out and launch myself on his back.

"I pick you!" I whisper.

"WHAT? SINCE WHEN HOW COULD YOU!" Michael screams and takes us both down on the couch in the living room. It's was turning into a dog pile. I was at the bottom of course. Put the chick at the bottom! That makes sense you dicks!

I was face to face with Luke as Calum jumps on top pushing Luke down closer. I giggle and pretend to almost kiss him but roll off the couch. Which took a lot of effort. He faces plants into a pillow and the boys tumble. I quickly dash to the kitchen. And sit at one of the seats at the island. I grab an apple and bite watching the boys fights and smack each other with pillows.

"This looks like teenage girls sleep over!" I shout, they all turn to me and grins and smirks grow on their faces. I have quick heart attack as they stand. Their eyes flicker as they slowly walk towards me. "Oh shit!" I put the apple on the counter and close my eyes and wait. Nothing happens. I open my eyes and they are gone.

"Guys, Luke? Calum!" I say getting down from the chair. I walk to the hall and I hear a battle cry. The lights turn off and I'm tackled to the ground.

"Another dog pile! How original boys," I spit as I'm smothered. I'm picked up and carried back to the couch. The lights turn on and I'm alone again. Then something smacks the side of my head. And the other side. This didn't make sense. Pillows are hurled at me from all angles. The lights go out again. Jesus this is well planed. I try to get up but I'm held down from my wrists. I feel lips on mine. The cold metal from the piercing in his lip.

"That's for making me face plant into the couch bitch," he says and kisses me again.

Hey. Thanks for reading, I'm trying my best to work this out😂 I try my best to edit and fix things.

Xx kisumomo

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