Chapter Seventeen

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When you ship batman and Luke Hemmings ^^

A/n (sorry I'm trying something new where I find cute outfits and add them into Hopes outfit, I'm sorry if all the pics bugs you :(

Hopes pov

A sleepy jealous Luke falls fast asleep next to me, he didn't like the fact that I was freaking out over Dan And Phil.

I was Fangirling inside and out. It was a bit much, but in glad I meet them.
My phone goes off next to me on the nightstand.

Missy Stevens:
Hey. I heard you're in town, want to meet tomorrow morning?

Yeah, how about the cafe next to the Green Light Hotel?

Missy Stevens:
Sound good, how's 8?

That's fine, see you there Missy!

Missy Stevens:
You to H! XD

I smile to myself, I haven't heard from her since last year when I was in the states on tour, Missy is my cousin or my dad's niece, her mom was super close with mine, I would spend a month with them when I was a teenager. Her mom had cancer and passed, her dad lives in colorado with his girlfriend Maggie. The sickening thing was he moved on so quickly when my aunt died. Just another thing for me to be upset about.

I hear a knock at the door and I groan, I unwrap myself from Lukes' arms and walk to the door.

"Hey! did I wake you?" Molly whispers.

"Nope, come in. Be quiet sleeping beauty is knocked out." I chuckled softly and Luke, he looked so peacefull. Molly giggles at the sight of Luke, I grin and close the door.

"I have a gift, you know how Ashton was kinda like a superman for the don't stop video? And then Luke was batman when they did the superhero costume thing?" She asks putting the bag on the table. I nod,"well look what I bought for us, isn't it cute!?" she squeaks holding up two outfits in front of me. One had red shorts and a superman shirt, the other yellow shorts with a batman shirt. And it had a matching hat.

"Wow, those are cute," I awe, she hands me the Batman outfit and we cram in the bathroom and change, I have only known Molly for maybe a Month and she already felt like a sister

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"Wow, those are cute," I awe, she hands me the Batman outfit and we cram in the bathroom and change, I have only known Molly for maybe a Month and she already felt like a sister.

"We look hot Hope!" she says fixing her perfect ponytail."we should wear these all day, it's only like 3 in the afternoon right? We could make the boys walk around with us,"

"Sound good Molls, thanks, this is so cute. And I'll make Luke wear his batman shirt, I like how this shirts kinda like a crop top," I say and fix the hat and grab my converse, she's wearing blue ones so I'll just put my black ones on. I say bye to Molly and walk to the bed.

"Luke!" I shout in his ear. Nothing."Luke! Get the fuck up!" He stirs a little. I crawl on top of him, my legs on either side of him.

"Lukey it's time to get up!" I sing, I poke his shoulder. His eyes open. "Hey," he says smiling. I grin.

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