Chapter Twelve

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Luke's pov

I watch as the love of my life bleeds from her nose. I watch as she's threatened with a knife to her throat. And I can't do anything. I move. And she dies.

"Wait!" Hope chokes out. "You can kill me, just do it without them watching, please!"

"Hope N-no!" Calum yells. I wasn't the only one crying. The five of us stand there, we are forced to stay still.

"I love you." She whispers. I tremble as Jen drags her to Calum's room.

"She's a genius." Ashton whisper.

"What? She's about to be fucking killed!" I hiss.

Molly puts a finger to her lips.

I hear a sharp cry. I nearly knock Molly out while running to Calum's room. Tristan stands with her foot on Jens' throat.

"HOPE? YOU FUCKING BITCH!" I basically spit at Jen who's almost passed out.

Hope is gasping for air. I quickly pick her up.

"Are okay? I mean of course your not. But ca.." She cuts me off.

"Luke, my nose is bleeding." She cries.

I'm a fucking idiot.

I take her to the bathroom and we try to stop the blood. I succeed and help her clean the blood of her face. She cries softly into my hoodie.

Who the fuck does she think she is? Hope almost died.

I carry Hope to Calum, he takes her and lays her on the couch. I hesitate to leave her.

"Luke, go deal with Jen, we will watch her," Molly says.

"Yeah, don't worry we got it." Ashton agrees.

"Alright, don't leave her," I warn, they all nod their heads.

I walk to where Tristan and Michael were pinning Jen down and waiting for the cops.

"Mikey, go sit with Hope, I'll help," I say. I hold down Jens legs as Tristan had her sitting up with her arms behind her back.

"You live with that?" I ask.

"Yeah. I feel bad for not warning you she was trouble, I honestly had no idea she was this insane." She says.

"I'm sitting right here you assholes," Jen growls. She looks at me, gives me a nasty look. She mutters something under her breath. I ignored her.

She tries to squirm and get away from us, Tristan just pulls her farther back, if she pulled any harder her arms would pop out Of their socket. I grit my teeth as Jen screams out.

I sigh when I hear a knock at the door. The police take Jen back to where she belongs.

We all sit and wait for Hope to wake up.

I'm hugging knees. I bite my lip to the point it bleeds. I can't imagine the fear of being killed in front of all the people you love.

"Luke your lip is bleeding," Ashton says.

"Let it happen. I honestly don't care." I mumble.

Another hour goes by and Hope is still sleeping. Everyone was eating.

"Luke please eat, you didn't even eat the stuff Hope made you," Molly says.

"If I want something to eat, I will get it myself." I snap.

"Don't yell at her! We all feel like shit, don't make it worse." Ashton yells back.

"Guys she's waking up," Calum says.

Hope sits up scaring the shit out of all of us.

"Morning sleeping beauty," Calum says.

Hopes eyes dart around the room, they are filled with panic.

I scoot next to her and pull her into my lap.

"Shhh. She's gone now. She can't hurt you. Your safe now." I whisper. I felt like crying again. She was shaking like she was cold. She probably was really confused.

"Do you remember what happened?" Molly asks.

"Not really. I understand she tried to kill me. And then I was bleeding. Then I stopped bleeding. And then Jen was yelling." She trembles and locks her hand in mine. "The only clear memory was you crying. I hate that. Why does that have to be the clearest memory?" She says.

"Who's you?" Molly asks.

We all go silent.

Finally, Ashton says, "Luke."

She makes an 'o' with her mouth. And mouths a sorry to me.

"It's fine, we will all be fine. For now, we need to take a break. This whole month has been crazy. I think we need a vacation." I say. Maybe getting away from home was the best thing for us.

"I have something to say," Tristan speaks up. "I know why Jen attacked Hope."

"What?!" I hiss.

"Calm down lip ring, you know how fans are dicks towards Hope? Well did you know that Jen has 20 posters of Luke in her bedroom?" She asks.

They all look at me.

"So she was jealous? And used Hope?" Molly says. Tristan nods.

"I was kinda drunk last night, so warning you didn't click until I saw Jen drag Hope into Cal's room." She says. "She also is dating like three dudes. Um two now." She gives Michael an apologetic look.

Tristan says she has to go, Calum drives her home.

I lay Hope down our bed.

"Hope I love you so fucking much, I'm so sorry people it there are crazy." I apologize for her pain.

"Luke please never leave me ever." She whispers.

"That's the easiest promise ever. I don't want to leave you. Never will I not want you."

I lay next to her. She's still in her crop top and jeans.

"Babe. You want to change?" I whisper.

"I don't want to get up." She groans.

I grab my tee shirt. She changes into sweats and the tee.

"I love this shirt!" She giggles.

"Why? It's like three years old."

"It smells like you, that sounds weird, but It makes me feel safe."

"Hm, I guess it is your shirt now," I say wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Nope, it wouldn't smell like you if I wore it all the time." She whispers.

"Okay. I'll wear it more often then."

"I love you Lu."

"I love you more."

"Don't argue with me, Hemmings."

"Yes miss Garner."

"Goodnight Luke."

"Goodnight Hope."

I kiss her head. She falls asleep in a matter of minutes. Note to self:

Don't ever lose Hope.

I feel as if this is a shitty story! It is. Ohwell


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