Chapter 1

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Frost crept onto Connor's lips. He sunk to the ground, the cold night was growing colder, quickly. If Connor wanted to catch a rabbit he knew he'd have to set up a snare, the darkness had engulfed the forest, leaving his eyes unable to see the movements. Connor sighed, he got up and walked back to his pack and bed roll. He grabbed his hatchet, though it was nearly broken, it would do the job. Connor searched for a fallen limb, he stumbled upon a small limb, and cut it to pieces, and dragged it back to his make shift camp. With a couple swings with his hatchet to flint he had a fire going. Though he knew he'd have to get more wood if he wanted it going for lots of the night. His fingers wrapped around his hatchet, and just as he got up a lone howl echoed through the night. Connor bit his lip, his immediate thought was wolves. But it was just a lone howl, and it lacked the beauty and elegance of a wolf's howl. Connor figured he had to get wood anyways, so he'd go near the howl, investigating, and hopefully killing, the animal howling in the woods. Connor grabbed a chunk of wood and lit fire to it, it wasn't great and sure wouldn't burn for long, but he didn't have a torch, or materials to make one. With the new light Connor was able to make out the shapes of the forest, though only roughly 3 meters in front of him. Another mournful howl rang through the forest. Connor stopped, he wondered if this was the right move, deciding negative he turned and grabbed a limb on the way back. He chopped the limb at camp, and made a neat pile that was reachable from where his bed roll was. Now it was really cold, frost nipped his toes, and gnawed on his ears. Connor sat by the warm fire and had a sip of ale, he produced some heavily salted meat. Though the salt kept it from going bad, it ruining the delicious flavor. He gulped the meat, then had another sip to wash the flavor away. Connor looked to his left, wondering how far he was from the town, but not caring quite enough to grab his map and determine exactly where he was. He shoved the bottle of ale into his pack and curled up in his warm bed roll.

Morning dew lined the dead embers of his fire. Connor yawned, and grabbed a little bit more of the salted meat. He sipped a little water, than packed his bed roll into his pack. Connor marched around his camp, checking that he'd packed everything. He grabbed his hatchet and strapped it on the side of his pack. Than began the walk forwards to where he knew the town was. He suddenly remembered the snare he'd set earlier. Grumbling and angry at himself for forgetting such a needed thing Connor turned back and walked towards his old camp.

He saw the wolves before they knew he was there. They marched around his camp, sniffing each corner. Connor bit his lip, it was almost to the point that blood would spill from the gashes he'd made when he was making a hard decision. He slowly crept away from the scene, trying to remember exactly where he'd set the snare. It was near his camp, but far enough that he hoped the beasts wouldn't have found it. He almost set the snare off himself, the snare was empty. Though the wolves had clearly found it, there were tracks in the mud near the snare. Cursing Connor collected his snare and ran towards the town. He slowed when he knew he was a good distance from the snarling fangs of the wolves. Remembering the lone howl from the night before Connor decided he had enough food to spare a little late journey. He curiously walked to where the animal had been howling the night before. It was empty, though there was a grave, and dried blood stained on the ground. Connor wondered what the howling had been from, his question was answered when a mongrel burst from the bushes barking and snarling at him. Connor drew his axe and was prepared the end the dog's life. He stepped backwards, not wanting to kill it, but willing to. The mongrel walked forwards and sat beside the grave, growling softly at Connor, who was now a fair distance from the grave. Connor kept his axe drawn, as he turned and ran. The mongrel didn't chase after him, though Connor kept his axe drawn till he felt the dog wouldn't be able to get near him with out Connor hearing.

"Ahh boy want some jewels? Or a lovely steed to accompany you on the road?" A merchant smiled.

"Do I look like I can afford that?" Connor questioned.

"Well maybe I should set my sights on some people with coin then," the merchant sighed.

Connor walked around the town, poor farmers were selling fruits and vegetables, some even sold meat. There were more rich people at the market too, like the merchant, a blacksmith, and a man who bred horses, there was a kennel worker too, holding dogs of various sizes. Connor walked towards a poor farmer, he had steak for cheap.

"How much for 3 pieces of the beef?" Connor asked.

"How about 2 silver coins?" The farmer smiled.

"Sure sir, that's and amazing deal! If I didn't know better I'd say you were losing money," Connor smiled.

The farmer handed him 3 steaks wrapped in fabric. Connor held them in his hand and walked over to a wealthy woman. She had a jumble of items, Connor had his eye rested on a box, it was made only for meat, and could hold ice and water without leaking.

"How much?" He asked pointing to it.

"How about 3 silver and 5 copper?" The woman asked.

"That's a little pricy," Connor said biting his lip.

"Look I need money, how about just 3 silver then? Deal or no deal kid, I'm paying you an amazing deal!"the woman sighed.

"Yea deal," Connor said, handing the woman his coin.

She gave him the small box, the three pieces of steak he had would barely fit, though there'd be enough room for ice too. Connor put the box in his bag and chatted to some farmers, he loved hearing the different deals, and prices of the things at the market. He wanted to become a merchant some day, though he was poor and didn't have much to sell. Connor walked to a happy merchant.

"So tell me, how much for that crown, then the silver bracelet?" Connor asked.

"Well the crown is 7 silver, made of almost pure silver and engraved with beautiful markings it's worn by those of a high social ranking. The bracelet is 4 silver and 6 copper, it's silver, with a beautiful jewel on the front it can be worn by wealthy farmers, or middle class," the merchant informed.

Smiling Connor left the market, he walked into an inn and bought a room. It was their worst room, and had a very small space for a room. But it only cost Connor 4 silver and came with food so he was happy. The worker of the inn handed Connor a plate with steak, not the salty kind, and fruits from the farmers. He directed Connor to his room and left to do business with them other customers. Connor set his plate down on his bed and let his pack down too, he grabbed his key for the room and left locked the door. He walked down the stairs and to the market stalls again.

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