Chapter 19

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Connor's feet ached, they'd started moving early in the morning; and after the hard and long fight he had wanted to have a good sleep. He focussed back on the trail they were following to get to the main road. Time ticked by and soon they'd made it there, uneventful. The town was only a short 5 minute walk on the main road now, but already Connor was getting a bad vibe. He sped up a little so he could walk beside Alex, who usually always kept lead; as it was in her nature and style. The pace was fast, all impatiently waiting for the corner, that led straight into the town to appear; and sure enough it did. Connor took the lead from then, going deliberately faster than the rest. He turned the corner, and bit his already sore and bitten tongue. Some buildings were lit afire, and others were left untouched. Connor beaconed the others over and started to run to the commotion. He gasped as there weren't only Breadin marking the gore filled blood fest, but also werewolves. The two seemed to either be at a neutral ground, yet a liking one, or in a alliance; both were bad in Connor's eyes. The others caught up quick, and held their breaths as the world around revolved. Connor figured the town was already lost, all guards had either given up and ran or been slain, along with the citizens. But Alex huddled the group together.

"I say we kill as much as we can, along the sidelines and not attracting to much attention. We should head to the guild first thing though," She suggested.

"Why fight? The towns already been lost," Chance had the same idea Connor had.

"Because that's what we stand for as a guild, we fight for those who can't! Besides we need to get to the other members so we can see all who's left," Goat joined in on the conversation.

Chance didn't agree, though didn't question anything else, following Goat and Alex. They snuck into the center of the town, retracing old steps back to the guild without any Breadin or wolf noticing. It was in flames, and had the bodies of members, almost all members outside burned stuck on poles; some had been left to rot on the street with huge cuts flanked across their bodies. Alex was counting each member.

"37, almost all."

Connor couldn't help but feel bad for the unsuspecting dead souls. It wasn't something he felt often. Alex led the group inside the building and through the front office. There were more inside, these ones looked even worse. Mangled beyond recognition, most half eaten. Chance threw up all over te floor, with Goat near throwing up point. Alex was almost in tears, something he didn't see his leader do very often; even when she was one of the ones who got injured in battle. Alex grunted and spun around to face the last members of the guild.

"We're the only ones left, all 69 people are dead!" Alex sobbed, "We have to avenge them!"

"Is death all you think about?" Connor muttered under his breath.

"Yes Connor, it is. Now grab your damn swords and lets end some of these bastard's lives!"

Connor unsheathed his blade and smiled at his only living guild members. Chance wiped her mouth and unsheathed her shorter sword, along with Goat. The team marched outside, not caring to be silent or unseen. Immediately a 4 breadin and 5 werewolves noticed and got sickening grins on their faces, expecting them not to put up much of a fight like the villagers. Connor clashed steel with the first breadin, and whilst they were trying to overpower each other Connor kicked his gut. Throwing him away, but before he could slash at the breadin he had a werewolf trying to slash at his face with bloody claws. The beasts hadn't even done 2 on 1 before, it was simple a disgrace, and in the beliefs of the people in Damian if you disobeyed the law that far; and played unfair, you'd be sent to the depths of hell and tortured for all eternity. Most believed it, and those who didn't respected that other believed it; though apparently that didn't matter to Breadin or werewolves anymore. Connr hit the werewolf's claws with his swords, and stabbed it, the Breadin had steadied itself and was about to rush Connor. he tried to dodge quick enough but go his wrist sliced. Connor's wrist was numb, but he ignored it and slashed at the unbalanced beast. They were almost all dead now, Connor took one another werewolf without injury before the 9 beasts laid at their feet. Connor smiled at his friends, they were all bathed in a fair amount of blood an all had at least 1 injury to show from the battle with the unfair beasts; but they were successful. Connor let his blade rest against his side, as they waited for more monsters to show up. Their wish was granted, as another wave of blood hungry monsters showed themselves. 5 breadin and 5 werewolves. It was a hard fight, but Connor trusted himself.

"Formation B kids, we've got a bloody one ahead of us."

Formation B was a stance they'd practiced; fall upon a partners back and fight back to back till you've finished the first ones. Then take em' out quick and alone. Connor fell against Chance's back, they made a good pair, with her speed and Connor's balance they'd surely make it with minimal injuries. A breadin took Connor on, smirking than darting right to left. Connor slashed as his ankle, hitting his target making the breadin dance back in pain. A werewolf jumped at the opportunity to fight Connor, taking a slash at both sides first. Connor brang his blade down upon the wolf, hitting him on the shoulders, but with his unluckiness getting a scratch on his side from the beast's recoil. Connor came crashing down on the beast. The breadin that he had hit the ankle of had recovered, and was furious. It slashed at Connor, but Connor was too quick dancing back just in time. Connor thought he had a clean shot, he swung at the breadin's side, but his blade met steel and went flinging from his grip. Connor cracked his knuckles and elbowed his head down, than uppercut him. The breadin went crashing to the ground, with blooding pouring from his nose. Connor grabbed pole that had used to be from a oil lantern on the street, and bashed the monster to death. Connor took on another breadin, as he was about to bring the beast down he heard a crash and a small gasp. He stabbed the beast's throat, leaving his sword in for now and came rushing to the scene. Alex had almost killed a black werewolf, but for an unknown reason Chance had tackled the beast from Alex's reach.

"Lark what in the name of Garfield's bane are you doing here!" Chance barked, getting off from the ground.

Lark cracked a smile, "Damn Chance, I would have never took you to be one of those quirky girls who liked 4 some's! Oh and ya' kinda need to eat as a werewolf so I figured I'd better take the opportunity to get some free food. Guess I got caught in some back lash, hey traveler dude, still banging Chance I see. Care to introduce me to these friends you've made?" Lark grinned.

"That's Alex and Goat, you already know Connor."

"What now?"

"Does it look like I know?'

Alex looked surprised, "Who in the bloody hell is this?"

"His name is Lark, me and him used to live on a farm together."

"Friends with a werewolf! Who's ever heard of it, well I s'pose I do my part, I've heard there's a mage working on the magic to cure werewolfism, around Vinevale."

"Vinevale!?! You know I have a feisty hunger as a werewolf, I might end up eating you all, oh and I don't mean it in the sexual way," He smirked.

"I say we kill him." Alex immediately said, straight faced.

"Hey, so big ass over here don't like jokes I get it, I get it!"

"I vote we do!" Chance smiled.

"Me too," Goat agreed.

"Yea whatever, I just follow for the food and coin so I don't really care," Connor lied, he followed partly for free food and coin, but because he also learned to love his friends.

"Alright fine, he goes," Alex smiled.

"You furry fucker get up and lets get a move on," Chance said, offering her hand to Lark.

They sheathed their blades and started the mighty journey to vinevale, which was said to hold the kingdom.

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