Chapter 6

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Connor felt a trickle of water trail down his face. He opened his eyes, Freddy was holding a bucket of water, trying to make it to the tub. Connor yawned, he put on his leather runners and was about to walk out of the room, when Freddy dropped the bucket. Connor spun around. Freddy was smiling with victory, he'd dropped the bucket in the tub.

"What's this for? Is it extra money?" Connor asked.

"A bath! I noticed you smell like a pig pen, and nope it's free!!" Freddy laughed.

Connor began walking to the door, he stepped down the rack of stairs and sat on the barstool. The bartender walked over to him and looked him in the eye.

"What's it gonna be kid? Northbound Mead is on sale today, 5 copper per bottle," he smiled.

"I'll take a bottle of vodka and a bottle of Northbound Mead," Connor smiled.

"Sure kid! Vodka round here's strong though, rums just a tid bit stronger," the bartender said, walking away to fetch Connor's request.

He came back carrying a small bottle of vodka and a little bigger but still small bottle of mead, it had a picture of a mammoth in a snowstorm, with the bold words Northbound Mead plastered across the bottle. Connor grabbed the mead and popped the cap off. He chugged a little of the alcohol, honey tasting liquid swirled around his mouth. Connor grabbed a mug from the bartender and mixed the vodka and mead together, making the honey taste a little less and more of the stronger liquid. Freddy stumbled down the stairs, he walked over to Connor and sat next to him. Connor handed him the cup of vodka and mead and mixed another.

"So Connor, where are we going now?" Freddy asked.

"Next town over, then to the next, then to the next, then back here," Connor yawned.

"That's boring, how about we head north!! I've always wanted to go up north!" Freddy suggested.

"No, I can't trade in the go-" Connor was cut off.

"Don't worry son, up in Sinsta there's another man who you can trade with, names Bartunder, bar name is Worts a Wink," the bartender smiled.

"Okay, but we're gonna need a map Freddy, and a bunch of supplies for winter, like blankets, salted meat, bottles of water, stuff like that," Connor agreed.

"We have my bed roll, it's made of fur and leather, and made for the cold, do that'll work for you, and I can do a illusion spell, some are so wicked! Like who would of thought you could trick yourself into thinking your warm. Though I guess its not completely tricking cause you don't get frost bite or anything when you normally would," Freddy smiled.

Connor finished his cup and handed the bartender it, he paid him, then Connor and Freddy left. Connor walked along the cobble stone street to the main market stall for those going north. There was a merchant packed with blankets, and bedrolls. One had supplies for food, and another had food. Connor walked to the merchant that had a stall full to the brim with all different kinds of food.

"Hey, any salted meat? And things that last awhile," Connor asked.

"Oh yea kid! Porks 4 copper a piece, got a deal for 6 for 2 pieces. Steak is 4 copper, and chicken breasts are 3 per piece," he explained.

"I'll take 2 steaks, a chicken breast and a piece of pork. Oh and a small bag of carrots, and a small potato bag," Connor requested.

The merchant packed the food and handed Connor the bags. Connor grabbed his now empty box, that held meat. And placed all the meat inside. He handed Freddy the potatoes and carrots to put in his bag. Then they were off. Connor didn't bother to thieve from the city, most were poor, and those who weren't were heavily guarded. Connor led Freddy to the forest, with fresh snow piled around trees. It had snowed again last night, now the snow was ankle high, low but it was early, and there would definitely be more snow coming. Low voices echoed through the valley. They were trying to be quiet, but their voices were easily audible. Connor couldn't make out the words, but thanks to Freddy they wouldn't have a problem. He became a rabbits, a white hare, and listened intently to the conversation. His eyes widened, and he stared at Connor. He grew into his human form.

"They're bandits, and have a hostage, Connor we need to help!" Freddy informed.

"B-But we need to keep on track! If we don't we could get lo-" Connor stated.

"Connor there's a hostage! Who knows what those dirty bandits do to hostages! We must help, well if your not I am!" Freddy protested.

Connor's patience thinned, "Fine, but just this once."

Freddy summoned, with long floppy ears and a big muzzle, and tracked the bandits. He scented their bandit stench quick, and trotted briskly to where they had made their camp. It wasn't far from where Connor and Freddy had been, almost next to it. Freddy stopped in the bushes, and unsummoned the dog, to save all his magical powers for the fight. Connor watched as the bandits discussed their next move. Freddy poked Connor and pointed to a couple cages, they held a young man and woman. Connor suspected they'd been new merchants, naively thinking it'd be easy work and good pay. They obviously hadn't thought of bandits, and hadn't decided to get a sword, or hire a swordsman. Freddy poked him again, and whispered that they should attack. Connor crawled over to the bushes behind the bandits. And looks Freddy in the eye. Connor's fingers wrapped around the girl's dagger, he now claimed the small blade as his own. Connor steadied himself, then charged forwards. He'd caught the bandits by surprise, and got a good slice at one's back. They swung around, and unsheathed their weapons. One held a longsword, made of iron, and forged by a talented blacksmith. The other had a fairly cheap sword made of silver and forged by a poorly talented blacksmith. The one with the sword races forwards, Connor met his slash with a swing from his dagger. Connor stumbled back, and regained balance. The longsword bandit swung his giant blade, Connor jumped back, barely missing the end of the iron blade. Freddy stalked from the bushes, he had a almost see though sword in his hand, and crept behind the bandit with the poorly made sword. He jabbed his sword into the bandit's back, but not having a very good swing. The bandit gasped and cringed, he kicked Freddy's stomach, and tried to slash at him. Freddy met sword to sword, and held for a second before the bandit dodged to the side and swiped. Freddy's sword disappeared, and he jumped back away from the bandits. He summoned up a war axe, and swung at the bandit, but the bandit was quick to dodge. The bandit lost a little balance, and Freddy saw that as a time to strike. He jumped forwards and slashed vertically down the bandit's stomach and chest.. Blood sprayed everywhere, it hit Connor's face, almost getting in his eye. The longsword bandit raised his blade, and pulled it down, Connor jumped to his side, the blade came crashing down almost hitting his foot. Connor jumped forwards and stabbed the bandits stomach, then pulled his dagger out and slashed his stomach 4 times. The bandit fell down, dead. Freddy turned back into a human, his blueish greenish hair was stained with blood, and his happy smile was grim. He walked over to the cage.

"Did you see where they put the key?" He asked.

"Over on the stool, thank you!" The man smiled.

Freddy trudged over to a blood bathed stool, and picked up a set of keys. He walked over to the cage, and unlocked the first. Then a bandit and racing out of a nearby cave, along with 5 others behind. Connor grabbed his dagger, but he was pushed down by a great force. He saw feet approach him, and take his dagger. The bandits shoved Freddy and Connor in cages. He saw a smug looking Mage playing around with his dagger. The Mage caught his eye, and smirked.

"Was this yours? Oh well it's mine now!"

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