Chapter 23

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The group had expected a fair amount of people to show up, but never in the world had they expected the amount that did. 27 strong, armed citizens ready to risk their lives fighting for the good of Damian. The attack was planned on the 21st, and currently it was the 18th. That gave some time to practice the new recruit's fighting skills, and of course, Lark and Connor were set up to train the newer fighters. Connor was set up with a small girl, who looked to only be around 15. Connor had no doubt she'd prove well in battle, but he wondered if her parents approved of her activity in the group. Connor didn't care that much, but he couldn't help but wonder.

The girl stood in a field with a wooden sword that had been modified with goose feathers and sheep wool so it would bounce off of Connor with any attack. He studied the girl for a second, trying to guess her next move. But she showed no hints of her plan, and so he decided it would only be fair if he strikes first.

"alright, for our first session in going to go easy on you, just to get your skill level and such," Connor informed, "but don't go easy on me, I need to see real skills here, not pity skills."

The girl gave a curt nod and got in formation, Connor mimicked her pose and waited for her to strike. She hadn't gave in, and in the battles he'd fought, Connor knew it was around than that the beast would give up on waiting and try to attack. Connor leapt at the girl, but as expected she held her arm up and smashed his face away. Connor stumbled back and she kicked his quad, he felt himself falling to the ground, he decided if he was going down, he'd bring his opponent with him. He flailed his arms out, in hopes of grabbing her, and he did. His arm landed right on her own and he smashed against the grass with her, he quickly recovered and hopped to his feet, his opponent raced after him, but too slow, he'd already won, with a hand stretched out to help her up, Connor evaluated that approach. She'd shown good judgement to wait for the attack, bu she should have gone for either under Connor's knee or his stomach to push him over, as he would be in more pain and involuntarily cradle that area instead of trying to get her down too. Connor spent the rest of his evening training with the girl, whose name he later found out to be Clara. When the got sore, he decided to educate her with words, not actions.

In 2 days all the extra hands were trained and prepared for what was to come, all they had to do was wait, and yet, to Connor that was easily the hardest part. He was uneasy knowing he may not live one day later, it stressed him out, and stress wasn't god on a battle field. He calmed himself soon, after though, talking to his friends always helped, he also met some of the new troops. They kept a rally of all the families, so when someone died they could find the home they once belonged to and deliver the information of death. Connor liked most of the troops, though there were a few suspicious characters he couldn't help but wonder about. In the end it didn't matter though, many of them were going to die, many innocent people, for this one cause.

The day was over. Connor's last relatively normal day before a day of blood and death. He didn't think he was going to make it out. But when he woke, he couldn't help but believe he would, he couldn't help but believe that he and all his friends would make it, and live happy lives. He knew it was all a trance in his mind, but as he slipped into that joyful reality for a second, Connor couldn't help but wish he were there. Things were simpler, things were better. And as he stepped out onto the field of rising troops, he got this feeling, a bad one, one feeling that he wouldn't be making it to his nice, simple dream.

"Hey Connie," Lark grinned from behind him, "Ready to go kick some ass?"

"Ready as I'll ever be Larky," Connor simply replied.

Lark patted Connor's back and said, "Well, than let's get packed."

Connor smiled and started to pack his things, his swords, a dagger, some extra gear, and a small bottle of water. As soon as he was done the small camp was buzzing with life. Connor sat again with his friends before they left, they all wistful expressions. Connor finally broke the silence.

"We just gonna sit here? Or kick some ass!" Connor smiled as he got up, "Now let's go beat the lives outta these assholes and make em' wish they never came here."

The rest of his group now all wore small smiles as they got up from their seats and grabbed their bags. Connor sucked up his fear of public speaking and walked over to the center of camp. He raised his voice so it was loud and clear.

"We're leaving in 10, any late people will be left behind!" Connor shouted, "If that's really a bad thing," He whispered the last part.

No one was late, surprisingly. Connor lead the group towards the camp of beasts. He'd taken it upon himself to memorize exactly where the camp was and all the land marks and escape routs around it.

As Connor led the group of armed and trained people towards almost certain death, he wondered, if he was ever going to walk the earth again.

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