Chapter 4

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Pinto carried Connor and the girl a far ways from the farm, in the buzz of the moment Connor ad forgot his pack. He cursed under his breath and stopped them pinto.

"Sorry girl but I forgot my pack so I've got to go back, come if you want," Connor said.

"I noticed that, I swiped it while the farmers weren't looking. Be more careful, you almost died because of forgetfulness," The girl said, showing the pack on her back.

Connor blushed a little and kicked pinto up again. He was headed straight for the next town. Instead of robbing again Connor decided he'd get money for his stolen items than go back.

"So where are we headed?" She asked from behind him.

"Next town over, but its not we I'm going there and if you want you can snatch a horse and follow me but we aren't a team or anything okay? I'm just a thief and you're coming with me. Then we part ways," Connor said, making it clear he didn't want a partner in crime.

"Yea don't worry kid, I don't want to stick around here anyways," she mumbled.

Pinto reared a little, throwing the girl off balance. Connor have Pinto a kick, so he'd run. They rode for hours, until dusk trickled across the sky. Connor led the stallion to the edge of the forest, where it was beginning to get shrubby, but not shrubby enough that it would be a problem for sleeping. The stallion happily grazed, though he was tied to a tree. Connor untied his bed roll from his pack and laid it across the ground, he was confused when his hatchet wasn't there.

"Where's my hatchet!?!" Connor asked.

"The farmer took it, but I have a dagger. It's not perfect but for a night it'll work right?" She said.

"Yea no kidding it's not perfect! Ugh yea it's not like we've got a choice anyway," Connor sighed, his mood had gone into the gutter with the loss of his hatchet.

"What's your problem!" The girl barked.

"Well I really liked that hatchet, my father gave it to me before he died. Course the damned man never loved me, that hatchet meant a lot. Anyways look it was almost broken anyways just hand me the dagger and I'll get down wood," Connor sighed.

The girl tossed a dagger, it was made of the finest silver, and had a small snake embedded crawling up the blade on either end. It had a green jewel on the bottom, and a curved blade that edged forwards for maximum pain on your target. The hilt fit well in Connor's hand. It was barely used, and the steel wasn't stained at all. Connor marched towards the forest, the coldness was bringing to creep from its den. Connor grabbed 2 fair sized limbs and tugged them back to the makeshift camp. Connor began chopping off pieces that were suitable. And making the one that weren't smaller. Soon they had a sizable inferno going, and a stack of wood to keep it that way. Connor handed the girl his bedroll, layoff the material on his legs.The frost still crept through his pants, making him curl into a ball under the girls bedroll. Morning dew tickled his pink nose. The girl looked warm and comforted in the bedroll, meanwhile Connor's legs had never been so cold. He knew it would start to snow soon, making thieving a whole lot harder, for one people could easily follow tracks, and some merchants didn't sell in the winter. Connor grabbed his possessions and packed them up, not before grabbing 2 chunks of salted meat and feeding himself, laying the other piece by the girl. Connor sipped away at his bottle of ale and washes the foul taste of salt from his mouth. Connor woke the girl, and packed his bedroll. Connor untied Pinto and hopped on his back, the girl followed after.

"Alright listen we're going to go to the nearest town, Barbel, because I need a saddle and you need to go," Connor sighed.

"Need to go!" She spat, "Come on dude I helped you, if I didn't help you wou-"

Goblins burst out of the shrubs. One held a dagger near Pinto's legs, threatening to slice them open. There was 6 of the bastards, starved and insane they were prepared to kill of it meant gold and food. The biggest goblin, Connor presumed the leader looked up and smirked.

"We kill if no food," he croaked.

"Daggers down goblins, we'll give you what you want," Connor sighed.

The goblins lowered their daggers, Connor slipped off Pinto, and pressed his fingers to the dagger he hadn't given back to the girl. They eyes his every move, reaching towards the back pack, Connor stared around. Then he quickly turned and caught the first goblin in surprise. Connor knocked the dagger from his hand and sliced his wrist. The goblin winced and grabbed his wrist, fleeing from battle. Connor felt a boot to his back and swerved around. The goblin leader was fuming. Connor rushed him, hitting blade to blade. The goblins leader stumbled, Connor rushed again, and stabbed him in his knee. The goblins leader howled and leapt back, then a goblin sliced his forearm. Connor bit his lip, holding I the pain. He kicked the short goblin down and stabbed his gut. Some were fleeing now, only 2 left. The goblin leader and a hefty goblin. The hefty goblin rushed forwards, Connor met his swipe with a blade. He kicked the pale goblin back and swiped at the leader. He jumped back, sending shots of pain through his knee. The pale goblin ran forwards, missing Connor's stomach by an inch. The goblin didn't stop fast enough, and sliced his own for head running into Connor's blade. Now it was just the leader. He stumbled forwards raising his dagger. Then threw the dagger and ran. Connor ducked, the dagger nearly hit his face.

"Haha that was close, nice job, now let's go," the girl smiled.

Connor hopped back on Pinto and rode away. They were close to the town than Connor had thought, smiling Connor hopped off Pinto, this also meant they were closer to the big town. Connor walked to the stables. The groom smiled and walked over to him.

"Hello sir! How can I be of assistance?"

"Saddle, I need a saddle for two, but make it cheap."

"The lowest price is 6 silver, and next is 7 silver. If I can make a suggestion of say get 7 silver because it's way better quality just for a silver coin."

Connor grabbed the saddle and walked back to Pinto. He held his breath, the girl was getting dragged away by the guards, along with pinto being led away. Connor rushed over and stopped a guard.

"Wonderin' why this lil lady is gettin takin away? Haha she's a horse thief, stole this beautiful pinto from a town away!" He smiled.

The girl looked over to Connor, hope in her eyes. Connor shrugged, and left the guards to their business. He tied the saddle to thee back of his bag and walked away. Into the forest. Luckily he was prepared for a night or two in the freezing cold. Saying that he'd be freezing in the mornings and night, and risk getting frost bite on the last day as he was heading north.

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