Chapter 15

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"My brother is an adventurer! He travels across the realm defeating monsters and becoming rich! His newest goal is to kill all the werewolves, vampires, and those damned Breadin! If you'd like to join the rebellion against the beasts go to the Bardainian venturers down the street and talk to the man at the desk! We've got to fight for our right against the beasts now or else we'll all die at their hands!" The man who was supposed to be entertaining the bar's voice boomed.

Connor yawned, at 2 in the morning, he was forced to stay awake by the oh so active Chance, who was dancing in the middle of the bar, completely drunk with 7 men trying to bed her. Connor broke a smile and got up from his seat heading over to where Chance was. She stumbled over to him, with a stupid drunk smile plastered on her face.

"Hey Chance, any Chance we can head to bed?" Connor asked.

"What! Head to bed no way, its only like 12!" She slurred.

"Its 2, now I don't care on your pinion we're going, besides I don't want you going to the woods wasted out of your mind with some drunk asshole you barely know," Connor said, pulling Chance away from the party.

"Please I wanna stay out for longer! Sides I've got half a bottle of ale!" Chance complained.

Connor shook his head and dragged Chance back to the room. With no money they had to get creative, and spent hours planning ways on a bench by the market stalls. But instead of using one of there master schemes Connor saw a wealthy merchant place his coing bag behind him on a wall near his stall, and Connor swiped that. Connor eventually got up the their small room, with a wooden couch, with a cushion made of fur, and a bed. Connor let Chance have the bed, and found the couch to be more comfortable anyway. He made sure to lock the room and stash the key under the couch, so Chance couldn't get out once he had fallen asleep. He didn't want the drunken girl getting herself into trouble. Sleep opened itself up to Connor quick, it felt like 5 minutes before his eyes were forced awake by the bartender.

"Me boy its 11, time to go."

Connor woke Chance up and the pair left the bar, not needing to pack because now they only owner Connor's dagger, well he only owned it anyway. Connor led Chance to a bench and they began spamming ideas for getting coin. Nothing was worth going through with, they were stuck and if they didn't come up with a worth while idea they'd have to steal of kill to live. Chance seemed to hate the idea, though Connor didn't mind killing, since he'd practically done it his whole life. It was hours later before both were dead outta ideas, and had nothing in their brains left. Connor hadn't ever been in a situation like this before, though when he was a young boy when he escaped the farm he had to work for crappy jobs, till a merchant found him and decided to take him with for a small while. Ander, Ander the merchant. He died later, though Connor didn't care much, the piece of filth was always drunk and constantly groped woman, and said it was an accident afterwards.

"Dead outta luck are we? Well head down to Bardainian Venturers, them fellas are knights of some sort, course a lass like yourself may not like that. But this young lad can, just a strip of advice from an old fella who used to work as a knight," A hard faced old man smiled.

Connor shrugged and look at Chance, she had a little hesitant smile on, but Connor didn't care, as cruel as it sounded he would leave her easily. Connor had learned that sometimes you've got to go on your own, one way or the other he knew Chance would survive. Even if it meant doing something illegal.

"I say yes, lets go Chance," Connor didn't wait for her answer.

He got up from the bench and walked towards a large sign with bold black words
'Bardainian Venturers' carved into it. Chance, to Connor's surprised followed without a word. They pushed open the door, inside was a single desk and a door that led farther back into the building.

"How may I help you two?" The man at the desk asked.

"We'd like to join, only if there's free food and coin though," Connor responded.

"Yea, free food and coin all you have to do is kill. Say are you sure about dragging the lass into this? I mean we want as little deaths as possible," He asked.

"Yea I'm fine, I'll come," Chance smiled.

The man pointed towards the door, and Connor walked forwards, with Chance at his heels. Inside, to both's surprise, was a huge area filled with both men and woman of all ages. Most were stationed at benches, eating bread and chatting. Connor stopped in his tracks, confused from the ruckus. Again as if the world heard him thinking a bright faced man strutted confidently up to the two.

"Hey are you new here and wanna join? Well let me tell ya it ain't easy here, so you're gonna have to work and challenge yourself, training every day too!" He paused, "Well let me show you around! I'm going to be joining soon! I love killing its my favorite thing to do, especially with the new beasts around, I wonder what they could have come here for, I mean if I was a beas-"

"Roger! Unneeded, sorry fellas Roger is quite the talker, I'll show you around cause you can't get that little bitch ta shut up!" A woman a little older than Connor smiled.

"Hey Matilda! If you don't like me why did you marry me huh? Is it cause what I got in my pants? Cause I know you LOVE that!" Roger teased.

"No Roger, its because while I'm out working you can watch the kids, speaking of that why aren't you watching them!" She asked.

"Penny wanted to play with her friends at Josey's house, and Lucas went to school! So I'm a free man," Roger replied.

Connor gritted his teeth at the couple's bickering, he was eager to see around and learn what he'd be doing for the next days of his life, "Ahem,"

"Oh sorry, head over there, that's were you'll be sent out," Matilda apologized.

Connor smiled as nice as he could, though inside he was impatient and slightly angry for wasting his and Chance's time. Connor did as he was told, and stopped at a man at a desk, who just dismissed another person, pointing right.

"Hey we were told you'll be sending us out."

"Yea, for soldiers go there, there's probably a troop waiting for some members. If they like ya they'll beacon you over, and little side note, since we don't get too many new members, everyone'll want you so go with the one you like best."


Connor impatiently strutted over to where the man at the desk pointed, and sure enough they got many requests. Connor met eyes with a heavily armed man, his face hard, with a smaller man at his side, with a scar running down his face. Connor turned his head, deciding not to go with them, and saw a young man, around his age bickering with a young woman, about his age as well. He decided they looked better than a war machine and his scarred sidekick, and walked over there. Apparently Chance didn't care much who they went with, or just followed Connor's every move because she didn't even hesitate to follow right behind him as he left. The pair Connor had picked were funny looked. The man was 5'8, and had dirty blonde hair, though it was mostly covered by a steel helmet that had little goat horns poking out the sides. The woman had a soft looking face, with vibrant violet eyes, Connor couldn't see her being a warrior.

"Thanks for choosing us, Alex was eager to go on a mission, but its kinda bad to go on a mission with only 2 people!" The man spoke, "My name is Peter, but around here they just call me Goat. Weird I know, but as a kid I was rammed by a goat, I became the public's laughing stock, when I grew a little older I snuck into the person that owned the goat's house and killed the bastard, he's right here now," He smiled pointing to the goat horns on his helmet.

Alex and Peter led them out of the back of the building and more towards the forest. Connor was surprised to see 5 camps set up in the nearby clearing. Connor guessed this was where Peter and Alex slept, along with 4 other members of the guild.

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