Chapter 12

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Bump Bump Rattle

Connor's eyes snapped open in an immediate reaction of fear to the unknown. He was still in the carriage, with the girl's drowsy face staring into his own, and Chuck humming a tune to nothing exactly. It had taken longer to get to Gandar thank what the lady had told them; so much longer that Connor had fell asleep. He looking towards Chuck, he was so intensely focussed on his whistle session his eyes were clamped shut in stead of on the road.

Bump Bump Rattle

The sound pelleted itself into Connor's ears like water falling from a tap in the distance, unlike usual it sounded unneeded and eerie. Connor saw that Chance was fading into the dream land, and Chuck was still jamming out in his whistle session. Connor allowed himself to wash away in thoughts. For the first time in what felt like forever he vanished into the thoughts of his old life, with his mother and father.

Connor's father handed him a prestine new hatchet and pushed him towards the woods, "Go my boy, fetch some wood, we've no firewood for the winter yet."

Connor put one his best fake smile and marched slightly angrily towards the forest. Why didn't one of his sibling have to do it? He didn't know. He found dead wood quick, making short work of the firewood and hauling it back to his home. Only to find it in flames, with his mother's burnt corpse stuck on a pole at the entrance. Connor felt a tear trail down his dimples, followed by a salty flood as he stared sadly at the remains of his mother. It didn't take long before he was noticed, and reluctantly dragged into his old barn, now filled with some of his siblings. He was forced to watch as his eldest sister was whipped with a belt till blood poured down from the many gashes she bared. Than the bandit who had held the belt smugly looked up from his work.

"I'll sell this dirty whore for 7 silver, any takers?" He announced.

Immediately a red headed man, around 20, stepped up. He smirked at Connor's sister as he handed the man 7 silver. The bandit leader handed him a rope in which his sister was tied with. She looked around all the bandits, and to the redhead man who now 'owned' her. His freckles dug deep into his skin as he grinned ear to ear at the poor lass. Another one. Connor's favorite brother, Carl, had been brought up. Carl's usually bright green eyes, turned to a dim flicker of green. The bandit leader didn't bother whipping for long, assuming he'd submit and understand he was but a prawn for the bandits to bed and be done with. Connor shut his eyes, no longer able to bear the burden of watching his siblings, family members, get beaten, than traded away like some useless piece of property.

Bump Bump Rattle

Connor's eyes shifted back into reality, realizing they'd crossed the border of land for Gandar. Connor shivered, remembering the memories he had just relived. That was his past, like Freddy, and the girl that helped him escape the farmers, the past to him, was best left untouched. Chance was awake now too, she was boringly glaring at Chuck, now singing a song about Garfield Hammerfell, the most commonly worshipped god around here. Connor recognized the area now, the snow had dropped to a bare minimum of barely covering your feet. Wind now slightly whistled, blowing Connor's chestnut strands of hair around. He shivered, remembering one of his goals, buy new clothes. Chuck stopped his singing and looked back. He had a smiled carved into his face, Connor saw right through his smile, and saw it was faked, something was wrong.

"W-We've got to stop for now, I have to take a... a bathroom break! Yea I'll be right back," He stuttered.

Connor's stomach twisted, something was wrong, they were in danger. Chuck slowed the hesitant chestnut horse and hopped off the wagon and strode into the forest. Connor awkwardly stared at Chance, by her expression she had figured something was wrong too. A pair of pale hands stretched from behind the wagon and shoved a piece of fabric into her mouth, than pulled her off the side of the wagon. Connor swallowed the spit in his mouth and was about to help, when a pair of hands stuck a piece of fabric to his own mouth and dragged him off the side of the wagon. He smashed against the ground, pain pelleting through his body. He was forced back onto his feet, and dragged to the back of the wagon along with Chance. Connor caught Chuck's glance from the forest, he'd been bribed, and from the 2 septums in his hand Connor knew he was a happy kid. 2 gold for 2 prisoners, and whatever loot the carriage contained, it wasn't worth it, for bandits anyways, they had to have had different reasons for needing Connor and Chance. Chuck walked out from the bushed, making circles with his fingers around the two coins he held in his battered fingers.

"Cuk wy di you do dis?" Chance said as best she could with the piece of fabric tied around her face.

"Listen, I'll break you out, 2 gold coins can't be wasted! Once these idiots turn their backs I'll slice them in two!" He whispered back.

"Idio, yu dun't hav a sword," Connor pointed out.

"I don't need one! Haha just kidding, hand me your dagger," He smiled.

"No way in Gerfild's hel! Fin ur own!" Connor growled.

"There's not exactly a lot of places to get one here bud, hand me it now," Chuck's tone turned grim.

Connor wished he could have spat in Chuck's face, in stead he shook his head and put on the most defensive face he could with the tie in his mouth. Chuck angrily glared at Connor, and just like Connor wanted to do, spat. Fury bestowed itself upon Connor, you couldn't just get away with spitting in his face, his brother once tried, ended up with a broken nose that lasted for a couple months. Connor raised his foot and with all his might stomped on Chuck's foot, Chuck recoiled, dancing back holding his foot in his hands. Connor lunged forwards, knocking him to the ground. It took everything in Connor's power not to stomp on Chuck, probably breaking a few ribs. But like a man, Connor stepped back and let out a held in breath of air. Chance was looking at the ground with her brother, wide eyes filled with fear.

"Idio yu got us inta this situation now get us ot," Connor muttered.

"yea, yea, I'm moving," Chuck sighed, giving up on any chance he had of getting Connor's dagger.

Chuck looked around the corner, and sighted the monsters. He creeped forwards, and punched one in the back of the head, knocking him to the ground. The second Breatin grabbed his sword and slashed at Chuck. He barely missed the clumsy shot, Connor realized that Chuck was to inexperienced to make the fight. So like an idiot, he stepped into the battle, with his arms strapped behind his back and mouth shut.

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