Chapter 7

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Connor's back hit the top of his wooden crate as the carriage hit another bump. After the bandits had finished their missions at the makeshift camp they'd loaded Connor, Freddy and 4 other hostages onto a carriage and set off. They hit another bump, Connor's back smashed against the roof of the wooden crate again. He heard a groan, and curses muttered under Freddy's breath. Connor didn't have enough energy to turn, he felt he was about to collapse and not be able to rise again. The carriage made a turn, down a dirt path, that led deep into the forest. Connor's crate bumped around, he almost fell off twice. They finally halted, along with 4 other carriages that had held the other bandits and all the loot they'd stolen. A bandit hopped off, he was an odd man, his skin tinted orange, and he had messy yellowish hair. He kicked Connor's crate, it smashed the ground, causing Connor to suffer severe pain. The rest of the hostages crate's were kicked off after his. A couple other bandits dragged the crates along the dirt path. They stopped at a small camp, that held around 7 other crates. Connor met eyes with the leader, his gruesome face that was covered in markings and scars held a tint of excitement. As soon as all the loot had been dragged from the carriages and stored somewhere for the moment every bandit sat at benches, eyes on their proud leader. Once every bandit had taken seat the leader stood up and strutted to the front of the crowd.

"Well my bandit fucks, we've been given the honor of people. Saying that I want to make it clear what I mean, for the new comers, and the hostages. We'll end the hostage's lives, many slits and cuts, than chop off the best meat on the forearm. Rankimi will start a fire and cook the meat on the spit, than new comers have to feast on the meat. Any chicken who won't do this will become a hostage, so it's your choice. Anyways Rankini start the fire, and Cladrial bring hostage 1!" He announced.

Connor's inside felt stiff, he watched as a strong young bandit that was covered head to toe with battle paint and scars pulled a cage containing a young female to the front by his leader. The leader pulled a dagger, and began working on the girl. He slit her forearm, then thighs. She screamed and cried, yelling for help. But no one spoke up, and no one came dashing to help. She eventually died, covered in her own blood and soaked in cuts. The bandit leader pulled 2 large pieces of her arm. And handed them to a older man, who placed them on a spit fire. Then they repeated. Connor's face felt numb when the man pulled up Freddy's crate.

"What the bloody demise is this beast! so pale? Is its meat still okay? Tell me scum what are you?" The bandit leader exclaimed.

"I am a beast from hell, I'm sent to Damian to destroy those who do good," Freddy yawned.

"What in the bloody love do you mean! Haha I'm going to feast on you! A demon's meat must taste like hell, and I want to go there when I die!" The leader laughed.

He produced his blood soaked dagger and slit Freddy's forearm. Connor cringes and shit his eyes as his friend screamed in pain and panic. Connor wanted to help, but he was stuck, and there was nothing he could do. Freddy's cries finally grew silent, and his pain drained. The bandits leader stripped him of his forearm's flesh, and tossed the crate back. Connor's eyes met with his dead friend's. The bright green had turned to a pale dim green. It was Connor's turn next, the Nasir's hand wrapped around his crate, and he was tugged to the center. The bandit leader smiled at Connor, and began to slash his arm. Pain sieged Connor, and crawled up his arm. Connor didn't make a sound, he wouldn't let the bandit have the enjoyment of hearing his cries for help. Blood soaked Connor clothes, and he felt he could no longer move. Suddenly a bang rang through the small valley. A troop of guards were standing with the it swords and spears held high. They rushed into battle, and the bandit leader left Connor. Looking around the madness Connor felt this would be his last sight. His eyes landed back at his dead pale pal. Though the guards might save him, they couldn't save Freddy. The battle was over quick, the guards outnumbered the bandits, and had better formation and strength. Connor's eyes were blurry, the last thing he saw was two men pull his limp body from his cage.

"Wake up son! If you don't I have no choice but to give up on you," a voice sighed.

Connor's muscles were weak, he was in a bed, comfier than any bedroll. He used the last of his strength to turn his head and face the voice. It was a doctor, who held a sap, and a small blade. The doctor's face grew bright as he stared back at Connor's limp face.

"Haha I see you listened! So there's still hope for you, I mean not to much but some! Hang in there, if I do this right you can live, but if I don't it's the end of the line. It's all on me, luckily for you I'm trained! Well kid, in going to start the procedure, and I've heard this stuff REALLY hurts so it's best if you fall back asleep," he smiled.

Connor rest his gaze up, one the stone roof. The doctor walked over and applied some of the sap to his wounds. Connor didn't feel it, he couldn't feel his lower torso, but he knew he would make it. The doctor finally left Connor to his thoughts. Connor lifted his head, the room was small, filled with various medical supplies, and a seat for the doctor. Connor's head dropped, he felt his eye lids drop down, and he fell back into a much needed deep sleep.

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