Chapter 14

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Connor's eyes averted to the new light, he looked around the cave. Both Chance and Chuck were asleep, though Connor wasn't sure if Chuck was dead or asleep. Frankly he didn't care because either way they were all going to die. A werewolf was sitting at the entrance, Connor walked near the front of the cave. He sat near the wolfish man and watched the early morning sun rise. The werewolf looked back, hours later, and saw Connor. Apparently Connor wasn't allowed so close to the exit because he snapped and almost caught Connor's leg in his massive canines. Connor sighed as he was forced back in the boring cavern. Eventually Chance got up too, and Chuck did. For the werewolf's amusement he untied the fabric that held their mouths shut and let them chat. Almost Immediately after Chuck's mouth was free he crawled up to Chance.

"I'm so sorry, I.. we needed money to run the farm, and mom always said that if you get the deal and if its over 1 gold and 5 silver take it unless it was Markus or Steele cause they're the oldest and help around the farm. I'm just so sorry I-I'll make it up to you It's just tha-" Chuck was cut off.

"Yea I get the damn idea! Now get away from me! I don't want to see you anymore or ever again! Frankly I'm glad you got your stupid ass wound up in here so you can suffer the pain you were setting on my life, even if I'm making your life suck a lot more I want you to know how it feels to get betrayed by your own brother, and killed and eaten by fiends! Now scram to some other part of this fucking cave or I'll kill you myself," Chance snapped.

Chuck got the idea that he wouldn't be forgiven, and probably would never be forgiven. He sighed and scooted away towards Connor. Though Connor was in no mood to hear what he had to say, or even sit by him. Connor gave him a glare that read 'get away now or I'll slit your throat' Chuck got the message again and scooted away to his own side of the cave. Connor stared at the dirt for awhile, wishing the wolves would hurry up and kill him so he didn't have to spend any more time imagine his death or make scenarios inside his head. As if the wolves had heard his request one walked in. He was tall, lean, but had a fair bit of muscle mass. Looking at the three prisoners he had he plucked Chuck ut, assuming he'd die first if they left him. The alpha wolf dragged Chuck out of the cave, after to Connor's surprise they took him and Chance as well. Connor and Chance were tied to a pole, like dogs, but Chuck had to sit in the center of the 13 werewolves that sat fairly far away from them. Only one wolf stood in the middle, the alpha. He made a LONG speech of how he was going to make a feast for the pack, as their 'becoming a pack' feast. Connor noticed every feature of the wolves, how some's muzzle were slightly longer and had black noses, but some edged smaller and had more brown noses. Finally the alpha shut his saliva pit, and looked, with a satisfying grin, towards Chuck. The pack was drooling and waiting for their alpha's first move. He leaned in towards Chuck, and bit down hard on his throat, waiting till Chuck's fragile body stopped moving. Than he let go, Chuck's body fell from the werewolf's mouth facing Chance and Connor. His eyes filled with fear and hatred. More wolves stepped forwards, until the entire pack of 14 werewolves were feasting on the fresh remains of Chuck. Connor felt his stomach shift as he caught a glimpse of Chuck's torn face, with his check missing and some bone exposed. He threw up, blowing chunks of meat onto the ground. Connor's brain fired up, and he remembered his dagger, whilst the wolves were tearing at Chuck he could cut himself and Chance loose, sneaking away with no wolf knowing. He pulled his dagger ut from his pocket, which was easier said than done. Than sliced the thick rope that contained him, and untying the rope around his feet. He crawled over to Chance and untied her ropes. Keeping his dagger firmly grasped in his hand Connor snuck towards the exit of the wolf camp. He made it to a bush just outside from the clearing, Chance was going, and made it half way before bumping nose to nose with a werewolf, falling to the dirt. The black wolf looked angry for a second, than surprisingly his face softened.

"C-Chance is that you?!?" He stuttered.

"Maybe..." She muttered.

"I'm Lark! You know, the guy that left your farm after getting in trouble for stealing the chicken eggs! Its been so long! Wow you've grown so much," He exclaimed.

"And your a werewolf why?" She asked.

"Well long story short I was at a one night stand when this bitch bit me and tried to eat me, lucky I killed her before she could, but she still got the bite so now a werewolf," He explained.

"Wow you're much taller! Can you still turn back into a human?" She asked.

"Yea, but it makes me weaker, like a lot weaker. And I mean like barely able to walk weaker, being a werewolf sucks, you're constantly hungry and eating only soothes that pain for like a couple hours before your hungry again. By hungry I don't mean like, I would die for a waffle, I mean like I'm going to rip out your eyes and eat you alive hunger."

"I want to see you as a human! Just this once."

"I risk becoming a werewolf forever."

"Doesn't matter, do it."

The wolf turned into a man, a short guy, about as tall as Chance. He had ocean blue eyes, and blackish brownish hair. Chance hugged him, and he smiled, more like a smirk. Connor was eager to leave, they were wasting time in a reunion.

"Damn Chance, you've really grown a chest!" He commented.

"Dammit Lark you're still snarky as ever even when I haven't seen you for years," Chance smiled.

"Hey I can't help but point out the obvious, and I mean really obvious, like pushing against my chest and making the hug 80% better obvious."

"Shut up."

"You first."

"I don't mean to ruin the reunion but we HAVE to go, they're almost through half of Chuck," Connor sighed.

"Got a boyfriend have we?"

"Shut up, he's just a traveler me and Chuck were going to Gandar with."

"I dig it, wandering traveler and farm girl, meant to be."

"You're so weird."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"It wasn't."

"That's okay, I can dream."

"We've got to go!"

"Ugh fine, you should come with Lark!"

"S-Sorry, I can't control this hunger, and'll probably end up eating both of you overnight, so you and your traveling lover can go. Hell maybe we'll meet again, nice seeing you Chance, and Chance's chest."

Chance smiled at Lark one last time before turning around and running to the bush with Connor. They ran from the camp, back to the road, and ran on foot to where Gandar. It was huge, bigger than Connor remembered. It had a new gate too, made of wood. Connor entered, and went to the market stalls. Chance had followed him and sat beside him on the bench.

"What now?" She asked.

"I for one, am a little done with adventuring, so I'm going to stay here for a few days, merchant trading has been going slow recently I've noticed. We were the only ones on that road, for the hours that it took getting here."

"Guess I'll stick with you then."


Connor stood up and made his way towards the inn, it was around 6 now, and Connor hadn't eaten for two days. He ordered them both a steak and chatted with Chance for awhile. Apparently Lark had stayed at the farm for 3 years, always causing trouble and mischief. He hadn't been related to them, he was found in the forest as a 16 year old. He said he'd been raised by bandits, and taught how to live like them. Than one day he stole the eggs from the farm, and got grounded for a week. He was angry, and ran away that night. After that they never saw him again. He'd been really close with one of Chance's siblings, Roger. But was always getting in trouble for pulling pranks with the rest, and never made friends with any of the girls on the farm because he was a flirt and made comments on them. Though Chance liked him, when he wasn't being a flirty bastard.

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