Chapter 5...

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The next week was a whirlwind of university lectures, coursework and assignments. I seemed to be constantly studying, and if I wasn't, I was doing the odd few hours in the evening at work for some extra money.

By the time Saturday came around I was so exhausted I could barely get out of bed. I was only doing a 9-5 at work, but after that I was going to that new gay club with Sarah, with the live bands. I had promised her, even though I wanted nothing more than to finish work and sleep until Monday morning.

Sarah was determined to get to this thing before it kicked off. She said the first band came on at 8pm, but she was picking me up at seven so we could get there on time.

'Why are you so desperate to actually get somewhere early for once?' I said down the phone. I had my Blackberry squashed between my shoulder and my ear, since Sarah had chosen to ring as I was getting dressed. I hopped into some shorts then opened my wardrobe a crack looking for a top. It only opened halfway, my stereo stopped the door opening fully.

'Because you've not been out since the dinosaurs walked the earth, so we need to have a good night starting early. And its ages since we've been to a gig too, I know it doesn't really count, but I have a feeling tonight's gonna be really great. I feel like I'll be missing something if we don't see it all.'

'You're a nutter Sarah. Anyway I'm nearly ready now.'

'Good, I'll be round soon.'


On the way downstairs I nearly ran straight into Adam. 'You off out?'

'Yeah Sarah's picking me up. Why?'

'Just asking. Have a good time!'

When Sarah came round, I immediately thought she was already drunk. She picked me up and swung me in a circle. 'Wheeyyy!! Right Kimbers lets get on it!'

'Sarah how much have you had?!' I laughed. I was aware of Sally and Amy sat on the other side of the room, watching us. Sarah looked over my shoulder and waved. 'Hi girls! Anyway how dare you, I'm driving I haven't drank anything!'

'You're driving?!'

'Yeah, I thought we could drive there, we'll get a cab back to mine and I'll pick the car up tomorrow on the way home from work, no big deal. Only one cab fare innit?'

'Okay. Let's go then.'

'See ya ladies!' Sarah shouted to my sisters. To my surprise Amy actually answered.

'Have a good night Sarah.'

Sally just rolled her eyes.

We got in Sarah's car and she burst out laughing. 'Did I just have a very odd dream where Amy actually spoke to me?!'

'Shut up.' I smiled. 'We had a chat last week... we haven't really talked that much since, but she's been a lot less of a *Female Dog* since.'

'What did you talk about?'

I hesitated. I didn't want to explain, not when I was looking forward to a good night out. 'My mum. She wanted to know about her. I told her what I remembered about her leaving, and I said I thought she should respect dad a bit more.'

'Did she punch you?'

'No.' I started laughing. 'She hugged me.'

'Shut. Your. Ass.'

'Sarah.' I slid down in my seat, laughing at the look on her face. 'She's been alright. I don't think she's that bothered about mum anymore.'

'What about you?' Sarah said unexpectedly.

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