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(Flashbacks in italics)

It was a perfect, beautiful summer’s day. Just the right amount of heat, with the occasional soft breeze passing through, the only current disturbance in a silent, tranquil moment. 

Cheryl and I lay on a huge picnic blanket in our meadow, kissing slowly. Cheryl lay on her back, her hair tied in a bun on top of her head, her hand resting against my face. I hovered over her, consumed by her warm lips, my hands wandering almost of their own accord, until Cheryl giggled and stopped my fingers, bringing my hand to her mouth and kissing my knuckles. 

‘Nuh-uh… hands above the bump out here, missy!’ 

I cheekily placed my hands straight on her breasts, winking and making Cheryl burst out laughing. ‘Alright, hands to yourself then if you’re gonna be clever… she’s gonna be jumpin’ out at us any second.’ 

‘I can’t hear her yet.’ I grinned, claiming her lips again. 

‘Yeah, that’s usually when we need to worry!’ 

‘It’s okay… I’ve told her the baby might pop out if she frightens you.’ 

Cheryl just chuckled, but even as I spoke and leaned in for another kiss, I heard the tiniest, high-pitched giggle from behind me. I leaned back and met Cheryl’s eyes. She put her hand over her mouth, stifling her laughter. 

‘I wonder where our Little Indian Brave has got to?’ I said loudly. Cheryl creased up in silent laughter as another giggle erupted behind me from amongst the tall grass. 

‘I hope we’ve not lost her…’ I said, slowly getting to my feet and turning around. ‘Oh no… what if a great… big… MONSTER HAS EATEN HER!! RRRAAAWWWRRR!!!’ 

I jumped up with my arms in the air, roaring as loud as I could and running randomly straight ahead. To my left, our gorgeous five year old daughter Haley who had an obsession with dressing up as something different practically every day screamed with delight and sprinted in the opposite direction. 

I took off after her, leaving Cheryl behind in hysterics. 

Haley raised a tiny hand to her mouth and started to whoop loudly like the Indians she had seen in a cartoon only the previous day, and immediately decided she wanted to wear completely brown attire with a headband and feathers around her head.

I caught up with her and grabbed her around the waist, spinning her around as fast as I could, her breathless, joyful screams of laughter being one of my most favourite sounds in the whole world. 

‘Gotcha! Hahahaaa, I’m gonna eat you all up! GGGRRRRRR!’ 

I rolled back into the grass, playfully blowing raspberries on Haley’s neck, sending her into a further state of ecstasy. 

‘Mummy stop! Mummy my tummy’s going to burst!’ 

I picked Haley up, swinging her over my shoulder. ‘Come on you… it’s getting late, and you need a bath!’ 



‘I got really close to you Mummy and you didn’t hear me… I could see you and Mammy kissing.’ Haley giggled. Tutting, I gave her bottom a gentle swipe. For a five year old, she had an extremely cheeky nature. Something I credited Cheryl for. 

‘Do I have to have a bath?’ 

‘Yes you do, you’ve been running around with Copper all day… tell you what though, cos you were good and didn’t frighten your Mam, you can stay up and watch a film for a bit… any one you want.’ 

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