Chapter 42...

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My phone started ringing as soon as I left the house. I expected it to be her, but it was Cheryl. I didn't know if I should answer, I didn't want her involved.

But despite being so angry this was happening again, part of me was still scared; if she was wielding another glass bottle, and nobody knew where I was...


'Hi babe! Look I know I've only just left but I think I left me mascara in your room, will ya check for us please?'

'Erm... I can't, I'm not at home. I've got a problem.'

'But - what's wrong where are you?'

'Tasha text just now, she's watching me. She saw you leave and she's threatening to tell everyone unless I meet her right now.'

'What?! Babe... y-you can't! She--'

'I have to, I'm not letting her, I'm finishing this one way or another.'

'Kimba no, go home please.' Cheryl sounded panicked, desperate. 'Please don't, she's put you in hospital once--'

'I have to, look there's a Churchill Street a couple of rows down from where I live, that's where she said to meet her so if you can't get hold of me later... well. I'll ring you soon ok?'

'Please, Kimberley please don't.' Cheryl begged.

'I have to I'm not gonna let her blackmail me.'

'Babe we'll think of something else, anything else, please please--'

'I'll call you later.' I said and I hung up, feeling terrible. I should never have answered.

I reached the back of Churchill Street and slowed down, seeing Tasha stood against someone's back garden wall and smiling.

'Just in time. I didn't think you were coming.'

I didn't answer, not trusting myself.

'What're you doing stood all the way over there?'

'You think I'm coming anywhere near you, after last time?'

For a moment her face fell, her bravado flickering.

'Well, you're here aren't you, so you can't be that worried. How are you?'

'Don't give me any bullshit, you don't care how I am.'

'Yes I do! I always have.'

I snorted in disbelief. 'What's this then, d'you think blackmailing is what you do to - what's that look for?'

Tasha had flinched at the word 'blackmail', shaking her head.

'What, don't you like the truth?'

'Hear me out at least, I could be going down tomorrow.'


'I could be behind bars this time tomorrow.'

'What do you mean?'

'Has - hasn't your dad told you?'

'I don't know what you're talking about.'

Tasha pushed herself off the wall and took a step closer. I took one back. 'He hasn't told you anything.'

'What are you on about?!'

'My trial carries on tomorrow... I got a different lawyer. Your dad's been talking to the police and everyone, you don't have to be there this time... that's probably why he hasn't said anything...'

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