Chapter 6...

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Getting through Sunday, and all of Monday in lectures waiting for a message from Cheryl was near impossible. I think I checked my phone more over those two days than I ever have in my life before. By the time I got home on Monday night, having spent a few hours in the library studying, all I'd had was a text from my dad asking me to pick up some milk, and a text from Sarah asking if I wanted to go and see a film on Wednesday.

The next time I checked my phone was unintentional. I had a quick shower and walked into my room towel-drying my hair, and picked up my phone to set an alarm for the next day. I almost dropped the towel from around me in excitement when, finally, I saw a DM from Cheryl waiting.

'@ShiverMeKimbers: Hey you how've u been? Hope I dnt wake u its quite late isn't it.. #ooops been finishing the album.. anyway next Friday, 5:30pm, Westfield White City. Can u make it?? Xxxxx'

I waited as long as I could before replying to Cheryl. I didn't want her to think I had nothing better to do, or that I had spent all day just waiting for her message... even though I had.

I dried my hair, got changed, went downstairs and made my lunch for the next day, packed my bag, and even tidied my room a bit before falling into bed with my phone.

'@CherylCole: Hi! Don't worry I'm still awake : ) OMG have u finished the album???? u did that on purpose haha! I think I can make it! Xx'

Cheryl replied almost immediately. Was she sat around waiting for me to reply to her too? No, of course not, she had much better things to do...

'@ShiverMeKimbers: YAY!! Ok details :P Ther only letting 500 ppl in the Q so its like 1st cum 1st serve type thing... so what time d'you finish uni on Fridays? Rly want 2 meet u : ) x ps: yes, the album is DONE!! *bbmdancingman* xxx'

She 'really wants to meet' me.

Screw university.

I decided there and then; I would finish university on the Thursday, go home for some things and go straight there to camp out. I wanted to meet her more than anything else in the world, and if she wanted to meet me too, nothing was stopping me.

'@CherylCole: Dnt worry about uni I'll figure it out :P x Omg, no way, when do we get 2 hear it then??? x'

'@ShiverMeKimbers: DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT be skippin out of uni over me! Hmm, you'll hear something soon enough wait and see! X ps: hope ur tattoo doesn't have stage fright hahaha! Xxx'

'@CherylCole: Like I said dnt worry about uni x ur such a teaser! C'mon, when's the first single? lol u wna meet my tattoo more than me hahaha xx'

'@ShiverMeKimbers: No I will NOT not worry about uni! What would ur mother say if she knew I was ruining ur education :P x hehe nope, I've told u far 2 much already madam :P x aawh, nah I jst love tattoos, I do rly rly rly wna meet u babe *bbmkissface* xx'

For a second I just looked at the message. It was like my thumbs wouldn't work. Why was it everyone, all people, assumed everyone had a mother? Everybody always assumed it would be the father who had ran out on his family as soon as the going got tough. It was something that had always angered me.

I chose to ignore that part of the message; no matter what I thought it wasn't Cheryl's problem, she wasn't to know.

'@CherylCole: Well I rly rly rly wanna meet u too... obviously :P x I'll definitely be there *bbmcuddleface* xx'

I waited about twenty minutes for the next message to come through, and when it did I couldn't stop laughing.

'@ShiverMeKimbers: some work needs 2 be dun on ur namin of these BBM faces: I have just been tryin to pull a 'cuddle face' in the mirror for some time, and was unsuccessful... :P ps: shouldn't u be in bed by now? xx'

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