Chapter 77...

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I stood trying not to laugh at the look on Cheryl's face as we stood at the bottom of the Eiffel tower. She was looking right up, just gawping at the top of it, shielding her eyes with her hand as it had turned into a surprisingly bright day.

'I've decided you must be tryin' to kill us for some reason.'

'Don't be so flaming dramatic.' I laughed. 'Look, they only let you walk up to the second level using the stairs anyway, after that you have to use the lift... and I was thinking on the way back down, they've got a little restaurant so we could have some lunch in there? Then there's no need to go back to the hotel.'

'You mean no need to give me poor feet a rub!'

'Don't be daft, I'll still do that tonight.' I grinned, putting my arm around Cheryl's shoulders and kissing her head.

'Right... how many steps is it?'

'...I'm not sure.'

'Don't lie, come on how many?'

'Not as many as you'd think... about six hundred and something I think.'

'Are you havin' a bubble bath?! Oh my God I'm actually gonna die. You're gonna have to carry us dead body back down I hope you know that. If I even make it to the bloody top!'

'God Cheryl, you can b!tch and moan when we've actually done it, will you give it a rest?! Come on let's get it over with, I'll buy you shoes or something if you do it, deal?'

'Ooooh, really? Good ones?'

Despite getting a little bit annoyed for a second, I laughed as she took my hand, fluttering her eyes and pulling me towards the tower. 'Yes, good ones you crackhead...'


Cheryl literally collapsed on me when we reached the top of the second level, crying out like an injured seal and clinging to me.

'I cannot believe I just did that! I need to sit down, I can't breathe! Me feet are on bloody fire! Ugh, babe, have you got a bottle of water or somethin'?'

'For someone who can't breathe your mouth's moving pretty well.' I smirked. 'I'll just go in there and buy one.'

I left Cheryl at a little table facing a souvenir shop and went to walk around a bit. I was exhausted too, but the excitement of actually being there seemed to dull it for the time being.

I bought a bottle of water and went to sit with Cheryl, giving her a nudge and handing it to her. 'Hey. I have a question.'


'You came off an arena tour a matter of days ago. How on earth are you like, half-dead?'

'Stairs! Bloody stairs! Anyway how're you fine?!'

'I'm not my legs are killing me, but we're in the Eiffel Tower! I'm excited!'

Cheryl took a long gulp of water and smiled at me. 'Two minutes. Then we'll have a look around, promise.'

'We can do that on the way down if you like... get all the way to the top first. Although, there is something I've just spotted you really should see.'

'Oh yeah?'

'Yeah, think you can stand?'

'Go on then, just cos I love ya... which way?'

'Left... it's awesome. You're not scared of heights are you?'

'No, why it's not a parachute jump is it?'

'No you loony... right, look.'

Cheryl gasped and quickly turned, hiding her face against my shoulder when I pointed down to the glass floor we were now stood on, having not realised we were walking across it.

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