Chapter 7...

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I couldn't do this.

I was almost there. There were about six people in front of me, then it would be me. She was just around the corner, literally. I felt all hot and clammy, and my stomach was doing all kinds of somersaults, making me feel like I would throw up any second. And I was on the verge of tears. I could feel every beat of my heart, every intake of breath made me feel dizzy.

People were coming out either crying, or squealing, or just walking in a daze, in complete disbelief. What the hell was she doing to people in there?!

I had turned my phone back on about ten minutes ago, and it started to ring. I answered to Sarah.


'Hey, did you meet her yet?!'

'No, but I probably will in the next half an hour.'

'Oooohh! You're close then? Can you see her yet?'

'No. There's sort of... Sarah I am properly shitting myself here, can we talk later before you hear me vomit or something?'

'Sounds lovely, but I'll give it a miss. What're you so nervous about I thought you were best mates?'

'Talking to someone online and in person is completely different Sarah. See you later.'

'Awh, you'll be fine babe, once you see her you'll feel fine. Good luck! Enjoy it.'


'Right love, your next.' A security guard smiled kindly at me and gestured forwards.

My body moved of its own accord. I wasn't really aware of what I was doing, where I was, anything.

Not until I saw her sat in front of me.

She was sat at a long wooden table, looking to the side, talking to a tall woman stood beside her. But when I walked in she turned, and grinned.

Sarah was right. All of a sudden, I felt fine. Perfect, even.

I approached the table and Cheryl's smile grew. 'Hiya pet.'

'Hi, Cheryl.' I croaked. I cleared my throat, felt my face burning. 'Hi Cheryl.'

'How are you babe?'

'I'm great... perfect, fantastic. You?'

'Wow that good ey?' she giggled. She leaned forwards and took the album sleeve I was holding loosely in my hand, just utterly starstruck. 'Were you gonna do something with this?'

'Oh yeah.' I chuckled nervously. Cheryl winked and took the pen the woman behind her was holding out. 'What's your name then pet?'


Cheryl glanced down, then looked straight back up again, her eyes widening.

'Hang on... do I know you?'

'Err, not exactly, sort of, I mean--'

'Oh my God, you're ShiverMeKimbers!' Cheryl squealed. She stood up, pushing her chair back and beckoned me around the table, gesturing wildly with her hand. I shyly walked around to her and she pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. I didn't hesitate to respond, tears filling my eyes. 'I was wonderin' if you'd changed your mind and gone home to bed.' She laughed over my shoulder.

'As if I would.' I laughed as we broke apart and quickly tried to wipe my eyes before she saw, but was unsuccessful. Cheryl grabbed my hand. 'Aah, babe are you ok?'

I nodded. 'I just... it feels like I've waited so long and I can't believe you're here and I'm--'

'Aah babe!' Cheryl said again, pulling me into another hug. 'I'm not that scary am I?'

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