Chapter 55...

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Cheryl and I stayed up until the early hours, spending most of the time in the room she had set aside for her music just playing random tracks and making ourselves more excited for the tour. It was close to four in the morning when we finally felt tired enough to sleep.

But it didn't seem long after drifting off with Cheryl in my arms that I was awake again, feeling a cold draft and opening my eyes to find an empty space next to me.

I heard Cheryl coughing loudly in the bathroom and staggered out of bed, rubbing my eyes. 'Cheryl?'

I knocked a few times, then went in anyway when Cheryl didn't answer. She was leaning over the toilet, throwing up. I quickly crouched beside her and took hold of her hair, placing my other hand on her stomach and rubbing gently. Her body was shaking.

'Babe, what happened?' I whispered, kissing her slightly sweaty head and helping her stand.

'Dunno... just had to run in here... oh God I feel rotten.'

'Let me have a look at you.'

Cheryl quickly washed out her mouth and turned to face me, a groggy smile making its way onto her face as I stared at her.

'What're you looking for?'

'Are you hot?' I asked, feeling her forehead.

'You tell me. Am I?'

'Cheryl, seriously.' I smiled.

'I'm really warm, yeah.'

'Remind me what you ate at the restaurant last night?'

'Erm, prawns then the sea bass.'

'Right, d'you have a phone number for them anywhere?'

'I dunno, probably, why?'

'They need to learn how to cook their fish babe, you've probably got food poisoning.'

'I might just have a bug, it's probably nothing.'

'Even so, they should know. I'm gonna call them later. In the meantime you're getting back in bed.' I put my arm around Cheryl and quickly grabbed the bathroom bin as we went back to the bedroom.

'God me legs are like jelly... What's that for?'

'In case you need to be sick again.'

'I'll just run to the bathroom babe.'

'Not with jelly legs you're not, you might hurt yourself. You need to stay in bed.'

'What if I miss the bin?'

'Then I'll clean it up.'


'Don't look like that it's not a problem.' I giggled. 'I'm just gonna get you some water... d'you have a headache?'

'Actually yeah.'

'I'll get you some tablets as well, and I'll open a window... and I'll ring my dad while I'm down there.'


'Let him know I'm not going home today.'

'Aah babe... I'll be alright you know, I have been poorly before.'

'I know, but I'm here anyway I'm gonna stay and make sure you're alright.'

'Babe you don't have to, you can go home. I'll be fine.'

'I want to look after you... like you did for me. Unless you want me to go home?'

'You know I don't.' Cheryl smiled weakly.

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