Chapter 62...

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'Thank you Manchester have a great night!!' I shouted, waving at the crowd and stepping back at the end of my set. The cheer from the swarm of drunken revellers almost deafened me as I stepped down and made my way to the back room with my things, desperate to get back out to the bar, more for a drink than to see the other DJ.

Sarah followed me, grabbing my hand as I led the way into quieter territory and waiting until the door closed on the sounds of the club before screaming her approval and throwing herself on me. I was willing to put money on the fact that she had already had quite a few drinks.

'Kimbers, I'm being extremely serious now and don't take it the wrong way cos I mean it in all the right ways, but I have never had an eargasm like that in my whole life!!'

'Erm, thanks I think.' I grinned, holding my inebriated best friend steady. 'Was it alright?'

'You need to take a breath and listen to yourself once in a while woman.'

'I mean, what was everyone else like? Were people--'

'Kimberley didn't you hear them when you went off?! They just lost their sh!t out there. I think you might have made some of them pass out!'

'D'you remember that time Tinie Tempah came on in that club and someone actually passed out, oh my God.' I said, and we creased up laughing at the memory.

'That was the funniest thing ever.' Sarah wheezed. 'Nobody even helped her, just loving the irony!'

'Oh God... come on I really need a drink. What d'you want?'

'I'll get them.'

'No, they're on me, you drove us up here and you're practically being my roadie and my groupie, I'm buying you a drink.'

'Won't argue with you then! I hope you're not expecting me naked in your bed tonight...'

'Eurgh, what?!'

'I'm kidding!'

'I should think so! Oh, have you got my phone?'

'Yeah yeah, chill out you can call your girlfriend later, you're mine til this place closes, I've missed you Kimbers.'

'I know I was just asking, I've missed you as well.' I smiled, hugging Sarah tightly and keeping my arm around her as we headed back out into the club and going straight to the bar. 'Are things still good with Adam? I tried asking him when I was there for a bit on Wednesday but he told me to keep my beak out.'

'Yeah keep your beak out!' Sarah teased. 'Things are great. Brilliant. Couldn't be better.'

'Awh, great!'

'Yep! In fact, we're getting married!'

I almost fell over I stopped so fast. Sarah pressed her lips together but quickly burst out laughing. 'Aaaahahahaha, your face!'

'I nearly had heart failure then! Are you joking?'

'Course I'm bloody joking, aah I wish I'd took a picture then that was classic!'

'That was NOT funny, you b*tch! I've a good mind to make you get your own drink now.' I joked. 'You never said what you want.'

'Malibu and Coke sounds good to me.'

'Oooh yeah I think I'll go for one of those.'


'You bet, Hardcore.'

Sarah and I had a couple of drinks and a dance, then stepped outside for some fresh air, the heat in the club becoming too much, and we wanted a breather before the main DJ came on.

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