Chapter 104...

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‘I’ve actually never felt this gay in my whole life.’ Adam grumbled, causing me and my sisters to fall about laughing yet again, having only just calmed down. 

The four of us were in town helping Adam find a suitable Valentine’s Day present for Sarah, and since Cheryl was with her manager having a chat about an extended time off, I had brought the dogs out with me, and so far Adam had held on to them. He definitely didn’t suit a Chihuahua, but I was finding the sight far too amusing to take the leashes myself. 

‘I think that guy just checked you out.’ Amy said, nodding across the street. Adam actually went red and his frown deepened. ‘Fcuk off. Kimberley will you take them, they’re yours after all.’ 

‘They’re Cheryl’s actually. C’mere then… any ideas what you might get Sarah?’ 

‘None at all, that’s what you three are for.’ 

‘That’s what Kimberley’s for, they’re best friends. What’re me and Sally for?’ 

‘You’re girls aren’t you? Do I stick with jewellery or go for something less traditional?’ 


‘These bracelets are nice, why don’t you have a look in here?’ Sally said, stopping at a shop window. 

‘They’re alright… Kim would she like them?’ 

‘Huh? Sorry?’ I said, looking up from my phone. 

‘Put your girlfriend down and pay attention.’ Amy smirked, punching my arm. 

‘Sod off you… any signs of you going on a date this year?’ 

‘No chance… I’ve watched you three and your dramas all my life why would I want one of my own? I’m fine for now cheers, it’s gonna be me, dad and that Batman film I’ve still not seen.’ 

‘Sounds good actually I’ve still not seen it either, Cheryl can’t stand Batman. D’you think she’d be annoyed if I ditched her for The Dark Knight Rises?’ 

‘You wouldn’t ditch her for anything.’ Sally laughed. Adam had disappeared into the shop, leaving us loitering outside. 

‘What about you? Any plans?’ 

‘Yeah, me and Rick are going for a meal that’s all.’ 

‘Why haven’t I met him yet?’ 

‘You will, I’ve only known him a few weeks. What’re you and Cheryl doing anyway?’ 

‘I’ve no idea yet, she hasn’t mentioned it once and I’ve not thought of anything, I don’t think she’d want to go out… cos of the press.’ 

‘They’re not that bad are they? Surely they’ll leave you alone on Valentine’s Day.’ 

‘They’ll probably be worse on that day, it’s every time we leave the house.’ 

‘They must have better things to do.’ Amy said, unconvinced. 

‘Yeah? Look across the road in the dark blue hatchback.’ 

A few seconds later, Amy looked back at me in disgust, having clocked the two men in the car with cameras. ‘That’s actually so pervy.’ 

‘Hmm… Do one of you want to hold onto these two while I go and see what that clueless soul is up to in there?’ 

‘What if those blokes come over?’ 

‘Tell them to fcuk off, you might end up on the front page of a shitty paper.’ 

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