Chapter 8

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I just touched a 100 views and I know it's not really a big deal to a lot of you , but it is to me. So to all my lovely viewers ,I would like to say thank you . If you don't mind , please leave a comment on my story and give me some thoughts of how you feel . It's okay if it's a not so nice comment , I appreciate it anyway. - Caroline



I'm now eating pizza alone on the couch . All the fairy tale movies were finish and now it was back to the normal shows that were showing on the Tv.

I've finished two big boxes of pizza all by self and now I feel fat . I gotta head to the gym tomorrow . I groan of even thinking of heading to the gym cause I feel so lazy .

I looked at the time and it was 7:30 pm. Maybe I could watch a movie , then head to bed and lastly , have a horrible or good dream about Edwards cause I think I'll most probably dream of him.

I got up and I already felt like sitting back down cause I think my stomach will explode . Shouldn't have eaten so much .

I managed to walk over to the rack of movies and I searched through for a musical ,romance or comedy base movie .

I found the movie ' Mamma Mia ' and I put it in the DVD player . The movie is a musical and a romantic comedy . Perfect !

While it was rolling other movie trailers , I decided to open the drawer that was build into the couch . I got out a blanket and closed the drawer with my feet .

I snuggled with my comfy blanket and the movie started .

I unexpectedly  fell asleep while the movie was still on going . I didn't dream of anything and then I woke up .

I was still in the same position as before on my living room couch . I looked at the clock and it was 11:30 pm. Zach should have been back by now . I knew he wasn't, because if he was , he would have carried me up to the bedroom .

Hmm... What if he is busy making out with another girl and cheating on me and just using work as an excuse . What if he is in a club now and touching other girls asses. Wait what ?! A tear of cold sweat trickled down my face .

I sighed , it's just my paranoid and negative side taking over me . You got to stop Alissa , maybe he is working late to make more money and not doing all those disgusting stuff you thought . I managed to calm myself down and head to bed .

I brushed my teeth and got under the covers on my bed . I felt like a tiny object on this bed since it was so big . I'm already use to not having Zach beside me when I fall asleep and honestly , it makes me sad .

I slowly but surely fall asleep .

I woke up on the grass .

I lifted my head up and saw Edwards staring at the statue built on the fountain .

" Hi ." I greeted softly .

He turned his head towards me . He walked over and helped me get up . "Hello."

I looked down and adjusted my clothes that were awfully dirty . Once I was done , I looked back up and he grabbed my hand and twirled me.

My clothes started lighting up . If he changes my clothes to something skimpy , I swear to god I'll punch him in the pretty face of his.

The light faded and I was now wearing a nice and elegant white dress. Before I could comment on the pretty dress, he asked me to " Shh..."

My hair suddenly had a my mind of its own and it started making it self into a beautiful fishtail braid that come down on my left shoulder . Some white flowers appeared as well .

" One more thing ." Edwards said as a butterfly appeared and landed on my head. I squealed .

" You can talk now." He informed . I just jumped up and down in happiness. He made me look like a princess .

" Keep jumping and that butterfly will fly away ."

I immediately stopped and pouted at him .

" You know , it's like I'm Cinderella and you're my fairy godmother ! " I exclaimed . Well ,Edwards can look like anything except a fairy godmother .

Now it was his turn to pout .

" Why don't I be Prince Charming ." He asked and smirked . His outfit changed into a tuxedo .

He bowed down , place one hand behind his back and one in front . " May I dance with you ?"

I blushed , but gushed inside . I looked into eyes and placed my hand on his .

We started slow dancing , I let him lead since I had no clue how to slow dance . My eyes were on my feet the whole time for two reasons.

First reason , I may step on his toe and I'll probably die of embarrassment .

Second reason , if I look into his eyes for more than 2 minutes , I'll most likely faint and I do not want that to happen ! Why must his eyes be so gorgeous , why ?

I was smiling the whole time until a sudden guilt rushes over me . I should be slow dancing with Zach , not Edwards . But I'm enjoying this .

I sighed , " Stop ." I said sternly . I accidentally stepped on his foot but he didn't feel a thing .

He tilted my head up with his two fingers and looked at me sadly . " Why ?"

I wanted to tell him but my mouth was trembling , I couldn't spit it out . I burst out in tears and shocked him.

He pulled me into a hug , I hesitantly accepted it . When my head was on his chest , I felt safe , I felt better . Nobody , not even Zach had made me feel like this before . There's something special about this boy . I managed to stop crying but I was still sniffing .

He scooped me off my feet but I didn't have the energy to say anything .

He placed me down on the bench gently and he sat down beside me . He then placed my head on his lap .

It was awkward . We both didn't say a word and just stared into the distance . I think he knew I wasn't gonna start the conversation , so he started it for me .

" Why did you cry ?"

A tear rolled down my cheek . Dammit Alissa , stop crying .

He noticed and used his thumb to wipe it away . I sighed .

" You already know that I have a boyfriend . I started feeling guilty when I was slow dancing with you . I mean you're not even real and I have a real boyfriend . It just didn't feel right." I said , all in one breath.

He let out a big sigh . I know he wants to say something but he chose not to and ask me something else .

" Is that the only reason ?"

I stared into the distance again .

" Umm... Zach may ... May be cheating on me ..." I managed to choke out .

He leaned down and my body starts to beat up . " He's stupid then ." He whispered in my ear which sent shivers down my spine .

I smiled slightly and it was silent again .

" Edwards ?" I asked and finally had the courage to look at him .

" Yeah ?"

" Can you tell me who you are . I know you won't exactly tell me everything , but I just want to know something . A baby little hint . It's fine ."

He furrowed his eyebrows and went into deep thought .

I patiently waited for an answer .

He finally looked at me ," I can't tell you yet . One day , I will tell you everything single thing . That I promise ."

I smiled and turned away .

He'll tell me one day . I will be looking forward to that day .

Patience Alissa , patience .

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