Chapter 20

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A special thank you to my real life bestie ,suggythebear, for making that gorgeous picture up there. It's Perrie Edwards and Joe Sugg, because they are playing Alissa and Edwards. Anyway, this is the...                 LAST CHAPTER!!! 
A year later...

Luke, Edwards and I sat around Simone, who was lying on the hospital bed.

No, she wasn't injured. But she is actually getting an ultrasound right now!

Yes, she's pregnant! This is already the 7th month. And guess what?

She is pregnant with twins ! And Edwards and I are gonna be the two children's godparents.

They are gonna check the gender of the baby soon. We all made a bet of the babies gender.

Luke and I said it was gonna be girls. Edwards and Simone said it was gonna be boys.

If Luke and I are correct, we will get 20 pounds from both of them.

I asked Edwards how he was gonna give me that money and he said that he could just snap his fingers and money will appear in his hands.

Wait that means I would never ever need to work again. Yay!

I'm still the assistant of my boss at work. Alessandra got fired !

Boss told me that she was always late for work and she would blame me for doing something wrong, when I was not even in the office.

I know she is dumb, but I did not know that she was that dumb.

Anyway, the doctor was checking Simone now and Luke and I are praying that it is girl twins.

" I'm happy to announce, " the doctor started, making is all turn our heads to him, " That it will be girl twins! "

" YES!! " Luke and I jumped up from our seats and hugged each other.

We pulled away to see a playful scowl on Simone and Edwards' faces.

We both reach our hands out and smirked.

Simone reached over to grab her purse and Edwards just snapped his fingers.

We told Luke and Simone about Edwards' super power thing. They took in quite well surprisingly. I was expecting then to freak out.

So, Luke and I got 40 pounds each. " I can finally buy that Chinese restaurant coupon! " I said to Edwards.


We had our lunch after that and Simone stole all our food, because she was eating for three.

I'm so excited to dress up and make cute hairstyles for Simone's future daughters .

The two girls will become sassy, food lovers if they hangout with me often. They are gonna be exactly same as their godmother.

It's gonna be a blast!
We decided that we wanted to watch a movie to pass time.

Luke had the stupid idea of watching a sad movie and we all agreed.

And then when we were sitting down in the cinema, we remembered that when Simone is pregnant, she is an emotional rollercoaster.

Basically, she started crying ,10 minutes into the movie. Until it ENDED.

I bet the people around us was about to explode, because they had to hear Simone's sniffs throughout the film.

" That was a terrible idea. " I said to Edwards as we mad our way out of the cinema, since it had already finish.

At that split second, Simone blew her nose into Luke's shirt.

" Eww... " all of us said in unison.

" Well there goes my shirt. " Luke sighed.
" Let's try to talk to each other in our heads. " Edwards suggested.

I nodded.

We had to learn to do this, just incase we both get lost and then we could tell each other where we were.

" Hello. " Edwards said to me from his mind.

I giggled and said hello to him as well.

We chatted a little to make sure we could do it for quite some time.

We finally stopped and we just smiled at each other.

" Come here. " he said.

I walked on over and stood next to him.

" Do you want to have a little magic in your body? " he whispered to me.

My eyes widened.

Magic?  Me having magic? That's freaking awesome!!

I nodded eagerly and he chuckled.

" Okay, we must go to my home to do it though. "

I nodded and then he snapped his fingers, which made the portal appear.

I quickly stood in front of it.

I smiled at him and he smiled back before I stepped into the portal.

Him then going in after me.
I landed in a field of flowers.

" Aww... It's so beautiful. Right Edwards? "

There was no response.

I turned around, but Edwards wasn't there.

" What the hell? "

Suddenly it hit me like a truck when I realised why he wasn't here with me.

I whacked my forehead and sighed.

" Hello? " I asked Edwards in my head.

"Hi. " he replied.

" I'm in a field of flowers... "

" We freaking forgot to hold each other's hands. Now guess what! " he suddenly snapped.

" What? "

" I'm on a mountain and I do not know how to get down! "

We are so screwed. Oh shit.


You guys can imagine what happens after that.

Anyway, this book is officially over! It's been amazing to see that people actually boreded to read this. Thank you to every single one of you who read this.

Now I can pay full attention to my other book, ' First Love '.

If you guys don't mind. Please check it out. It would mean a lot.

Thank you to all the fabulous people! Goodbye! 

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