I push away the one who cares and stick to the one who doesn't.

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(This is the only chapter with a name .)

I totally regretted saying that . You know what ? I'm gonna make up an excuse and quick  .

" Umm..." I dragged as I thought of a lie .

" I actually had a pet dog and it died . I kept it a secret because you're allergic to dogs ." Speaking of that , where the hell is the dog that I saved a few days ago ?

Probably ran off already .

" And you're crying rivers because of that ?" she asked , not totally convinced of my answer .

" Yes ! You do not know how much that dog meant to me !" I practically screamed at her , putting way to much emotion .

" Okay , okay . I believed you . Just calm down woman ."

Phew , she fell for it .

" Anyway , how are feeling that your wedding is comin' up ?"

" Honestly , I'm crapping my pants . And so is Luke ."
Simone and I decided to have a nice stroll in the park since the weather was really nice .

I put on some tights and a black singlet . I then put on a hat and we headed out .

Once we reached the park , we found a bench and sat down there , where it was very peaceful and quiet .

" So , how is it at work ?"

" Everything is fine . Alessandra has been leaving early lately ."

I felt a lump form in my throat . What if Alessandra is the person Zach is cheating on me for .

No that's not possible . Shut up inner self .

" Oh . Maybe she decided to find someone to hangout with . Or maybe personal family matters ." Hopefully .

" Hmm... Maybe . " she said and suddenly spaced out . Probably thinking of her wedding , her big dream day . Marrying a guy that loves her , probably have a nice family , have children that love her . Then become proud grandparents .

Oh god ... I'm so jealous.

" I have to go now ." she said . But I didn't respond , cause I'm lost in thoughts flooding into me .


I fell off the bench .

" Thanks a lot ." I said sarcastically . She giggled and helped me up .

" So , let's go ?" she asked . " Nah, I wanna stay here you can go . I'll just walk back later . You go and ... do your stuff ."

We said our goodbyes and she went off . I place my elbows on my knees and my hands in my face .

I looked up and stared at the pond .

I like Edwards . I like Zach . They both don't give a flying shit about me . I think . One is possibly cheating on me , and the other , I broke his heart . Kinda . One treats me like a queen , one like a pig . Yet , I turn down the one who makes me feel like the queen of the world . And stick to the one who doesn't care . I -

I was interrupted when I heard a weird noise . What was that ?

I heard it again . And again . My stomach suddenly vibrated and the same noise happened again at the same time . Oh , must be my stomach grumbling . I haven't eaten anything today .

I lazily got up and head to the nearest cafe . I just wanna have a nice warm tea .

I got to a cafe called " Bonne Journée" . I think it means ' Have a good day ' in French ? I don't know , most probably . I was never good at French in school .

I opened the door and was immediately greeted by a woman standing behind the counter . So friendly .

I ordered a nice tea and waited for it to be served . It was very nice and quiet , with soft music playing .

Once the cashier had my order , I paid and headed for the door .

The tea slipped out of my hand and I froze at what I was seeing .


I felt the whole world crumble beneath me and I just wanted to die right there .

" Miss . Would you like another one ?" I heard a waitress ask politely .

I ignored her and felt tears falling from my face . I trusted that a*shole .

I stomped out the cafe with so much anger , I'm surprised the floor didn't break .

I walked towards Zach with so much anger boiling inside of me . I pushed Alessandra away and slapped him hard across the face . And when I say hard , I mean hard . His face was so red , it looked like it was about to bleed .

" I trusted you b*tch . F*ck you ."

And after that , I started running and running , back to the park .

I found the same bench and plopped back on it .

I curled up into a ball and started crying . I was about to suffocate , because I couldn't breathe probably . My throat was dry , my nose was so stuffy and I was soaked in tears .

I cried for as long as I remembered and fell asleep there .

The Man In The Mirror  #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now