Break It Off; Piece It Together

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"I'm done..."

Justice and I looked up at Chresanto.

"What you mean you're done?!" Justice called out.

"I'm done with this! I'm done with you!" He yelled, "I want you to pack up your stuff and leave the house...."

"You can't just kick me out!! It's my house!"

"Do you pay the bills?! No! Do you work?! No! Did you buy that nice-ass Cadillac you drive everyday and pay the note for it?! FUCK NO!! I did every damn thing while you were out living the perfect life you thought you deserved! And you hit MY child! I don't know what you're trying to pull, but I'm not gonna entertain it. Y'know? I actually made a good decision in not marrying you, because you would've cause way too much hell for me to handle..."

Damn, my nigga..!

Justice stared at him as a tear escaped her eye.

"Nuh uh! I don't wanna see your tears!" He blurted, "Dry 'em up!"

She quickly wiped her eyes.

He pointed at her, "I want you out of my house by tonight..."

"But that's not enough time!" She protested.

"Fine, I'll help you," Chresanto shrugged, "I don't need you stealing my stuff anyway.."

Justice blinked to prevent the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. Chresanto turned to me and handed me the key to the hotel room.

"If I don't come back in the next three hours, let Jason take you and Trey back to the hotel..."

I nodded and walked off.




"Can I still keep the sweatshirt you gave me?"

Chresanto looked up from the closet, seeing Justice holding up the old sweatshirt that he couldn't fit anymore.

He shrugged, "Sure..."

Justice excitedly shoved the sweatshirt into one of her suitcases. Chresanto raised an eyebrow in amusement and shook his head. Justice looked back and watched as he separated his things from hers.

"Chres, I'm sorry!" She said hoarsely.

He stood up and looked at her, "Kinda late for sorries, don't ya think?"

"But where am I gonna go?! There's nowhere to stay!"

"I don't know, and I honestly don't care..."

"What about what I've done for you? Huh?!"

"What have you done for me, Justice?!"

"I know what you like, Chres!" She walked up to him and slipped her hands under his shirt, "I can make you feel good..."

He chuckled and pushed her away, "Love and lust are two completely different things..."

Justice sighed and walked into the closet. Chresanto walked over to his side of the bed and picked up the gold watch that Justice gave him. He walked up to her and handed her the watch. She looked at it confusingly.

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