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I smiled and scooped Trey into my arms. He hugged my neck and giggled as I kissed his cheek.

Mrs. Underwood walked in and smiled at me, "Hi, sweetheart!"

"Hi, Mrs. Underwood!" I said back to her.

"Oh, baby!" She patted my back, "Call me Momma!"

Chresanto grinned.

"Okay!" I smiled bigger.

She looked at Chresanto, "So! When are you gonna marry her, Chres?"

He blushed and looked at me, "Very soon..."

"Don't be like Jason and wait 3 years to marry her!" She blurted.

"Momma!" Chresanto snapped, "Money was tight for them!"

"For three years, Chres?"

"Yeah! They didn't want to ask anyone for money because their parents were already struggling with it as it was.."

"Alright... Makes some sense."

I giggled and took Trey upstairs to his room.

"Guess what we're gonna do today!" I looked at Trey and sat him down on his bed.

He jumped excitedly, "Are we going to Disney Land?!"

I giggled and sat on the floor in front of him, "Noooo! We'll go with Daddy on one of his off days. Buuut! When he goes to work today, I'm taking you to my old house again to see Uncle Raquan and Auntie Jhoni!"



Trey and I pulled up to the house after a ten-minute drive. Once I stepped out of the car, the front door opened and Jhoni ran outside. Trey freed himself from his booster seat and jumped out the car. Jhoni picked him up and spun him around in the air. I giggled and watched them.

"Auntie Jhoni!!" Trey yelled out, hugging her neck.

Jhoni squeezed him tightly, "Hey, my little caramel gumdrop!"

I walked up to them, "Okay, okay! Don't kill my baby with your death hugs!"

"He's not a baby! He's a big boy!" Jhoni looked at me, then at Trey, "Ain't that right?"

He nodded, "Yup!"

I shrugged, "Well, he's still my baby..."

Trey blushed and hid his face. Jhoni and I laughed at him and walked inside.


I looked towards the stairs and saw Raquan, who was smiling way bigger than usual.

I ran up to him and hugged him tightly, "RAQUAAAAAN!"

"I missed you sooo much!" He mumbled into my shoulder as he hugged me back, "I didn't even see you at the wedding!"

"I was in the very front!" I looked at him and smiled.

He smiled back, "You need to learn to come back and visit! I haven't seen you in what..? Two years?"

"Sorry!" I shrugged.

"Trey!" Jhoni looked at him, "Dani and Brendan are upstairs waiting for you!"

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