Tables Turn

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"YES!! YES, YES, A MILLION TIMES YES!!!" I jumped down and attacked Chresanto with a hug. He stood up and spun me around.

"Oh my God!" I squealed as he put me down.

Chresanto took the ring out the box and slid it onto my finger. I smiled big and eyed the ring.

"Oh my gosh... I'm getting married!!"

Trey ran into the room and jumped up and down, "Yaaaaay!"

I giggled as Chresanto picked him up.

"And I have some news for you two!" I said.

"What is it?" Chresanto asked me.

I held Trey's hand, "Sweetie, do you want a baby brother or sister?"

Trey looked up and back at me, "A brother!"

"Wait, you're pregnant?!"

Chresanto stared at me with wide eyes. I smiled and nodded. The boys both cheered. I laughed and watched them.


~The Wedding Day~

Chresanto's POV:

"You ready, Bro?"

"Yeah! I'm ready!"

I stood still as Jason fixed my tie.

"I told you, Chres!" Craig said behind me, "One day, you were gonna marry Toni! And that day is today!"

I chuckled and looked at him, "Yeah..."

Jason looked at me, "I saw Toni after she got in her dress..."

I stared at him. He shook his head and whistled.

"It's hard to believe she's pregnant.."

I smiled big and took another look at myself in the mirror.

"Ray, you alright?" Craig asked Raquan, "You've been quiet."

"Yeah, I'm fine," He told him.

I stopped what I was doing and walked over to him.

"What's wrong, Ray...?"

He looked up at me and pulled out a picture from his pocket. I eyed him confusingly and took the picture from him.

My heart dropped to my stomach.

It was a picture of Toni kissing on another man. She was sitting on his lap, and it looked like she was trying to undo his pants.

How do I know it's her? She has a tattoo of my name on her thigh. Her dress was short enough for me to see it.

"Wh-When was this?!" I asked, growing angry.

Raquan looked at me, "Look at the date at the bottom right corner..."

I did as told. Jason and Craig looked over my shoulder and scanned the photo.

"Oh gosh," Craig said to himself.

"This was taken yesterday!" Jason blurted.

I tried my best not to crumple the picture, "How did you get this?!"

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