Chapter 3

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Cas was woken up by a scream.

He didn't really remember what had happened, he just knew that he felt like his head was exploding and that he felt like something was wrong. Still he couldn't really concentrate on what exactly was wrong because of his headache.

"Cas, come on, wake up! You're scaring me!" He heard someone whimper and groaned, slowly opening his eyes, wincing at the bright day light. As he had adjusted he blinked at Sam, who was cowering next to him, crying quietly.

"Sam? What's wrong?" He asked quietly and tried to sit up, only to sink back down and bite down a cry. He wanted to remember what had happened right now but he just couldn't concentrate. "What's wrong? Cas, I came home and you w-were laying here a-and there's b-b-blood and Dean's gone and I-I am scared that he's hurt o-o-or dead," Sam whimpered and held onto Cas's hand tightly.

"Hey, he isn't dead, he's still alive. He wouldn't leave you, would he? He won't do the same thing to us twice, he knows we need him," Cas tried to calm Sam but he knew it was pointless. He was scared shitless, too, and he didn't know what happened which didn't make it easier. The only thing he knew was that whatever happened had been quite important and it would determine whether Dean would survive or not.

Sam just whimpered and bit his lip, blaming himself. He should have known that something would happen soon, their father was still on the run after all and it probably had been John Winchester. He should have kept asking what was wrong instead of just accepting Dean's excuse. It would be his fault if Dean died.

"Did you call Jody? Or an ambulance? I really don't feel well and I guess I should get checked out," Cas muttered and tore Sam out of his trace. "Right. I'll do it now, please don't.. You know," Sam muttered and got his phone, calling Jody, an ambulance and the police.


Dean was woken by a loud, high-pitched sound which only increased his pounding headache. He winced and tried to put his hands over his ears to block it out at least slightly but he couldn't move his hands, making him panic.

"Open your goddamn eyes, faggot," he heard a voice growl and swallowed, instantly recognizing its owner. His father had gotten a hold of him and that was terrible, he knew he would die. But the voice made him remember what had happened and a small smile tugged on his lips. He was glad that it was just him and not Sam or Cas, he was worth less than they were and they would be able to move on and live their lives. There was no damage done with him disappearing and being tortured. It was for the best.

"I told you to open your eyes!" John growled and slapped his son which made him open his eyes and look at his father in fear. He swallowed slightly as he took in the older Winchester's features, swallowing softly.

Until he was four, the man always had worn a smile, no matter how gruff he may had looked but after his mother died? John Winchester had never looked more scary, had always that look of anger. His nose looked like it had been broken a few times and the scars he had just showed that the man was no one to joke with. It was the face of his abuser for Dean and it terrified him to no end. It was like reliving that same nightmare again and he had thought it was finally over. He had been getting better, he had finally found something and someone that made him happy and now that was over again – possibly forever. No, scratch that. Dean wouldn't survive this, his father would definitely kill him.

And he would never be able to be happy again or see Cas one last time. Or tell Sam that everything would be alright. He wouldn't be able to spend his life with Cas. Wouldn't be able to become a mechanic and buy a '67 Chevy Impala. He would never eat pie again or go on dates with Cas or tell Sam that he was proud of him. He wouldn't be able to move in together with Cas, he wouldn't be able to hold his niece or nephew.

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