Chapter 12 - The Phone Call

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Class Time - Monday - 12 Hours & 30 Minutes Until Curfew

May 19

Noelle's POV

Rana made her way to the front of the room, "Okay, everyone, please take your seats. Avon put the book away. Has anyone seen Bruce?"

"I'm here! He called as he ran into the class. On his way, he tripped over a chair and fell face first onto the floor, dropping all of his stuff. I saw Blaze start snickering, and Aria smacked her arm, "Be nice."

Rana sighed as Zephira helped Bruce up, and Jasper began picking up his stuff. Poor Bruce looked stressed as ever.

"Oh, shoot. I forgot my lesson. Aria, could you take attendance for me, I need to go grab my stuff." Rana seemed even more stressed than Bruce, but I wouldn't be surprised. We're apparently being targeted by someone. I can't see any one of us being a traitor though. Not even Vane. Yeah, he's an annoying little swear word but I don't think he's evil. He's just a horrible monster who feeds off of my anger.

"Yep!" Aria walked to Rana's podium, just as Bruce took his seat.

"I'm here..." She mumbled to herself, "Avon-San ga imasu ka?" (Is Avon here?)

"Here!" He called. We've all gotten used to Aria's habit of speaking in Japanese all the time, and this would not be the first time she's taken attendance.

"Baka-San ga imasu ka?" (Is idiot here?)

"Hi!" I don't know what she did, but Aria has been calling Blaze an idiot since they got back from the ice cream shop yesterday.

"Bruce-San ga imasu ka?" (Is Bruce he- okay, you get the idea.)

"Yep." He wasn't even looking up. He had his head resting on his arms, like usual.

"Elisia-San ga imasu ka?"

"What?" Like always, the purple-haired electro-weirdo wasn't paying attention.

"Jasper-San ga imasu ka?"


"Lanny-Sama ga imasu ka?"

"Hai, imasu!" He called. (Yes, I'm here) Of course, Lanny was the only one of us who actually knew how to properly reply in Japanese. He's been learning from Aria for years.

"Lucas-San ga imasu ka?"

"Iie, Imasen." (No, not here) Was the reply, from Lanny, "Rana gave him the day off to rest. He's still recovering from yesterday.

(I know that was right. That is actually how my Japanese teacher took attendance when Japanese was an option at our school.)

Fast forward until attendance is done

"I know you're all too lazy to catch up on the news, so you might not know about the explosion at the ice cream shop yesterday." Rana paused.

"I was vaguely aware..." Lanny said, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Blaze, what did you do?" Marigold turned to the redhead.

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