Chapter 4

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"It's Christmas wake up." Charlie said shaking my shoulder.

"I want to sleep!" I moaned.

"You have presents." I sat up. "Get dressed into something nice then meet us downstairs." My door shut and I got out of bed and made myself look presentable. I walked downstairs and to the now decorated room (I helped set the tree up last night.)

"Merry Christmas." I said hugging June and Charlie. We started to open presents and I got loads of sweets! A range of wall decorations for my room, an ankle bracelet from June, dog stuff for Harley! The glee box set! More clothes, a note saying that I'm getting my ears pierced the day after tomorrow and a phone from Charlie! I have a phone!

"Do you know how to use it?" Charlie asked sitting on the floor next to me. June was cooking Christmas dinner and I was trying to get the phone working.

"No, did I whack it? Is it broken?" I asked shaking it.

"You haven't even turned it on." Charlie held down the red button and it lit up. "See, now it shows how to set it up." After the on-screen instructions I had a phone.

"I have games and a camera. I have to give you your presents now." I jumped up and handed Charlie his 'box'. He opened the box and started laughing.

"I love it!" You'll never guess what I got him....

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air box set!

I'm cheesy... but awesome!

"June I have your present." I skipped over to the kitchen, I handed her the present and she opened it.

"They're beautiful." I was a necklace with butterfly on it and some matching earrings.

"That's why I picked them. I have to give Harley her present." I rushed back into the living room and looked under the tree, Harley was tucking into her present. "Are you happy Harley?" I asked.

"Bark, Bark!" Animals still understand me! Shame I don't understand them.

Still something bothered me; I didn't know where Harry lived. If I was on the street I could tell you which house it was. I don't know what the street was called. The present was in my bedside table along with all the letters I had written to him but never sent. I felt sad in a way because I was living a happy life with people who loved me while Harry was still being tortured by the Dursley's. I can't think about the past anymore. It hurts too much; I get pains in my chest every time I think of him.

I'm Melissa (Missa) David. Nothing more nothing less. I'm no longer the person who came here 2 years ago... I'm letting go of the past. Starting with the letters, I was going to burn them! Grabbing a matchbox out the cupboard I walked to my room and locked the door behind me and walked straight to my bed.

"Harry, I'm never going to see you again so I'm going to remove you from my life. I'm sorry but this is best for me. I wrote a letter every day for you not knowing where to send them too; I kept each one. Sometimes I can't remember your face it's been that long. If we saw each other in the streets when we're 30 and have loads of kids we wouldn't recognise each other so there's no point keeping the photos. I miss you big brother and hope you live a happy and long life. You're..."

Wait I can't remember what he called me... it doesn't matter, I'll never be called that name again.

I wrote the letter then put it with the rest of them, the photos and sweets inside a metal tub.

"This is the hardest thing I'm ever gonna do. Goodbye Harry." I lit the match and then dropped it in the tub, I watched everything burn and turn to dust. Harry was out of my life...

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