Chapter 5

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"I have all my stuff!" I shouted. "We'll miss the train!"

"Ok, we're coming." We spent the weekend in London now on the 1st September we had to go back to Oxford. "Kings Cross at 11 O'clock. "Are you sure you have all your shopping?" Charlie said starting to panic.

"Yes I have everything for the millionth time, stop panicking." I said as he picked up one of my heavy bags.

"Thank you. Let's go I want to show everyone my outfits and I have gossip to pass on!" We called for a taxi and put our stuff in the boot and sat in the taxi. "Kings Cross." I quickly said.

"I think we're gonna make it." Charlie said as we pulled away.

"Going back home to June, when am I going for my bridesmaid dress fitting?" I asked acting the cheerful self I am always.

"I have no idea, that's not my business." He joked Charlie's more like the cool big brother then a dad, I'M NOT COMPLAINING!

"What was my name before David?" I asked just having a brain wave.

"It was Lower. Melissa Lower." I nodded, I'd forgotten what it was... now I remember! How could I have forgotten?!

"How could I have forgotten something like that?" I questioned.

"I'm not surprised you blocked it out. I remember when you first turned up in the station. You had hijacked a car and crashed it into a lamp post. You haven't had the best childhood. But you've been happy."

We finally got to kings cross and gave our luggage to a guy and machine and I put my rucksack on and walked down to platform 9. We were early so we sat on the bench and watch loads of kids with owls rush passed. Probably a boarding school.

"I'm gonna go and check the train times." Charlie said standing and walking off. I turned around and saw a boy run though the wall...


Run through a wall...

That's not normal!

I looked at some twins as they walked over and sat next to me.

"I'm guessing you saw that?" One of them asked.

"Yes." I simply answered.

"Don't tell mum, she'll wipe your memory." I looked at the other in shock.

"W--wipe my memory?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, well we have to go see ya." They said at the same time before leaving. I put on some makeup, put my big sunglasses on, sorted my hair out and a load of bangles. Now I look like Melissa. I had to calm myself down after all, those boys were probably just joking... I hadn't really seen someone run through a wall.

"Melissa?" I heard someone say, I turned to my side to see Draco Malfoy.

"Draco? Is that you?" I stood up and walked over. "It's been 2 years."

"Yeah, I saw you getting arrested. How was that?" He asked giving me a hug.

"It was amazing, I met new friends. Ray and Neil and I saw my drug friend Jacob again... he killed himself last year. Poor guy. Anyway what about you? How have you been?"

"Fine, haven't done much. Home-schooled, ate food, lived a boring life. Where are you heading?"

"Back to Oxford, I start the Midtown soon. I did get another school offer but I declined; wanted to be with all my friends. Is it normal that the headmaster gives a personal visit, this old man with a really long beard, Dumble or something, and he personally invited me to his school which I found weird. I'm taking too much. Sorry, what about you? Where are you going?" I quickly said.

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