Chapter Six

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"Ah! What's wrong with you? Is that gonna happen to all of us?!" Peter's frantic yells made me regain consciousness, jumping to a stand at his loud voice.

"What? No." Hank said since he was the source of Peter's shouting. "I just left my meds in the house." He said, waving it off as he stood along with the others.

I looked around, an annoyed laugh coming from my mouth. "Oh goodie. I'm in a prison cell. Again." I turned to Peter, pointing to him. "You're here too! Just like last time." I said in a fake happy tone. Stryker appeared in one of the windowed panels at the top of the room, making my eyes narrow. "Hey asshole!"

He leaned forward and pressed a button that allowed us to hear him over the speakers in the room we were held in. "Hello, Beth. I was hoping you guys might be able to give me some information about the explosion at the school." He said in a sinister tone.

I scoffed and stepped a little closer to that side of the room. "Some blue guy took Charles, that's it!" I shouted. "Now where are we?"

Stryker let out a low chuckle, shaking his head. " I wouldn't get too close to the wall if I were you. It might cause some... discomfort." 

Moira stepped up next to me, her eyes narrowed. "I'm Moira MacTaggert, I'm a senior officer at the CIA."

"I know who you are, Agent MacTaggert." William said over the intercom.

"You can not keep me here in this-" 

"Actually, I can. The psychic event that just destroyed ever Nuke from here to Moscow, that even emanated from exactly where we found you. At the home of the world's most powerful psychic. So, are you going to tell me? Where is Charles Xavier?" Stryker said sternly. 

I shook my head. "Clearly before you weren't listening, jug head. Charles was taken! The man who took him did this! He's far more powerful. He's who you should be worried about!" I shouted, getting a little too close to the walls he told us to stay away from, Peter pulling me back.

"If you let us out of here, we can help you." Raven tried to reason.

"Do you really expect me to believe that?" William hissed. 

"You should because otherwise you're an idiot, and idiots don't get laid." I shot back. 

"You should!" Raven said, defending us. 

"You can put on any face you want, I still know who you are. What you are." He said before walking away.

"Hey, Beth..." Hank said quietly, turning to me. "What did you mean when you said someone more powerful than Charles?" 

I looked to Moira, seeing her looking at me with wide eyes. "I saw it in Moira's head... Terribly sorry for intruding." I looked back to Hank and sighed. "I'm kind of curious about what he meant with the walls.." I smirked and began inching my hand towards the wall that was lit with green lights. 

"This is not going to end well." Raven said. 

"You've known me for how long now? You should know I don't make good choi-" I was cut off when I was immediately shocked by the wall, sending me to the ground. "-ces..." 

"You okay? Peter asked, helping me off the ground. 

I nodded and pat him on the shoulder. "I'm good, kid." He gave me a small smile, walking over towards Raven. 

"Do you know him? Magneto?" He asked, putting his hand on her shoulder to get her attention. 

"I used to..." Raven replied quietly. "Not so sure anymore..."

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