Chapter Nine

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A/N: So... I recently got a job so my updates might be a little slow. BUT I'M FINALLY FEELING BETTER!!!! Have this Sebby Stan pic as a thank you from me to you guys for sticking by me :) ALSO!! I made Scott and Jean go with Kurt inside the pyramid for some reason but I can't exactly change it now because I wrote this like five days ago and well... Everything would be different if I went back to change that :/

"Does anyone else feel like throwing up?" I asked, looking around the area after we landed the plane and stepped out of it into the ruins of the city

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"Does anyone else feel like throwing up?" I asked, looking around the area after we landed the plane and stepped out of it into the ruins of the city. "Because I feel like I'm going to throw up." Scott came up behind me, taking my hand in his and squeezing it tightly.

"Hank, Beth, you go with the kids. Moira will be waiting on the plane." Raven said as we continued walking away from the plane.

Amy stopped, causing me to bump into her since she was ahead of us. "Wait though." She spoke, making everyone come to a stop. "Not all of us can fully control our powers."

"Then don't." Raven offered. "You need to embrace them..." Raven began transforming into her natural blue form. "We all do."

I smiled. "Mutant and proud!" I said while enthusiastically pumping my free fist into the air causing everyone to chuckle. Raven gave everyone one last look of reassurance before turning and being sped away to Erik by Peter. "Sooo... What now?"

"We save Charles." Hank announced, running past us and towards the pyramid. We all followed a few seconds after, dodging debris.

"Oh my god... We're going to die." Amy mumbled behind me.

I turned to look at her and frowned. "No we're not. No one is going to die! Look," I paused, pointing towards the structure. "There's an opening. It's clear, we'll be fine." My confident moment was cut short when a figure began flying towards us from the Pyramid. "Ruin my pep talk, why don't you!" I yelled before I turned to Jean and Scott. "Get Kurt in there! You have to save Charles! Amy, Hank and I will take care of bird boy." They nodded and disappeared in a cloud of blue smoke. As soon as I turned back towards the flying man, he shot shards of metal at us, triggering me to put up a shield with my powers."Oh, you want to play dirty? Bring it on bird boy!"

He growled and turned sharply, flying back towards the pyramid that held Charles.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair, now wishing it wasn't down to my waist due to the fact that people were attacking us. "Well. Now what? We have no way in there and-" I was cut off by lightning striking about a foot ahead of me, a girl landing on the ground seconds after. "Great. More people..."

I tilted my head to crack my neck in an attempt to be intimidating, but she wasn't buying it and she raised her arms to summon strong winds. She then used the wind to throw a car at us, Hank catching it with ease and throwing it back to her. "Hah! Not so strong now are y-" I stopped myself from saying the rest when a woman cut through the car, splitting it in half so that it wouldn't hit the one with the weather powers. I rolled my eyes and had my arms out beside me, purple energy going through my body and forming huge orb like substances in my hands.

"Split them up." The one with the swords ordered. The other one nodding and rising in the air, forming lightening and shooting it at Hank. I watched as Amy used vines to pull her out of the air and throw her to the ground violently.

I tilted my head and smirked. "Looks like it's you and me, swordy." Before she could react, I shot the orbs at her, sending her flying into a building. I stupidly decided to walk over to her only to be kicked over and have a sword held against my neck as I lay on the dirt covered ground. "You know, I don't like you, but the fact that you have the ability to make a purple fucking blade with your hand is awesome." I then shot her off of me and I stood. "But still, you took my husband away from me so." She stood quickly, gritting her teeth as she looked at me. Her hands balled into fists and she formed a purple lasso in her hand. "Shit." I muttered right before the lasso wrapped around my torso.

The woman threw me against a wall, apparently really hard because I went straight through it and made hard impact with the one opposite of the now broken one. I groaned in pain as I tried to stand, failing each time. The lasso was suddenly around my neck, causing me to try and gasp for air. I wrapped my hand around it, trying to pry it off of me only to be yanked harder by her. I tried to dig my heels into the ground as she pulled me in hopes of stopping it, but it was no use.

My eyes widened, suddenly feeling stupid as hell. I formed the purple energy into a ball once more and shot it through myself and into her once she stood me up for the kill. She flew backwards, much to my surprise, I had no idea I had made it so strong. As soon as she rose from the ground, I used my powers to throw her into a few buildings and then some. I smirked to myself, getting ready to find everyone when I was picked up by the bird guy and thrown onto a rooftop. I narrowed my eyes at him, putting my arms out in front of me and focusing all of my powers on his wings.

He struggling in the grasp of my powers which was expected. I smirked at his worried face as I clenched my fists and began spreading my arms. He screamed in agony as the wings were being ripped out of him. I gave an emotionless chuckle. "I don't like doing this anymore than you like receiving it!" My joy of having the upper hand was cut short when a sharp pain split through my back and out my stomach.


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